QuickLaTeX is free online service which allows LaTeX usage on the web pages.
QuickLaTeX supports tikZ
graphics since version 3.7.1.
User can insert tikZ
code snippets directly on the page (in WordPress editor) between \begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}
commands. QuickLaTeX will render it into image and place on the page.
By default, tikz
is not included into QuickLaTeX preamble, so user has to include tikz
package in the local preamble manually using [+preamble] ... [/preamble]
Let’s check few examples. Plotting:
\begin{tikzpicture} % Include tikz into local preamble [+preamble] \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepgfplotslibrary{fillbetween} \usetikzlibrary{patterns} \usepackage{color} [/preamble] \begin{axis}[ axis equal, %domain=-3:3, grid, grid style={dashed,gray!30}, smooth, xmin=-2, xmax=2, ymin=-1.5, ymax=3.5, axis lines=middle, xlabel=$x$, xlabel style={below, anchor=north east,inner xsep=0pt}, xtick={-2,...,2}, ylabel=$y$, ylabel style={above,anchor=north east,inner ysep=0pt}, ytick={-1,...,3}, samples=100, %legend cell align=left, %legend pos=outer north east, legend style={at={(1,1)},xshift=0cm,anchor=north east,nodes=right,fill=none} ] \addplot[red,name path=f1,mark=none,domain=-2:2,line legend,thick] {3-x^2}; \addlegendentry{$f_{1}(x)$} \addplot[blue,name path=f2,mark=none,domain=-1.4:1.4, line legend,thick] {3*x^2-1}; \addlegendentry{$f_{2}(x)$} \path[name path=lower,intersection segments={of=f1 and f2,sequence=B0 --A1}]; \addplot[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=green]fill between[of=f2 and lower]; \addlegendentry{$\cal{A}$} \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}
QuickLaTeX will render it on the page as:
A little more elaborate example is Rotated triangle by Martin Scharrer:
\begin{tikzpicture} [+preamble] \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,pdftex]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz,ifthen} [/preamble] \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (-60:12cm); \coordinate (C) at (240:12cm); \foreach \density in {20,30,...,160}{% \draw[fill=MidnightBlue!\density] (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle; \path (A) coordinate (X) -- (B) coordinate[pos=.15](A) -- (C) coordinate[pos=.15](B) -- (X) coordinate[pos=.15](C); } \end{tikzpicture}
User can scale drawings with \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=N] .... \end{tikzpicture}
as usual, e.g. [scale=0.5]
can’t display:
Somehow new version of TikZ doesn’t work with [scale=2]. If we remove it – everything works fine (as you see).
Hello. I seem to have trouble making QuickLatex recognize dvips color names when used in pgfplots graphics. The best example I can find is… from this very page: the beautiful sequence of nested rotated triangles appears in grey scales, while the color should be MidnightBlue (the other example looks fine, but does not use dvipsnames). If I check the original link (https://texample.net/tikz/examples/rotated-triangle/#c604), the figure does look in blue shades.
I have tried to put the [dvipsnames] option in the general preamble of the site:
or to pass the global option to the class:
and finally to use
I also tried the [dvipsnames] option in the local preamble (exactly like in the example above). Nothing seems to work for me.
Thank you in advance for any insights.
Hi Pavel,
You’re doing a great job.
I have a question: how can we include or import ready made figures in quicklatex? Like npg, jpg, eps, pdf files etc.?
Thank you,
Please use WordPress editor (or HTML) to insert the image files into your posts.
QuickLaTeX only renders the code, it cannot work with external files.