
August 3, 20153.8.3. Image size reduction using OptiPNG, minimized memory usage.
July 4, 20153.8.2. New server, compatibility with WP-LaTeX.
December 24, 20143.8.1. Switched to non-blocking connections to server.
November 15, 20123.8.0. Added rendering to SVG format.
September 22, 20113.7.9. Fixed semi-critical bug in parsing.
July 25, 20113.7.8. Handling of HTTP requests errors.
May 9, 20113.7.7. Server update, bug fixes in plugin & chemistry packages support.
February 22, 20113.7.6. Fixed markup to avoid HTML validation warnings.
February 18, 20113.7.5. Preview formulas in comments before publishing.
February 14, 20113.7.4. Escaping facility for [latexpage] tag.
February 10, 20113.7.3. Equation referencing by \label{} and \ref{},etc.
February 4, 20113.7.2. Resolved CSS collisions with some themes.
February 3, 20113.7.1. Native LaTeX syntax support, TikZ graphics, etc.
October 25, 20103.0.0. Custom LaTeX preamble, font properties tuning, etc.


This is homepage of QuickLaTeX service which allows easy inclusion of math formulas and graphics in WordPress using LaTeX & TikZ. One of the main advantages over similar services is capability of using native LaTeX syntax directly in the posts, pages and comments without special enclosing tags for every equation.


(Sincere gratitude to Kim Kirkpatrick for his contributions to this plugin. Miss you my dear friend, may your soul rest in peace.)

  • Support of native LaTeX shorthands embedded in the text:
    $ ... $, \[ ... \], \( ... \), $$ ... $$ and environments: equation, align, displaymath, eqnarray, multline, flalign, gather, and alignat.

  • Equation auto-numbering/labeling/referencing by LaTeX rules. Manual equation number setup by \tag{} command, label by \label{} and referencing by \ref{} anywhere in the text.

  • Allows custom LaTeX preamble to use additional \usepackage{} and \newcommand{}.

  • TikZ graphics support. User can write TikZ commands directly in the post using \begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}. QuickLaTeX will render them into image such that text on the picture and on the page will be of the same size.

  • Correct vertical formula positioning relative to baseline of surrounding text. QuickLaTeX calculates correct vertical alignment for the formulas and places them on the text line properly without “jumpy” look.

  • Rendering into vector image format SVG, which means formulas are always crisp and preserve high-resolution quality regardless of zooming factor in the browser. Automatic detection of browser capabilities and silent fall back to raster PNG images for older browsers. This is essential for modern high-dpi screens (Retina, Super Amoled, etc.)

  • Meaningful error messages for mistakes in LaTeX code.

  • No LaTeX installation is required on user’s hosting account. You just need to install WP-QuickLaTeX plugin for WordPress. QuickLaTeX is based on custom made software for LaTeX to WordPress conversion, highly optimized and integrated to server architecture.

  • Easy-to-use administrative page for parameters tuning.

  • Although using native LaTeX syntax is recommended way in QuickLaTeX, legacy equations enclosed with [latex] ... [/latex], [math] ... [/math] are still supported. No need to change existing pages.
    Just use native LaTeX syntax for new pages.

For quick preview of all the features feel free to check math pages on this site – it is fully powered by QuickLaTeX.

Crash course

Place [latexpage] in the post, page or comment to activate LaTeX syntax, e.g.:

QuickLaTeX will compile it to:

Example of tikZ graphics inclusion (you can copy and paste it in WordPress post for tests):

       \addplot3[surf,domain=0:360,samples=40] {cos(x)*cos(y)};

QuickLaTeX will render it into image and place on the page horizontally centered.

Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

Another example of tikZ picture rendered by QuickLaTeX (shown without source code and taken from exellent http://www.texample.net/ collection):

Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

Several other tikZ examples can be found here.


The simplest way is to install WP-QuickLaTeX using “Plugin->Add new” command in your administrative interface.

Sites Powered by QuickLaTeX

Based on statistics, QuickLaTeX server handles about 2 requests per second for formulas generation. QuickLaTeX has been downloaded for about 4000 times. If you want your site to be included in the list below, please send me a link.

Stochastic Analysis Seminar
Princeton University. Please note that all figures on the website are generated by QuickLaTeX too (using the TikZ package).
I’m a bandit
Random topics on optimization, probability, and statistics.
A blog By Sébastien Bubeck devoted to mathematics of sequential decision making.
Alex Chinco’s research notebook
Personal website of finance PhD student at NYU. Great example of professional QuickLaTeX usage – inline/display equations with auto-numbering, custom packages and more.
eBay Tech Blog
Have excellent series of posts devoted to fast computation of logarithms.
Building Intelligent Probabilistic Systems
Machine learning, statistics, neuroscience, everything…
A blog of the Harvard Intelligent Probabilistic Systems group. Example of LaTeX-enabled post: The Central Limit Theorem.
Walking Randomly
Blog by Mike Croucher
The prominent blog in the field of mathematical software.
A blog by Rob J. Hyndman on doing research in sta­tis­tics
Please take a look at Forecasting: principles and practice online book by the same author.
Some TeX Developments
Joseph Wright’s blog on TeX-world news and developments. He is one of the most respected guru on {TeX} Q&A, member of the LaTeX Project and he is on the Committee of the UK TeX User Group (UK-TUG).
Chemistry and LaTeX
Clemens Niederberger’s blog on how to marry chemical diagrams of any kind with \LaTeX. He is the author of myChemistry – advanced package for high-quality typesetting of “organic structures, empirical formulæ and chemical reactions” with \LaTeX. If you are looking for professional examples of QuickLaTeX usage in chemistry context – this is the site you don’t want to miss.
Multiprecision Computing Toolbox for MATLAB
Software which enables arbitrary precision computing in MATLAB.
The Spectrum Of Riemannium
Physmatics and the Polyverse in a nutshell.
Teaching Math Strategies – For Solid Math Learning
MathFour.com is a free website with regularly updated and dynamic content for creatively teaching math – in both classrooms and homeschools! It’s based out of Houston, Texas, but applicable to a global math audience.


Usage of QuickLaTeX.com, WP-QuickLaTeX is free under a linkware license. Which means that service can be used (a) on non-commercial websites (b) with visible and direct backlink to QuickLaTeX.com or plugin’s homepage.

Most people keep 'Powered by WordPress' link, why not let others know about QuickLaTeX service too? How about this:

Powered by WordPress with QuickLaTeX

A commercial license is available which removes the requirement for attribution. Contact me for details.

I appreciate suggestions for further development of the service, so feel free to email me any advice. Your feedback is a driving force of my motivation.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (44 votes, average: 4.82)


  1. MrBrown
    Posted May 25, 2009 at 6:27 am | #

    nice plugin, just one question: why you don’t provide also MathML output for the formulas? At least for browsers that support it, and generate the image for other browsers?

    • Posted May 25, 2009 at 11:30 am | #

      Thank you for the good question!

      Main reason is that support of MathML in the browsers is not mature enough. They still render MathML equations in poor quality.

      For example, LaTeX produces nice looking formula y=\sqrt{1-x^2}. Whereas Firefox renders the same formula in MathML notation as: Firefox MathML rendering with jumping square root sign.

      Another thing is that there are several LaTeX to MathML converters but none of them solves the task perfectly.

      I think MathML is future of math publishing in the web and I will include it in WP-QuickLaTeX someday, but for the moment LaTeX-to-image conversion method is the best in the sense of rendering quality.

      • MrBrown
        Posted May 25, 2009 at 4:11 pm | #

        Thanks for the very clear reply.
        Since I need to display math formulas in an academic website, I am using a mixed solution based on Javascript (JS does the conversion from LaTeX) that displays MathML in Firefox and creates an image for other browsers.

        Now, my solution works quite well, but there are some alignment problems with text and formulas’ images. So I am very interested in your solution but for some reasons, I can’t use QuickLaTeX.com service but I can ask to my co-workers to set up a “dedicated” conversion service (the main reason is that the website has a lot of traffic and we can install LaTeX software).

        Can I have more info about how your conversion service works? And, would be possible to have a copy of the conversion script? If you want, you can send to me also a private message.
        Thanks in advance!

      • Nathanaël Fijalkow
        Posted May 12, 2014 at 8:42 pm | #

        Your answer from 2009 says MathML isn’t mature enough. Is it still the case today?

        Thanks for your answer

        • Posted May 12, 2014 at 8:58 pm | #

          Well, you can easily judge for yourself.

          Just one example as for functionality. Typical LaTeX distribution includes hundreds of additional packages for all sorts of things and has size of a DVD. I am having a hard time imagining how MathML can replace all of the functionality and extensions.

          Check tikZ graphics support as one of the examples above.

          LaTeX is a clever markup & programming language itself – probably it would be much better to use it directly than re-inventing the wheel. QuickLaTeX is trying to follow this idea. It allows using native LaTeX markup and extensions relying on complete LaTeX distribution on a server side.

          Again I might be terribly wrong about this.

    • Jana
      Posted April 10, 2020 at 2:20 pm | #


      May I know how to use this QuickLaTex plugin to write Physics formulae for radioactivity?

      For example to write the formulae for:
      Uranium ((_92^235)U) decays into Thorium ((_90^231)Th)

      This: ((_92^235)U) can be rendered in Word document to show the radioactivity symbol for uranium-235.

      I tried using the open and close [latex] tag, but it doesn’t work.

      Is it possible you could provide some sample tag to use for Physics?

      Thank you very much.

      • Posted April 10, 2020 at 3:01 pm | #

        Apparently you need to use some special package for this. Quick google search suggests mhchem package, e.g.:


        Renders to  \ce{^{231}_{90}Th+}. Of course, you just need to put the package into global preamble of your website (to avoid its inclusion in every formula).
        See QuickLaTeX->Advanced settings.

  2. Posted June 16, 2009 at 5:55 pm | #

    When I have installed your plugin I get an error:

    Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /plugins/wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 76

    Any idea?

    • Posted June 16, 2009 at 6:15 pm | #

      This means that PHP function file_get_contents() is disabled on the server where you host your site. Some hosting companies do that as extra security measure.

      Now my plugin uses this function to get formula from the QuickLaTeX.com.
      I’m planning to add support of such restricted servers in the future versions.

      • Posted June 17, 2009 at 2:02 pm | #

        Thanks for the quick reply!

        • Posted June 22, 2009 at 4:52 pm | #

          I’ve made changes to fix this problem. Please download and try the latest version of the plugin.

          • Posted July 8, 2011 at 5:39 pm | #

            Hi! At first: great approach, the only plugin that supports real \textrm{\LaTeX} and not just typesetting of formulas. Very cool.
            Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with my free hosting service bplaced.net which is blocking sockets as far as I know. Is there any method to get it working?
            If it helps: The plugins Easy WP LaTeX and WP LaTeX work properly.

          • Posted July 8, 2011 at 7:52 pm | #

            In order to offer advanced features you’ve mentioned – QuickLaTeX needs more complicated communication with server than other plugins do.

            Also we use several methods of communication – depending on hosting capabilities (we use WordPress kernel function for that) .
            I guess your hosting provider disables any possible approaches to get content from remote servers. Sorry, I cannot help with this.

          • Posted July 27, 2011 at 7:15 pm | #

            Hey, if anyone else got this issue: I moved over to the hoster square7.ch, now everything works fine. Thank you.

  3. Posted August 4, 2009 at 2:22 am | #

    Hi there, I try to use your plugin to write a simple formula from least square method. The equation should have a beta hat = (X transpose X) inverse X transpose Y. I just don’t know how to get it right since I can not make the inverse sign (power -1) works right. I can do it with easy latex by this code  (X^T X)^(-1) X^T Y , but your plugin can not do that. Any suggestion how to make it right?

    • Pavel Holoborodko
      Posted August 4, 2009 at 8:52 pm | #

      In LaTeX, if you want to write something like A^{-1} you should use this code: A^{-1} and not A^(-1) which is plain incorrect.
      For your particular formula we get: (X^T X)^{-1} X^T.

      • Posted August 6, 2009 at 4:14 pm | #

        OK thank, it works well.
        There is one more thing, I want to use a hat on the beta, I try  \hat \beta = (X^T X)^{-1} X^T Y , but it doesn’t work. Sorry, novice question.

  4. Posted August 6, 2009 at 4:15 pm | #

    Wow, it works well with your plugin. Thank you very much.

  5. Charlie
    Posted August 16, 2009 at 3:54 am | #

    Hi Pavel, I am getting:
    Error: Cannot create dvi file
    Is the service down?

    • Posted August 16, 2009 at 7:02 pm | #

      No, that means there is an error in you formula. When this happens QuickLaTeX shows error icon instead of the formula. If you drag mouse pointer to the area of that icon – tooltip with the detailed expanation of the error will be shown.

      See screenshot: here.

  6. Posted August 18, 2009 at 8:00 pm | #

    I have simiral problem as Charlie. Using \alpha works, but \cos\alpha doesn’t.
    I think, it’s because previously created formulas (matrices, more complex things than just “\cos”,…) works, new doesn’t.

    Error: Cannot create dvi file

    Thanks for answer ;).

    • Posted August 18, 2009 at 8:23 pm | #

      Thank you for the debugging!! I’m fixing this bug right now.

      • Posted August 19, 2009 at 4:17 am | #

        Fine. Now it works like a charm ;).

        Good job.

  7. JorgeGT
    Posted August 24, 2009 at 11:39 pm | #

    Hello! Yours is a great service! but, just a pair of questions:
    Is there a way to get displaymath LaTeX output?
    If there isn’t, do you plan on implementing this on future releases of your rendering engine?

    Anyway, congratulations and thank you for your work! =)

    • JorgeGT
      Posted August 24, 2009 at 11:43 pm | #

      Well, I just discovered that \displaystyle does the trick ^_^
      Sorry! you can delete this thread if you want…

  8. Posted September 16, 2009 at 7:43 pm | #

    Hello from turkey. I tried other 3 wp latex plugin too. But yours best. (May be transparency or something else but yours best). I need to say that if you add more services to your plugin, this may perfect. And this is last one: If all servers down we may not add latex equations so can you add an option to convert pics with our server like wp-latex plugin?

    • Posted September 16, 2009 at 8:58 pm | #


      There are several unique features which make my service distinct from the others: correct formula positioning and meaningful error messages.

      Other services (like wordpress, mimitex,etc) don’t include these features which make them incompatible/interchangeable with my plugin. That is why I have no plans to support them in the future.

      As for the second question about self-hosted service – I’m not ready to share all the source code and scripts. Maybe I’ll do this in the future.

  9. Posted September 19, 2009 at 2:35 am | #

    Thanks for the great work!
    I’ve got some problem with the “-” sign though. When I use something like “\sqrt{1 – 2}” in a formula, the renderer will drop the “-” and just show the squareroot of 12. When I write “\sqrt{1-2}” it works as it should. This is kind of annoying, because my formula editor always exports the tex-code with the whitespaces. And it works fine with ” + “, …
    Would it be much work to fix this?

  10. Posted September 20, 2009 at 5:50 am | #

    And another bug: The first derivative of a function is displayed correctly as f ‘.
    The second derivative however drops both dashes, so if I write f ” it is just displayed as f. It does the same when I add a whitespace between the dashes.

    • Posted September 21, 2009 at 11:25 am | #

      Both bugs are fixed. Sometimes WordPress uses non ASCII encoding for simple symbols like minus or prime. Such extended encoding is not supported by LaTeX. That was the cause.

      Please download and check out the latest version of the plugin.

      Thank you very much for your help!

  11. Posted September 29, 2009 at 8:11 pm | #

    Hi there,

    My website just crashed with the following formula:

    ” (0 – 2,27)^2 + (0 – 2,27)^2 + (0 – 2,27)^2 + (0 – 2,27)^2 + (0 – 2,27)^2 + (1 – 2,27)^2 + (1 – 2,27)^2 + (2 – 2,27)^2 + (2 – 2,27)^2 + (2 – 2,27)^2 + (3 – 2,27)^2 + (3 – 2,27)^2 + (3 – 2,27)^2 + (3 – 2,27)^2 + (3 – 2,27)^2 + (4 – 2,27)^2 + (4 – 2,27)^2 + (4 – 2,27)^2 + (4 – 2,27)^2 + (5 – 2,27)^2 + (5 – 2,27)^2 ”

    Replacing ” by the latex tags.

    Any ideas?

  12. Posted September 29, 2009 at 8:20 pm | #

    I don’t see any problem with this formula:

        \[ (0 - 2,27)^2 + (0 - 2,27)^2 + (0 - 2,27)^2 + (0 - 2,27)^2 + (0 - 2,27)^2 + (1 - 2,27)^2 + (1 - 2,27)^2 + (2 - 2,27)^2 + (2 - 2,27)^2 + (2 - 2,27)^2 + (3 - 2,27)^2 + (3 - 2,27)^2 + (3 - 2,27)^2 + (3 - 2,27)^2 + (3 - 2,27)^2 + (4 - 2,27)^2 + (4 - 2,27)^2 + (4 - 2,27)^2 + (4 - 2,27)^2 + (5 - 2,27)^2 + (5 - 2,27)^2\]

  13. Posted September 29, 2009 at 9:08 pm | #

    I do: http://www.janbroos.nl/
    Got this error when activating this formula. Please respond when seen. I solved it by putting the formula out of latex, it is possible but not the best solution.

    • Posted September 29, 2009 at 9:16 pm | #

      I see correctly compiled formula on your site. No problems appearing. What do you mean by “error”?

  14. Posted September 29, 2009 at 10:12 pm | #


    Now I do to, strange, I think the server needed time to process or something.
    Well thanks!

  15. Posted November 3, 2009 at 11:36 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I found your plugin to be the best latex plugin for wordpress amond al out there.. I am using it in a preliminary technical blog I am keeping for my own bookkeeping purposes. Just wanted to say thanks !

  16. Vadim
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 2:04 pm | #

    Hi, thank for the plugin,

    I have a free hosting which does not allow for cURL, fsock, get_contents… So, I am personally not aware of any other methods to get a contents of an external file. So, what do you think, is it possible to provide another way to put formula images from your website on pages?

    For example, http://www.quicklatex.com/image/latex.f?formula=… or http://www.quicklatex.com/latex.f?image&formula=… or something like that.

    If there is an error in the formula, well, you can just place an error sign without explanation, it is not really a problem (not the one I would care about). The only real problem I see is that the image is supposed to be shifted depending on the base line. I don’t think there is any way to provide this information with image only, but one way to solve this would be to make a constant shift for all images (something like a maximum shift for all symbols). Maybe there is another better way?

  17. Posted November 20, 2009 at 1:30 pm | #

    Is it possible to use the align environment from amsmath? I tried using [math]\begin{align*} etc., but it causes an error.

    • Posted November 20, 2009 at 9:24 pm | #

      I’m afraid no. QuickLatex treats all formulas in inline mode, but {align} needs to be used in display mode.

      • Posted November 24, 2009 at 10:28 am | #

        Any chance of you adding display mode as an option then? I know I can fudge a single equation with \displaystyle... but anything involving multiple lines can’t be done, at least not with proper alignment.

  18. Posted November 24, 2009 at 10:20 am | #

    Hi, excellent tool. Especially cacheing and line aligment!

    I’m in progress of building Google Wave Gadget for writing mathematical formulas live in documents cooperativelly edited by multiple persons in the same time.

    I have working prototype of tex part here:

    I was wondering about any possible UI enhancments, so it will be easier to use.

    I have many performance improvments in my mind, especially to not generate excessive load on quicklatex server. I already implemented few of them.

    What is interesting the if I put additionall in formula= GET parameter, my formulas renders as display-math mode (not just inline mode)

    • Witold Baryluk
      Posted November 29, 2009 at 8:36 am | #

      Hi again.

      Is there possibility of changing maximal width of produced gif? becuase currently
      QuickLatex wraps long formulas into multiple lines. It is generally very good,
      but sometmes, i have text of different width, and it looks pretty ugly.

      Other solution will also be to emit two gif, one for first n-1 rows, and second for n’th
      row (which could be smaller than the width of all previous rows), becuase currently
      last row have big empty space which isn’t filled by text.

      Any ideas?

      • Witold Baryluk
        Posted November 30, 2009 at 12:07 am | #

        Another idea is to generate PNG file instad of GIF. PNG have better support for transparency (alpha channel), making quicklatex images look better on non-white background, and still having very smooth output.

        I also think that having different size of output (for example 200% can be usefull),
        for example when making full-screen presentation in HTML.

        • Posted December 1, 2009 at 10:03 pm | #

          Hi Witold!

          I am very grateful for your supportive feedback and great ideas. Thank you!

          I’ve played with your application – I think it is outstanding idea and thank you for choosing QuickLaTeX for your project.

          As for display mode math, extended gif width, image scaling – they all are in my schedule for development. I’ll add these features in the future. I cannot promise to do this very soon but I’ll do my best.

          Now you can magnify images by setting font size in the formula code (ex. \Large, \HUGE, etc.)

          I decided to use GIF instead of PNG because IE doesn’t support transparent PNG well.

          Keep me updated on your project progress and other suggested features.

          All the best.

          • Cong
            Posted December 3, 2010 at 3:31 pm | #

            Hi Pavel,

            I’d also like to see PNG support in your excellent software. If you’re going to make it, I suggest making it an optional feature so that website owners can decide whether to use PNG or GIF for the output format.

            Thank you!

          • SasQ
            Posted December 27, 2010 at 10:09 pm | #

            IE supports PNG alpha transparency since version 7. For older browsers there might be some server-side browser recognition fallbacking to GIF.

            Transparent PNGs would be a great step forward because the same image generated by the script could be able to use on different background colors.

          • Posted December 28, 2010 at 10:50 am | #

            Thank you for suggestion.

            We have PNG support in our ToDo list (actually we are working on it right now:-)). Besides PNG we are planning to support images in SVG format to allow in-browser-scaling without quality loss.

            Images will be served depending on browser capability in such priority: SVG, PNG or GIF.

            But first we need to upgrade our QuickLaTeX server hardware (working on it), since SVG generation/serving significantly increases CPU load and traffic.

            Happy New Year!

          • Posted October 9, 2017 at 5:51 am | #

            I’m delighted that you have implemented \Large, \HUGE, etc. but can you describe how to use them?

            I thought that I could use it like this but it doesn’t seem to have any effect:

            \HUGE{2^\frac{7}{12} \approx 1.5}

            Thank you,

          • Posted October 9, 2017 at 10:52 am | #

            Hello. You need to use special symbols to mark the formula code, e.g. $..$, \[..\], etc.

            For example, $\HUGE{2^\frac{7}{12} \approx 1.5}$ translates to \HUGE{2^\frac{7}{12} \approx 1.5}.

          • Posted October 9, 2017 at 11:27 am | #

            Thank you for the response, Pavel! But I have indeed been using $ (and \[, etc.)
            The only reason why I didn’t include them here was so that the source code rather than the LaTeX output would be displayed. 🙂
            I have no trouble using QuickLaTeX to display formulas. It’s just that they are the same size regardless of whether I use \HUGE or not.

          • Posted October 9, 2017 at 12:00 pm | #

            Oh, I see, sorry for misunderstanding.
            Commands \Huge, \Large, etc. are intended to manipulate text size, not the font size in math mode (see similar question: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3703/make-equations-large).

            Try following workarounds:
            [latex]{\Huge\[2^\frac{7}{12} \approx 1.5\]}[/latex] or $\quicklatex{size=50}\Huge{2^\frac{7}{12} \approx 1.5}$

            Command \quicklatex allows adjusting font size in pixels.

          • Posted October 9, 2017 at 12:15 pm | #

            Ah – thank you for the clarification. That’s very helpful.
            best regards,

  19. Christopher Battles
    Posted November 26, 2009 at 12:26 pm | #

    Firstly, Great Plugin!

    One thing I’d like to see is support for the \LaTeX tag, which doesn’t seem to work for me. Anyway to include the proper typesetting of LaTeX?

    Thanks, Chris

    • Witold Baryluk
      Posted November 29, 2009 at 8:35 am | #

      Try \textrm{\LaTeX}

  20. Posted December 12, 2009 at 3:46 am | #

    I have been using yout tool for half a year now. At the moment 13786 generated images represent all the formula in a nice way, thanks for your work 😀
    One thing that is bugging me though is the printable version of the articles. The images are rendered in a very low resolution, making them fit in 72dpi text on the screen. When you print them, these low-res images are scaled up. Due to this they look quite ugly and are often hard to read.
    Magnifying the images by setting font size in the formula code can not solve the problem, because I don’t want to have bigger images in the online-version.

    Is there any chance to solve this?

  21. Posted December 13, 2009 at 3:06 pm | #

    I use quicklatex but there is something that bored me. In the page
    the size of the font of quicklatex is bigger than the normal text. How can i get rid of this problem.

    • Posted December 14, 2009 at 8:52 pm | #

      You can use LaTeX commands to control font size: \tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize \small, etc.

      • Kim Kirkpatrick
        Posted December 16, 2009 at 2:19 pm | #

        Font size commands don’t work in math environment. And they don’t work (for me) in QuickLatex environment either. Some math packages have special font size commands; do you implement any?

      • Posted December 27, 2009 at 5:00 pm | #

        So, how can i use any of the LaTex commands

        \tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize \small \normalsize \large \Large \LARGE \huge \Huge

        in this sample expression:

            \[\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to \infty } \frac{x}{x+1}\]

        Could you please write the new expression with any of the LaTex commands (\tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize \small \normalsize \large \Large \LARGE \huge \Huge) included..

  22. Kim Kirkpatrick
    Posted December 16, 2009 at 3:02 pm | #

    Along the lines of changing font sizes, but more subtle: QuickLaTeX output is about 10% too big for the font on my page. I can make it look OK if I set body{font-size:110%;}, but my font is already too large; I’d like to drop it to about 90%. This would require QuickLaTeX to be scaled to about 80%.

    I would like to suggest a percentage scale parameter (_not_ font size) to be made available, as an global parameter in the setup, and as a parameter in the individual [latex] block, with 100 being your current size, so the graphic would be created at that scale factor. (I think these two settings should be cumulative, so the overall document could be scaled using the global parameter, and then special uses (footnotes, for example) could be locally scaled with the individual parameter.)

    Of course, there’s a possibility of placing an ImageMagick filter which would scale all images as they are placed in ql-cache, but that’s much trickier to do at our end than at quicklatex.com. I think this should be fairly straightforward to implement.

    QuickLaTeX aligns with HTML text better than any other (including TeX4ht). If the size were precisely adjustable it would be absolutely the best.

    • Kim Kirkpatrick
      Posted December 17, 2009 at 5:38 am | #

      It would be better if quicklatex.com were to provide this scaling as I described, but here is an immediate workaround for anyone interested –let the plugin wp-quicklatex.php do it for you:

      Around line 178, just inside “if ($status == 0) {“, and just above “out_str =”, add the lines

      $image_width = ""; //Set a CSS error, in case no cache -- no width will be set
        $image_size = getimagesize($image_full_path);
        $image_width = floor(($image_scale*$image_size[0]+50)/100);
        $image_align = floor(($image_scale*$image_align+50)/100);
        $image_width = ""; //Set a CSS error, in case no cached file -- width will no be affected

      In the following line, between px; and border, add


      And, at the beginning of function ql_kernel(), initialize

       $image_scale = 100;

      (or, better, to a constant IMAGE_SCALE which is defined at the top of this file). This can be set to whatever is correct for your font; 100 leaves things unchanged. If a syntax for setting scale in the [latex] quickcode is developed, this value can be changed for that individual case between initialization and use.

      If the ql-cache is not available, there will be no scaling — just as is now.

      If this were the code, the graphics could be higher resolution (and higher quality compression), say double-size, with a hidden 50% factor in the code.

      Some new coding would allow the scale of the graphic to vary with the scale of the text when that is set by the browser, giving an improvement in visual accessibility.

  23. Kim Kirkpatrick
    Posted December 20, 2009 at 6:52 am | #

    quicklatex.com is sort of down. It seems to respond to cached expressions (a few simple ones that must have occurred earlier) but nothing else. \Sigma works; {\Sigma} does not. Nor does a+z. It has been down about 24 hours.

    Another reason why the script should be released for local installation for critical uses.

  24. Kim Kirkpatrick
    Posted December 23, 2009 at 12:08 pm | #

    Glad it’s working again!

    Pavel, could you document for us what “LaTeX” means in QuickLaTeX? That is, what tex/latex commands, environments, packages are you serving? There is no error reporting, just failure, so without the “rules” it’s hard to guess what to do to make things work (or even what to try to do).

    I much prefer the appearance of QL to mimetex — but mimetex does a lot of things that I can’t get QL to do. Check out the examples at http://www.forkosh.com/mimetex.html — most don’t work in QL. The reason I’m comparing QL with mimetex (and not with others), is that mimetex is the only other system (that I’m aware of) that allows vertical alignment.

    I’d really appreciate the requested information — I think it would be very useful to anyone trying to use QL. Thanks.

    • Posted July 1, 2010 at 4:37 pm | #

      Hi Kim!

      Thank you for helping me out with answering all the questions!

      Currently QL supports such packages: amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb.

      I would gladly add support for any other packages you might need, just let me know.

      Any other suggestions, feature requests, etc. are welcome too.

      I have pretty huge todo list for the QL. But I have very little time to implement them.
      I would really appreciate if someone would help me in the development of QL.

      As for “Can’t create dvi file” message – it means that unknown error occurred, which is not related to the correctness of your latex code. QL would give explanatory error message otherwise. So if you see such message – please let me know instantly – something wrong with the server.


      • Marc
        Posted July 23, 2019 at 2:52 am | #


        This just happened to me.

        I’m trying to implement formulas that worked yesterday. But now they don’t work, although I’m writing the exact same formula.

        The error says: Error: Cannot create dvi file

        May it be a error from the system?

        I hope you answer me ASAP.


        • Posted July 23, 2019 at 9:52 am | #

          I don’t see any problems with the server – it generates formulas as usual.
          Did you notice any changes on your website recently (e.g. WordPress automatically updated, new theme was installed, or similar)?

          • Posted July 23, 2019 at 9:54 am | #

            Please provide formula example and URL of your page.

          • Tom English
            Posted July 23, 2019 at 7:05 pm | #

            First, Pavel, thanks for the work you put into QL. I just started having the same problem at The Skeptical Zone. I’ve exhibited the problem in two comments directed at the admins, starting with this one:


          • Posted July 23, 2019 at 7:25 pm | #

            OK, geat, thank you very much for the example, now we can reproduce the issue.
            We will do detailed server diagnostics within next several hours (and hopefully will fix the issue).

          • Marc
            Posted July 23, 2019 at 7:52 pm | #

            No I haven’t notice any changes on my website.

            In case this helps solving the problem… this happened to me:

            Yesterday I couldn’t implement new formulas, as I told you. But after shutting my computer down during all night, today in the morning Quicklatex worked perfectly, as it used to. The formulas I wrote yesterday, in which Quicklatex said there was an error, now were perfectly displayed, and this without changing a single character. And also new formulas could be well implemented.

            But now, after using wordpress for an hour and a half (and having correctly implemented during this time several formulas with Quicklatex), I have the same problem again. Quicklatex says: “Error: cannot create dvi file”. So it doesn’t work again.

            In addition, it seems like previously rendered equations work well. I copied and pasted an old equation and it is also well displayed now. But if I simply add an space to this equation, it’s not displayed anymore and it says: Error: Cannot create dvi file. The same if I change a 7 for an 8, it doesn’t work either.

          • Posted July 24, 2019 at 9:59 am | #

            The issue has been fixed few hours ago (QL cache space was exhausted on sever). Please try your formulas now.
            Thanks everyone for help and report!

          • Eugene
            Posted July 24, 2019 at 5:15 pm | #

            Pavel, thank you for fixing this so quickly.

          • Marc
            Posted July 25, 2019 at 2:13 am | #

            Yes, thank you Pavel.

            Formulas work well again.

          • Marc
            Posted July 26, 2019 at 1:58 am | #

            It is happening again…

          • Posted July 26, 2019 at 10:40 am | #

            We are working on this. Looks like hard drive is dying on the server. I hope we will resolve this within ~24 hours max.

          • Posted July 26, 2019 at 2:23 pm | #

            Try now, we have fixed all the issues we found.

  25. Posted January 25, 2010 at 5:03 am | #

    Hello. Thanks for your great service, I intend to use it a lot.

    I have a question however; wouldn’t it be better for us and for you, if the wordpress plugin saves the image on our webserver rather than link to your webserver? That way I am sure that my equations won’t disappear in case your service breaks down, and you will have lower cost with hosting it.

    Feel free to email me about this. I am willing to help with this if needed.

    • Kim Kirkpatrick
      Posted January 25, 2010 at 3:08 pm | #


      It does — it saves the images in wp-content/ql-cache (make sure it exists and is writable).

      • Benjamin Jensen
        Posted January 25, 2010 at 6:38 pm | #

        Ah I see.

        I’ll just check my permissions on the folder then 🙂

        Disregard my comment, and thanks for clearing it up 😉

  26. Posted February 3, 2010 at 5:51 pm | #

    Is the server down again? New formula have not been parsed since Monday…
    Am I the only one with this problem?

    • Posted February 5, 2010 at 3:49 am | #

      Yay, it’s working again 😀

  27. Posted April 24, 2010 at 7:54 pm | #

    I’m not entirely sure why, but WP QuickLaTeX makes my RSS feed timeout if I install it. Is this a known issue?

    • Posted April 24, 2010 at 8:08 pm | #

      Ah, I geddit. The ql-cache directory didn’t exist. Cheers!

  28. Posted June 1, 2010 at 4:44 pm | #

    Nice plugin, but on black background looks awful.

  29. Posted June 6, 2010 at 2:03 pm | #

    Thanks Pavel. I’m using the LaTeX WordPress plugin on my blog. It looks great.

  30. Posted June 10, 2010 at 8:46 pm | #

    Dear Pavel, thanks for a great plugin. It seems to work well on a few simple examples I’ve tried.

  31. Posted June 26, 2010 at 9:31 am | #

    Thank you very much for your nice plugin.
    I have changed my WP to version 3.0.
    Since then the plugin has not worked.
    When I defiine a new command, the tex image seems not to be created.
    Please help me.

    • Posted June 26, 2010 at 4:16 pm | #

      Thank you for your feedback!
      Please try now – everything should work ok.

  32. hisham
    Posted July 1, 2010 at 3:30 am | #

    would you show a few examples, see what I got:
     Q = 3.33 * ((BH) ^(3/2))

    the result in no 1.
    see how the (3/2) starts fine then drops, it should be all in the power line.
    any advice
    same thing in no 12 in the page link above

  33. hisham
    Posted July 1, 2010 at 3:37 am | #

    am using
      equation in the example above.

  34. hisham
    Posted July 1, 2010 at 3:38 am | #

    sorry, the [math\ tag is used above

  35. Kim Kirkpatrick
    Posted July 1, 2010 at 4:14 am | #


    The result is correct. For what I suspect you want, you need curly brackets around the exponent:
    That is just basic TeX/LaTeX — has nothing to do with QuickLaTeX.

    • hisham
      Posted July 1, 2010 at 4:44 am | #

      tx Kim, works fine
      is there any where i can read or see few examples for future issues.

  36. Kim Kirkpatrick
    Posted July 1, 2010 at 5:14 am | #

    If you are primarily using insertions into HTML (like QuickLaTeX), most of LaTeX is irrelevant. Do a web search on “latex math expression help”. Google gave me about a dozen useful links right at the top.

  37. Posted October 24, 2010 at 1:29 am | #

    I have a problem, In my posts formulla show correct but in comments formulla not showed. My English is bad. Sorry.

    • Posted October 24, 2010 at 11:14 am | #

      You use $latex .. $ which is not supported by QuickLaTeX.
      Use this syntax instead:

      [latex]your LaTeX code here[/latex]
  38. Posted October 29, 2010 at 2:36 am | #

    I’ve followed your instructions but still does not display in the formula comment. Is this thesis I use the theme. Hope your help. Thank you.

    • Posted October 29, 2010 at 9:54 am | #

      It seems that Thesis disables standard WordPress filters for comment_text.

      Try to do the following. Find this line:

      add_filter( 'comment_text', 'quicklatex_parser');

      in wp-quicklatex.php file.

      Replace it with the line:


      Let me know if it helps.

  39. Posted October 30, 2010 at 1:30 pm | #

    I would ask how to display the code of the formula in the article. Thanks.

    I had your way:
    “Example equations. If you want to show source code of some equation instead of rendering it please use example=true parameter. Plugin will show source code only. All previous examples are generated using this parameter.
    This feature is very useful if you write post about QuickLaTeX and want to teach others how to use it.”
    in comment then ok, but in posts then not. help me. thanks.

    • Posted November 1, 2010 at 10:15 am | #

      Well, many people use example=true and it works perfectly. One of the examples are: thosedarngeeks.com

      Could you give me more info (URL of the post) on how exactly it doesn’t work?
      Is it showing something or not? Have you tried other shortcode parameters, like size, color, background?

      • Posted November 1, 2010 at 10:31 am | #

        I had used [ latex example=true] a^2[/latex] in my posts. Example:

        • Posted November 1, 2010 at 11:13 am | #

          I’ve checked your link – thank you. I see several problems there.
          Theme you are using – Thesis, has specific content-filters for posts and comments, which are being executed before WP-QuickLaTeX .

          They change formula’s code and WP-QuickLaTeX get access only to these already altered shortcodes & LaTeX code. That is why it cannot produce results you want.

          Unfortunately, Thesis theme is closed, commercial product. I have no access to its source code. And even their support forum is opened only for the paid customers (which I am not).

          There are two ways to solve this problem:

          Setup high priority for the WP-QuickLaTeX processing. Please find all functions started from add_filter in wp-quicklatex.php. Add 0 as last parameter in every function. For example,


          will become


          If previous suggestion doesn’t solve the problem, please ask Thesis support.
          As a customer of Thesis you have access to their support.

          Thesis theme significantly changes behavior of WordPress without describing the details publicly, so there is only one way – to ask their developers for the help.

          And let me know about the solution!

  40. Posted November 1, 2010 at 12:51 pm | #

    Sorry, I figured out why the posts did not show the source code. because I’ve installed both the wp-latex plugin and your quicklatex. when I remove the wp-latex, the result was very good. Thank you for providing a great plugin

  41. Posted November 3, 2010 at 6:12 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Thank you for WP QuickLaTeX.

    So, it automatically loads amsmath, but now I don’t know where to put the leqno option. Since my text is ragged-right, I’d like to have display equations equations numbered (and aligned) on the left. Normally done with leqno and fleqn, these can’t be loaded without setting off an option conflict with the automatically loaded amsmath.

    Do you know a solution off hand?


    • Posted November 3, 2010 at 10:11 pm | #


      Good question.

      I am afraid you are right. Right now it is impossible to set options for amsmath, since usage of this package is hard coded on a server side even in custom preamble mode.

      I suppose I have to change this in future versions – so user will have opportunity (and burden) to include ams-packages manually using “Custom preamble” option with any params he desire.

      And no packages will be included by default. This change will raise several issues, e.g. incompatibility with current users – I need to think about it more.

      I would be glad to hear opinions about this change.

      As a quick solution, you can do left-aligned numbering manually, using something like this:
      <p style="text-align:left;">
      \texrm{(1)}\hspace{ 2 in}\displaystyle{x=\frac{\sqrt{\alpha^2+\beta^2}}{2}}

      Output is:

      \texrm{(1)}\hspace{ 2 in}\displaystyle{x=\frac{\sqrt{\alpha^2+\beta^2}}{2}}

      This way does not support equations in align, gather, etc. environments, so they should be rewritten. Sorry 🙁

      • Posted November 3, 2010 at 10:30 pm | #

        Thanks for the replay (and suggestion) Pavel.

        I’m not sure how you’ve coded it, so this suggestion may not be a good one. Would it be difficult to add a text-box to the configuration menu for options to be passed to amsmath? I don’t mean to make it sound effortless, I’m sure it’s a lot of work, but at least it shouldn’t break anything.

        Thanks again,


        • Posted November 3, 2010 at 11:21 pm | #

          This requires changes in the server side code too.

          I think it is better to go with no default packages at all. It will take more time to implement and resolve all issues, but this approach will be more flexible and clean.

          Please wait, if you can…

  42. Posted November 5, 2010 at 1:40 pm | #

    When I do multiline equations using \begin{align*} seems to get a text-align:center. How can I prevent this? I’d like them to stay left aligned like my single line equations…

    • Posted November 5, 2010 at 11:09 pm | #

      We are preparing new version of the plugin. It will have option for that.
      We will release it next week.

  43. Posted December 2, 2010 at 1:45 am | #

    Thank you, thank you for this great plugin!
    As Svish, I am also interested in multiline equations being aligned on the left.


    • Posted December 2, 2010 at 9:19 am | #

      New version of QuickLaTeX is 90% ready.
      We will release it soon – sorry for the delay.

  44. Posted December 16, 2010 at 6:14 am | #

    hey.. very nice service.. i always welcome free latex-renderer service..

    i tried to make a GET request to quicklatex.com (localhost, jquery) but it didn’t work out.

    my questions:
    1. can i make a get ruquest to http://www.quicklatex.com from my website?
    2. are there any limitation to use http://www.quicklatex.com service?
    3. where did i do wrong? (in my code)

    thx 4 ur attention.

    • Posted December 16, 2010 at 9:09 am | #

      1. You cannot make direct AJAX requests from your domain to QuickLaTeX.com. That’s limitations of AJAX. Google for “Same origin Policy”.

      2. You can use QuickLaTeX.com service for personal website + placing clear and visible link to this page or QuickLaTeX.com. Something like: Powered by QuickLaTeX.com would work fine.

      3. I believe your code is ok. The problem is in AJAX policy. You should write proxy script, which lives on your server and make AJAX requests to it.

      Could you give me URL of website where you want to use QL?

      • Posted December 16, 2010 at 3:16 pm | #

        2. You can use QuickLaTeX.com service for personal website + placing clear and visible link to this page or QuickLaTeX.com. Something like: Powered by QuickLaTeX.com would work fine.

        what about company website? such as, an online equation editor for teachers of A Company.

        • Posted December 16, 2010 at 3:23 pm | #

          Could you give me URL of that company website & online equation editor?
          You can send it by e-mail if you want: pavel@holoborodko.com

        • Posted December 17, 2010 at 9:14 am | #

          Thank you for the URL. Please use QuickLaTeX on your site along with the link.

          • Posted December 21, 2010 at 3:54 pm | #

            Please help me! for installing QuickLatex our maths forum .. We hope you will support us. Our forum is http://math.vn, a maths forum for Vietnammese

          • Posted December 21, 2010 at 5:33 pm | #

            You are using vBulletin, we have no plugin for it yet. sorry.

  45. Posted December 23, 2010 at 2:46 am | #

    Help me! My documents created with the Latex syntax formulla $ ... $. When I put on the website must be correct syntax $ ... $ should take more time. I ask, how can we can use the syntax $ ... $ QuickLatex not? Thank you. My website: http://mathblog.org

    • Posted December 23, 2010 at 11:18 am | #

      Please wait for the next version – it will support native LaTeX syntax like $...$, \[...\], and environments equation, align, etc embedded directly in the posts without [latex] ... [/latex] tags.

      Also it will support automiatic equation numbering and many other features.

      • Posted December 27, 2010 at 4:23 am | #

        Thank you very much!

        • Anonymous
          Posted January 27, 2011 at 6:15 pm | #

          Roughly when do you plan to release the next version of quicklatex?

      • Wordpress user
        Posted January 27, 2011 at 6:35 pm | #

        Hi, when do you plan to release the next version of quicklatex (the one with equation numbering support?). Thanks

        • Posted January 27, 2011 at 8:01 pm | #

          It is ready, so next week. We are waiting for response from people who test it right now.

          • Wordpress user
            Posted January 27, 2011 at 9:50 pm | #

            Fantastic. Thanks.

  46. John
    Posted January 25, 2011 at 1:25 pm | #

    I’ve just tried QuickLatex but none of my formulas seem to be vertically aligned. I used to run WP-LATEX before hand and was never happy with the alignment there; however, QuickLatex doesn’t seem to be doing any better. The math on your blog looks great. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Do I need to remove the WP-LATEX plugin for the vertical alignment to work?

    • Posted January 25, 2011 at 3:54 pm | #

      You have to remove WP-LaTeX first.
      Send me url of your site if problem won’t disappear.

  47. Posted February 3, 2011 at 10:58 pm | #

    Thank you, WP-Quicklatex is a great plugin. Version 3.7.1 has added many features, but all my documents are prepared according to previously $$ ... $$, syntax to use two dollar signs, so now when updated to version 3.7.1 shall fail, the formula shown on one line. I ask no way around this problem without the source file is not correct?
    My site: http://mathblog.org

    • Posted February 4, 2011 at 9:14 am | #

      QuickLaTeX 3.7.1 is fully compatible with previous version(s).

      You can install it without editing existing formulas inserted with [latex] ... [/latex], $$...$$, etc. They will be compiled as usually, by previous version’s rules.

      In the same time, you can (and should) use native LaTeX syntax for new formulas.

  48. Wordpress User
    Posted February 6, 2011 at 12:50 am | #

    Thanks for the new release.

    BTW Is it possible to use the \label command in equations, and then refer to the equation number via the \ref command. I tried it and it did not seem to work.


    • Posted February 6, 2011 at 10:00 am | #

      We are plannig to support \label and \ref in the next versions.

  49. Wordpress User
    Posted February 6, 2011 at 9:02 am | #

    The \href{}{} command does not seem to be working. Thanks

    • Posted February 6, 2011 at 9:45 am | #

      Now QuickLaTeX is mainly targeted to handle math commands of LaTeX. We will extend its functionality gradually to cover other features.

  50. Posted February 7, 2011 at 4:20 am | #

    Thanks for the hard work!

    I’d like to use LaTeX to produce Laplace-Transformation Symbols like this:


    Some websites use

    $$ \circ - \bullet $$

    for that, but with Quick LaTeX there is too much free space in between. Would it be possible to create a custom symbol that appears if somebody uses \circ – \bullet in a formula?

    • Posted February 7, 2011 at 10:07 am | #

      Thanks for using QuickLaTeX!

      There are special commands for Laplace-Transformation Symbols in trfsigns (see The Comprehensive \textrm{\LaTeX} Symbol List, Table 81, page 40): \laplace and \Laplace .

      To use them with QuickLaTeX, just include trfsigns in preamble (local or global), e.g:

        f(t) \laplace F(s) \qquad F(s) \Laplace f(t)

      results in

          \[   f(t) \laplace F(s) \qquad F(s) \Laplace f(t) \]

      UPDATE: I’ve updated comment to include \laplace and \Laplace commands :-).

  51. Posted February 10, 2011 at 5:52 pm | #

    I’ve just stumbled across this plugin, and have put it into my blog (http://www.texdev.net/2011/02/10/quicklatex-a-latex-plugin-for-wordpress/) to spread the word. One quick question. How do you get [latex], etc., rendered with the plugin active (for example, for the plugin homepage itself!)?

    • Posted February 10, 2011 at 6:08 pm | #

      You can escape compilation of LaTeX shorthands by placing “!” just before them.
      E.g.: !$...$, !\[...\], ![latex]...[/latex] or even !\begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}

      Thank you for writing about QuickLaTeX on your blog!

      As for your question:
      “You can also do entire pages of LaTeX, but I’m not quite clear just yet how that works out (after all, web pages need to be flexible, whereas rendering with QuickLaTeX ultimately results in images).”

      Plugin do gentle parsing of the page, handling only LaTeX commands. The rest of the page is not touched. So no flexibility is lost – only extended.

      Besides not all of the LaTeX processing results in image generation – e.g. next version 3.7.3 will support equation referencing by standard LaTeX rules. User can setup label for formula by \label{}. Then \ref{} anywhere in the text will be replaced by hyper-link to referenced equation for easy navigation.

      All of this are targeted for smooth publishing of math pages on the web. Ideally without (or with very small) changes in offline LaTeX papers to be published.

      • Posted February 11, 2011 at 7:50 am | #

        Thanks for the quick reply. Escaping things seems to work in the main, but not for the tag (at least in my blog). Any idea why?

        • Posted February 11, 2011 at 8:26 am | #

          Yes, [latexpage] cannot be escaped with “!” now. I’ll fix this soon.

          Could you use &#91;latexpage&#93; for escaping until then? Sorry for inconvenience.

          • Kishor Doshi
            Posted July 6, 2012 at 1:11 am | #

            You’ve got a great plugin! I do have an issue though.
            I do not want a complete latex page, but only sections of the page should be compiled with QuickLatex.


          • Posted July 6, 2012 at 10:06 am | #

            We’ve got you covered, use [latexregion] ... [/latexregion] to mark sections containing LaTeX markup.

          • Posted July 13, 2019 at 5:53 pm | #

            The enumeration of equations starts with 1 within each latexregion.
            Is it possible to continue the numbering from the previous region instead?

  52. Joe
    Posted February 22, 2011 at 1:03 am | #

    First of all thank you so much for this plugin – I’ve only just started playing around with it but noticed what I think is a bug. When validating HTML I noticed that none of the character references put into the images alt tag are closed with semi-colons…. thus creating hundreds of errors in the HTML.

    Thank you again for your hard work.

    • Posted February 22, 2011 at 11:21 am | #

      Yes, you are right – it is a bug.

      I’ve just fixed it – check out new version 3.7.6

      Thank you for your report!

  53. Posted February 27, 2011 at 6:40 am | #

    Your plugin is great!

    I tried to use the “figure” and “table” environment, which do not work (I guess it’s normal since these are float). Do you intend to provide such environments eventually? What would be the best way to emulate it with your plugin?

    Thank you!


    • Posted February 27, 2011 at 11:37 am | #

      Environment table is not supported directly in the text yet, but you can wrap it with [latex mode=1] ... [/latex] tags, e.g.:

      <p style="text-align:center"> <!-- HTML & CSS for table centering-->
      [latex mode=1]
        7C0 & hexadecimal \\
        3700 & octal \\ \cline{2-2}
        11111000000 & binary \\
        \hline \hline
        1984 & decimal \\
        \caption{An example of table}

      results in:

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      Floating parameters are not supported in this mode.

      Image inclusion by figure is not supported yet. It requires additional facility of image files management on the server (e.g. syncronizing/uploading image files to the QuickLaTeX server for compilation) – which is quite a bit of boring work :-).

      Please use HTML tags to insert images in your posts and CSS styles to emulate “floating” behavior of the table/figure at the moment.

      We have plans to fully support both environments in the future versions. Please support us by backlink to keep development going.

      • Posted February 28, 2011 at 11:27 am | #

        Great! Thanks for the detailed and quick reply!

        I’ll put the backlink right now!

      • Posted July 10, 2013 at 1:02 am | #

        I would like to see a figure and table option as well, especially something I can label and reference.

        I am in the process of converting some latex documents to web pages and would find something like a figure box with and HTML escape to insert the picture, with the figure managing just the caption and label.

        Just my two cents, and thanks for the great plugin.

  54. Posted March 6, 2011 at 11:46 am | #

    Thanks for this great plugin, I’v opened the “Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide” and closed “Exclude $ .. $” , so that getting a very great latex writing experience , while this conflict with “SyntaxHighlighter Evolved” , if open”Exclude $ .. $” ,things get better but the latex breaked, we got the way to escape like $$ ,can we find a way to escape “SyntaxHighlighter Evolved” short code like [[/php]] or [mathematica][/mathematica]
    thanks a lot !

  55. Posted March 6, 2011 at 11:52 am | #

    seems you have installed syntaxhighlighter
    take a test , the preview of this comment php syntax was rendered by quick latex

    <div class="entry-image"><?php
    	$soContent = $post->post_content;
    	$soImages = '~<img [^\>]*\ />~';
    	preg_match_all( $soImages, $soContent, $thePics );
    	$allPics = count($thePics[0]);
    	if( $allPics > 0 ){
    	echo $thePics[0][0];
    	else {
    	echo ' ';//<img src="/wp-content/themes/twentyten/images/default.gif" border="0" />
    • Posted March 6, 2011 at 1:33 pm | #

      Having “Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide” turned on you can escape dollar signs by TeX rules – using slash, e.g. \$
      Or you can turn on ”Exclude $ .. $” to avoid $ – conflicts (within source code, etc.)

      I’ve added escaping of Syntaxhighlighter tags to my todo list for future versions.

      • Posted March 6, 2011 at 6:22 pm | #

        That’s great! and I ‘m testing “Auto Syntaxhighlighter” which is easier to insert syntax in the WP editer ,and find it works with “!” infornt of the latex code – the escaping model of quick latex,but should add latex brush first:

        E= mc^2

        hope you can add escaping of “Auto Syntaxhighlighter” kind of tags , it’s really a nice plugin:
        * Don’t write database;
        * Don’t need settings;
        * Deactivate plugin code can also display properly;
        * Code can switch visual editing mode or HTML mode;
        * With the w3c standards;
        * Insert code small tools;
        * Automatic and only loading requisite files;

  56. Brian
    Posted March 17, 2011 at 12:17 am | #

    Why when using the \ce{} for chemical equations, such as for
    Only the MgSO_{4} is displayed correctly, however H_{2}O is in italics or the normal way LaTex expresses letters when not denoted by \text{}. How is it possible to rectify this in QuickLatex. Thanks very much for the plugin though. It works great.

    • Posted March 17, 2011 at 10:14 am | #

      You have to use chemistry package for LaTeX – mhchem
      You can include it in sitewide preamble (in Advanced QuickLaTeX options on admin page) or locally, for particular formula:


      results in:  \ce{MgSO_{4}\cdot12H_{2}O(s)}

      • Brian
        Posted March 17, 2011 at 3:30 pm | #

        Thanks very much! I appreciate the quick reply!

      • Posted April 25, 2011 at 10:33 pm | #

        When mhchem is active, you should be able to do \ce{H2O} and that should be properly typeset but it doesn’t work that way for QuickLatex.
        Also \ce{} should work fine outside of the $ .. $ environment. But in QuickLatex it is ignored if it’s not in the $ ... $ environment. Howcome? Isn’t the usual behaviour of mhchem in effect?


        • Posted April 25, 2011 at 11:07 pm | #

          I don’t see any problems with typesetting:

          It is rendered by QL as:  \ce{H2O}

          QL searches for the standard LaTeX envs. in the text, commands from add-on packages have to be marked with $..$ in order to be recognized as part of LaTeX code.

      • Posted April 25, 2011 at 11:22 pm | #

        *typo correction: “outside of the $ … $ environment”

        Edit: My mistake, the letters are automatically typeset in lower and upper case now. However my next major problem is: for the purposes of editing the global preamble, I could not find Advanced QuickLaTeX options on admin page. You can only edit the php script which I want to avoid doing because it is fragile and I could break the plug-in. I believe if you can help me put mhchem into global effect, I won’t need to confine \ce to inside a delimited math environment with mhchem invoked.

        Thank you.

        • Posted April 25, 2011 at 11:52 pm | #

          I found it on the global preamble settings in the left tool bar. Sorry, I’d overlooked it because I was expecting to see it within the plug-in section.

          I must commend you for the cleaness and efficiency of QL. Excellent work. When will it become available for Drupal and Joomla?

          • Posted April 26, 2011 at 8:31 am | #

            QuickLaTeX is a freeware, its development depends only on support of the community.
            Many people contributed their time and efforts to QL already.
            If you want to make Web a better place for math you can do it too – any help is appreciated very much.

            Plugins development for various CMS, ideas on improvement, QuickLaTeX server hosting fee coverage, post about QL on your site or just backlink all are excellent steps toward this goal.

  57. Posted April 4, 2011 at 1:53 am | #

    Hello !!

    Thank you very much for this valuable tool. Hopefully I can use it to my site instead of MathJax which is a little slow (but also excellent)

    • Posted April 7, 2011 at 9:35 am | #


      Honestly speaking, I think it is unfair to compare MathJax to QuickLaTeX.

      MathJax is just attempt to follow the fashion – everything should be a-la AJAX.
      It has no essential features of LaTeX – customizable preamble, graphics support (TikZ), easy-to-use native LaTeX syntax, etc…

      Besides, MathJax is not environmental friendly – it renders formulas EVERY time page being visited, infinitely consuming electricity. Why do we need that kind of waste on our planet?

      But seriously, AJAX is just temporary technology (originally hack introduced by Microsoft in IE). I find it even abusive to mix word “Math” with short-lived fashionable “AJAX”. It sounds like MathBritneySpears to me.

      • Posted June 9, 2011 at 6:11 am | #


        I just stumbled over QuickLaTeX and read your comment. While you are certainly right that comparing MathJax to your plugin is not very fair as they have a different focus, I think your perspective is a bit off.

        1) MathJax is not AJAX by most definitions as there are no asynchronous calls to a server at all. MathJax renders completely locally.

        2) Bringing electricity consumption into the discussion without having hard numbers is brave. Using MathJax, each client has to render the math on every page view, true. Using your approach, an image has to be created (modulo server-side caching), transmitted (modulo browser caching) and rendered (always). So, in the worst case, you have to do a lot more. Do you have a handle on the average?

        3) MathJax has lots of advantages for clients: faster page load (modulo Javascript, which runs afterwards) since less data to pull, better scaling, more user options (including source view and rendering mode; 0 options with image approach), …

        4) MathJax has advantages for math providers: less data to store, less traffic, math completely searchable

        5) By using _one_ dedicated server for rendering, you introduce a single point of failure. But then, this is also the case for MathJax if you do not install it locally.

        So, the only advantages that remains on the side of QuickLaTeX from my point of view is rendering of graphics and some typesetting. Depending on your needs, this is nice or just there.

        Anyway, two other questions:
        a) Is there a particular reason that you choose to generate PNG instead of SVG? The latter seems to be more appropriate for integration with HTML.

        b) Do you support proof environments and (sub)sectioning? If not, do you have plans to implement (some of) those?

        • Posted June 9, 2011 at 11:00 am | #

          Hi Raphael,

          Thank you for your comment – it has some good points.

          2) Bringing electricity consumption into the discussion without having hard numbers is brave. Using MathJax, each client has to render the math on every page view, true. Using your approach, an image has to be created (modulo server-side caching), transmitted (modulo browser caching) and rendered (always). So, in the worst case, you have to do a lot more. Do you have a handle on the average?

          LaTeX-based formula rendering consists of: (1) LaTeX code parsing and compilation to vector primitives, (2) vector objects rendering into a image, (3) displaying image.

          First two are the most heavy tasks, (3) is a fraction of percent of all work. MathJax does (1) and (2) on every page visit for all formulas.

          QuickLaTeX does (1) and (2) only once (on the first visit). Also it caches all images on user’s server (this covers your 5) point as well), so “modulo caching” is equal to zero. QuickLaTeX reduces math rendering cost to bare minimum – just (3).

          3) MathJax has lots of advantages for clients: faster page load (modulo Javascript, which runs afterwards) since less data to pull, better scaling, more user options (including source view and rendering mode; 0 options with image approach), ….

          QuickLaTeX puts LaTeX sources in alt attribute of img tag – it is searchable and viewable.

          As for page load speed – have you tried MathJax at all? I mean visiting page from average-user PC using IE & FireFox? It takes ages for MathJax to render formulas in JS after page has being loaded. This is the reason some users switched from MathJax to QuickLaTeX. Even in my latest Chrome such delay is annoying. And that is just basic rendering engine, what will happen if we add thousandths of LaTeX extension packages to it (which are already supported in QuickLaTeX BTW)?

          MathJax.js is about 40KB, which is loaded for every page even with 1 formula.
          Average formula (without graphics) generated by QuickLaTeX in PNG format is of few hundred bytes (max I saw was 1-2KB) without any overhead. Don’t see any disadvantages with transmission load either.

          Potentially it is possible to do scaling with QuickLaTeX too – just generate formulas in different font sizes – and show them according to scale (using AJAX I guess :-)).

          So, the only advantages that remains on the side of QuickLaTeX from my point of view is rendering of graphics and some typesetting. Depending on your needs, this is nice or just there.

          Well, QuickLaTeX gives you access to full set of LaTeX packages seamlessly, I wouldn’t say this just “some typesetting”.

          1) MathJax is not AJAX by most definitions as there are no asynchronous calls to a server at all. MathJax renders completely locally.

          I didn’t critique MathJax for asynchronous calls (which it certainly does – check its source code).

          As for the questions, (a) we are working on SVG conversion, (b) QuickLaTeX doesn’t support theorem/proposition/etc environments.
          If you can help with these features – please do, we have no sponsors, as MathJax :-).

  58. Posted May 1, 2011 at 6:16 pm | #

    Does QL support the cite package and bibliographies? If so, where should the .bib files be uploaded to within the wordpress directories?

  59. Posted May 1, 2011 at 9:21 pm | #



    Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com


    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

    *** Error message: File `mychemistry.sty' not found. Emergency stop. leading text: ^^M

    I know it was a recently released package; but isn’t there a way to allow QL draw on the complete repository of packages at Ctan?

    • Posted May 3, 2011 at 1:32 pm | #

      QuickLaTeX is based on TexLive 2010 distribution. I’ll update QL server software in a couple of days.

      • Posted May 3, 2011 at 6:00 pm | #

        Thanks Pavel, I look forward to being able to draw on a more comprehensive range of packages. 🙂

        • Posted May 6, 2011 at 1:49 pm | #

          We’ve updated TexLive 2010 distribution with the latest packages and changes from CTAN.
          Although mychemistry was installed properly, I cannot compile your example even directly on the server.
          TexLive says:

          ! Missing number, treated as zero.
          l.5 \arrow[ , -+ >]{ }{ }

          Also I cannot compile example.tex distributed along with mychemistry package, latex hangs with error about missing ’emerald.sty’.

          We use full TexLive 2010 distribution with regular updates. Other functionality is fine, except to mychemistry. Do you have any ideas on how to fix that?

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 12:43 am | #

            Hallo Pavel and ptrcao,

            interestingly myChemistry works, when put inside a node of a tikzpicture. I unfortunately wasn’t able to reproduce it in this comment, but you might want to take a look here:

            Thanks very much for QuickLaTeX. This is one of my favorite WordPress features.

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 1:15 am | #

            Hello again,

            I missunderstood the problem. I just assumed you had the same problem as me: that myChemistry and ChemFig aren’t rendered directly but when put inside the tikzpicture.
            However, the error message you’ve got is caused by another reason: the blank before the comma inside the square brackets is interpreted as the first argument. And since the arrow awaits an angle here, it complains about a missing number.

            It should be set like this:
            \arrow[,-+>]{ }{ }

            Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

            Best regards,

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 8:04 pm | #

            Hi Clemens,

            I appreciate your help very much. Thank you.

            Also thanks for the bug report: http://www.mychemistry.eu/2011/05/mychemistry-and-quicklatex/
            This happens because QuickLaTeX tries to compile

            Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

            as formula in math mode. However rxn section should be compiled as tikz graphics. Since QuickLaTeX uses different tools for formulas and tikz graphics rendering rxn is not compiled correctly.

            If you want, you could provide list of mychemistry environments, I’ll add support for them in QuickLaTeX – so they can be used directly in the text with correct rendering.

            Please use your workaround(wrap mychemistry code with \begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}) until then:

            Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 8:22 pm | #

            Hi Pavel,
            thanks for your Quick answer and your explanation. This is very much appreciated!
            myChemistry only provides two environments “rxn” and “rxnscheme”. The latter however is a floating environment.
            BTW: the same issue as for myChemistry also applies to the ChemFig package:
            $\chemfig{[:30]--[::-60]-OH}$ doesn’t render. ChemFig also uses TikZ to draw the formulas. But the wrapping with \begin{tikzpicture}...\end{tikzpicture} works as well.

            Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

            Best regards

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 8:42 pm | #

            Oh, very nice, I’ll add support for “rxn” environment (chemfig as well) in the next version (don’t know about floating “rxnscheme” though).
            Thank you for QuickLaTeX promotion on your page!

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 8:48 pm | #

            It’s probably just me, but I’m not able to reproduce the same results

            \arrow[,-+>]{ }{ }

            (note I put a space at the beginning and end of the tikzpicture environment only to prevent latex rendering above in this sample of code. )

            This is what I get:

            Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com


        • Posted May 8, 2011 at 8:59 pm | #

          I’ve changed your comment for proper compilation: just use [latex] ... [/latex] tags instead of $ … $.
          QuickLaTeX does extended auto-detection for tikz, etc. in regions marked with tags, whereas $ … $ prevents this.

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 9:09 pm | #

            Ah ok, I see; I suspect that is why I have been having issues compiling all sorts of chemical expressions – a big thanks for pointing that out Pavel. 🙂

            Thanks to both of you. Without these tools, I could not communicate science on my site, so thanks for being pioneers in developing these tools.

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 9:20 pm | #

            Oh, very nice, I’ll add support for “rxn” environment (chemfig as well) in the next version (don’t know about floating “rxnscheme” though).
            Thank you for QuickLaTeX promotion on your page!

            Thank you very much! That is great. I don’t think I am going to use the “rxnscheme” on my page, anyway.

            QuickLaTeX is a great plugin and I only found it per accident, because ptrcao mentioned it on {TeX} (tex.stackexchange.com). If I can help to spread word about it, I’ll very gladly do so.

          • Posted May 8, 2011 at 9:57 pm | #

            @Clemens: I am grateful for your support. Tex.stackexchange.com is a great place, I wish developers will use QuickLaTeX to render LaTeX on it someday. BTW one of the moderators Joseph Wright uses QuickLaTeX on his blog: http://www.texdev.net/.

            @ptrcao: Thank you for drawing my attention to myChemistry and server update issues.

  60. Anonymous
    Posted May 5, 2011 at 11:44 pm | #

    Hi Pavel. This demonstrates a bug inside your comment box
    since tags are enabled will generate nothing instead of the desired equilibrium symbol.

    • Posted May 6, 2011 at 9:49 am | #

      No problem detected (I just copied your code):


      BTW we are updating/installing all LaTeX packages from CTAN (including mychemistry), so QuickLaTeX server might be unstable today.

  61. Posted May 5, 2011 at 11:57 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    thank you for this great plugin; I am not used to Latex, but I am working on a website that requires to display formulas in posts.

    It works great, but I noticed that it does not seem to work on custom post types. I installed a plugin that is used to create a site glossary, and the usage of the shortcodes does not seem to work. Do you have any thoughts on a workaround for that?

    Thank you, best regards,

  62. Posted May 9, 2011 at 1:36 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I’ve got a question:
    is it possible to tell QuickLaTeX to run twice? Otherwise tikzpictures with the “remember picture,overlay” option won’t be rendered correctly.


  63. valentin
    Posted May 10, 2011 at 1:18 am | #

    hi — first of all, thanks for that great plugin.

    I have a few questions, though: Whenever I need a plain text excerpt (like in sidebar excerpts), it shows the plain text with all the LaTeX commands, like [latexpage] or [latex] or $. Is it possible to remove them by a filter if it’s not rendered?

    this would be another great enhancement.


    • Posted May 13, 2011 at 10:04 am | #

      There are dozens (if not hundreds) different types of content in WordPress (like posts, pages, comments, excerpts, sidebars, headings, etc…). Every type of content can be processed by special filter, complete list here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference

      Do you know by any chance what filter corresponds to sidebar? 🙂 Honestly I just don’t know.

  64. Aleksey
    Posted May 13, 2011 at 7:24 pm | #

    Павел, благодарю за великолепный продукт! Отличный креатив! 🙂 К сожалению я немного слабоват по английскому, не могли бы Вы подсказать ссылку на документацию для создания формул именно на русском языке. Заранее спасибо. Желаю Вам дальнейших успехов!

  65. Posted May 15, 2011 at 6:39 am | #

    Здравствуй, Павел.

    спасибо за отличный продукт, очень удобно пользоваться

    однако у меня вопрос: можно ли сделать что нибудь, чтобы при наведении курсора на формулу появлялась не надпись rendered by Quicklatex, а, как в WP-Latex, сам ТеХ код формулы.

    у меня просто блог для новичков в математике и, боюсь, что без конкретных примеров и возможности прочитать запись формулы, им будем сложновато.

    заранее спасибо за овет.

    • Posted May 15, 2011 at 7:39 pm | #

      Спасибо за ваш отзыв.

      Измените 1507 и 1547 строки в файле wp-quicklatex.php. Если не получится – пишите, помогу.
      Только пожалуйста, не забудьте упомянуть на вашем сайте о QuickLaTeX-е.

  66. Posted May 21, 2011 at 10:15 pm | #

    Question: why don’t you just mirror the package directory on your QL server with CTAN so that your package database is always complete and up-to-date?

    • Posted May 24, 2011 at 9:28 am | #


      I’m sorry for late response.
      We use TexLive distribution as a backend for QuickLaTeX. It has internal update procedure.
      All new packages (or changes) appearing in CTAN are available as official TexLive updates shortly after release.
      I don’t know the details but I suppose TexLive developers do tests and implement proper integration of new packages into distribution.

      We apply updates at least once a month.
      I think this is the best approach to keep QuickLaTeX server updated and stable (based on official and tested distro).

      Please advise if you have better idea.

  67. emre
    Posted May 24, 2011 at 1:35 pm | #

    A nice additional feature would be to use Latex to generate PDF versions of posts. IF you use a markdown/wiki plugin for both WordPress and Latex, you can feed the same code to both and generate a nice PDF!

  68. Posted May 28, 2011 at 11:39 pm | #

    Hi! Using your plugin on my blog, and it’s great!

    For fun I wanted to try to talk with http://www.quicklatex.com/latex3.f myself (from PHP), but I can’t seem to figure out what exactly that script wants. Have tried to decipher what happens in the wp plugin, but not very good at reverse engineering 😛 Is this thing documented anywhere? Like some sort of API description or something like that?

    • Posted May 29, 2011 at 10:48 am | #

      It is documented in the form of source code only :-).

      Communication with latex3.f is pretty straightforward.
      It accepts POST requests with body part consisting of key=value pairs separated by &:

      formula = encoded formula
      &preamble = encoded preamble
      &fsize = font size, like 16px
      &fcolor = font color in CSS format, like FFEECC

      Response includes URL of the image, vertical alignment, error code, etc.

      Take a look on 1411-1484 lines in wp-quicklatex.php for all the details – it is already written in PHP, so won’t be a problem for you.
      Also check source code of QuickLaTeX.com main page, there is another version of documentation :-), written in JavaScript.

      By any chance, are you going to develop something based on QuickLaTeX (like plugin for WikiMedia or Drupal) or just playing around?
      I am the most supportive for any contribution of such kind.

      P.S. Thanks for the tip on how to cure Skype crashes…

  69. Posted June 1, 2011 at 10:39 pm | #

    Thank U very much for your so useful software ” quicklatex” .
    This process can be easily automated by means of QuickLaTeX-enabled plugins for your favorite CMS Drupal.
    How We Can have QuickLaTeX plugin for Drupal?
    Is there any remedy to solve that crucial poroblem.
    You are kind enough if you give me a hand in this
    With best regards
    Mehdi Jalali

  70. Posted June 2, 2011 at 8:54 pm | #


    I do not understand why the characters are small for some equation :

    [latex] p_i = v_i \frac { \Delta q_i } { \Delta \tau_i }[/latex]

    on http://www.gpcservices.com/bouarfa_mahi/marches-financiers-modelisation/indicateurs-techniques-market-momentum
    thank you for your help

    • Posted June 3, 2011 at 9:18 am | #

      For displayed equations you have to wrap formula with \[..\]:

      [latex] \[ p_i = v_i \frac { \Delta q_i } { \Delta \tau_i } \] [/latex]

      will be compiled as:

           \[  p_i = v_i \frac { \Delta q_i } { \Delta \tau_i } \]

      You don’t have to use [latex] ... [/latex] tags though.
      Just place [latexpage] at the beginning of your page and insert in-text formulas using $...$, displayed by \[...\].

  71. Posted June 3, 2011 at 7:49 am | #

    I cannot seem to get


    to work on my page.

    Usually when I write (using TeXshop) I use my own .sty file below; however, begin{solution}…etc., don’t want to work on my WP page even after I set my preamble under the advanced options.

    Any suggestions?

    ... clipped ...

    • Posted June 3, 2011 at 9:49 am | #

      1. QuickLaTeX compiles LaTeX code into image. This approach is good for formula insertion on the webpage. However textual information (including {enumerate}) should be placed as a text. This is important for your page rank in search engines – they can index text but cannot parse info from images. Just use HTML markup for lists: http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/html_lists.asp. If you want to compile {enumerate} as image anyway, just wrap it with [latex mode=1]...[/latex]. Parameter mode=1 push QuickLaTeX to compile LaTeX code as a text rather than formula.

      2. QuickLaTeX detects only standard LaTeX environments and shortcodes in the text. If you introduce your own commands or aliases for existing ones – you have to mark such custom commands with [latex]...[/latex] tags. E.g. [latex]\beq ... \eeq[/latex].

  72. Michael Uno
    Posted June 7, 2011 at 8:10 am | #

    Hello, this plugin is excellent. Thanks for the development.

    I’m wondering if it is possible to include Japanese Characters like ” 面積の和/(正方形の数-1) .” When I try this, an empty or partial formulas are displayed. I guess it is not supported yet. I hope it is included in the future updates.

    (Excuse me for my English.)

    • Posted June 7, 2011 at 10:02 am | #

      Your English is better than mine.

      Various languages support is in the ToDo list for QuickLaTeX (with low priority though).
      We have to switch from TexLive distro first – which is painful at the moment.

      • Michael Uno
        Posted June 7, 2011 at 11:56 am | #

        Thanks for the response.

        I see, please take your time. I don’t mean to rush you but I’m looking forward to it. 🙂

      • Anonymous
        Posted June 7, 2011 at 1:02 pm | #

        Why do you need to switch distros, and to what distro would you switch?

        • Posted June 7, 2011 at 1:52 pm | #

          I was thinking about switching to XeLaTeX, but apparently it is not necessary.
          We can type Japanese Kanji with TeXLive using CJKutf8 or CJK packages.

          The only problem is that QuickLaTeX server side software doesn’t support extended characters (UTF8 or else).
          I’ve added this to my plan – change software to support UTF8.

  73. Posted June 28, 2011 at 5:23 pm | #

    I have one website which does not use wordpress platform or any other CMS – in fact it’s handcoded in html/CSS/JS. Is there a way I could invoke QL to render my latex?

    • Posted June 28, 2011 at 5:34 pm | #

      Please check JS sources of QuickLaTeX.com – it is fairly easy to adapt that code for any usage.

      • Posted June 29, 2011 at 12:04 pm | #

        Ah, ok. Can you be more specific perhaps? I’m not much of a programmer. Is there a line of code I could simply insert into my pages to get the serviced by QL? And furthermore, are there lines of code that I could use to specify the desired settings/options for QL?

        • Posted June 30, 2011 at 11:41 am | #

          JS from QuickLaTeX.com includes software for server communication (including options handling, etc.). But unfortunately it cannot be used directly and needs polishing to become ready-to-use solution. Right now I’m short of time, cannot help – sorry.

          You can hire freelancer to do this job though – it won’t be expensive. Basically new code needed to search for LaTeX-marked HTML elements, like <span class="latex"> </span> on the page and apply existing code from QuickLaTeX.com to compile contents of the element. It should not be difficult using jQuery selectors.

          • Posted June 30, 2011 at 1:18 pm | #

            You would definitely be able to amplify your userbase tremendously one day when you find the time to make it serviceable to non-WordPress based sites.

            Migrating to WordPress involves a loss of features and a lot of work. Hence I’ve been unable to fully make use of QL. Some of my existing sites are still running on MathJax because that is my only option; MathJax is ready-to-use for any site – you just have to copy and paste some scripts to call on it, and you can even configure MathJax options simply using a JS configuration template which again can be copied and pasted onto your page. No CMS needed. This would be my biggest current request for QL. Though I appreciate you may have other priorities at the moment, I hope in future QL won’t remained confined to WP. Many thanks.

          • Posted June 30, 2011 at 1:36 pm | #

            Yes, you are right, this is very important feature – I’ll do it asap when I get a little time. Sorry again..

          • Posted June 30, 2011 at 2:07 pm | #

            With all my desire to work on QuickLaTeX improvement and extensions, I cannot afford to do that as much as I want.
            I still have to pay my bills somehow (including QL server hosting:-)) and bring food to my family table.

            So, please understand that I cannot do your requests right a way.

  74. Jacopo
    Posted July 22, 2011 at 12:09 pm | #

    Compliment for the plugin very well done 🙂

    Unfortunately I have a problem. I installed locally wordpress with your plugin for testing purpose and it is working perfectly.
    When I tried to move it to my university web server the plugin stopped working. What are the requirements for it? Is it supposed to work with PHP4.3.9?

    • Posted July 23, 2011 at 6:20 pm | #

      What WordPress version are you using? QL requires at least 2.8.

  75. Jacopo
    Posted July 23, 2011 at 7:02 pm | #

    well I have wordpress 3.1.4

    • Posted July 23, 2011 at 7:41 pm | #


      I didn’t test QuickLaTeX on PHP 4.
      Could you give more details on “plugin stop working”? Is it shown in plugin list? Can you activate it, see its admin page, etc?

      It is worth considering upgrade to PHP 5 since WordPress 3.1 is the last version with PHP 4 support.
      All subsequent versions will be based on PHP 5.2. Basically this will happen in a few months: http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/eol-for-php4-and-mysql4/

      • Jacopo
        Posted July 25, 2011 at 7:24 am | #

        When run on the physics department web server the plugin returns “Cannot generate formula” for every latex formula. On the department web server I have a multisite installation of wordpress 3.1.4 (as I did locally). The plugin shows up in the plugins list and it’s network activated. I can also see its admin page to configure.

        I would upgrade but unfortunately I have no control over the web server software, I’m just managing a small portion of the website. It’s not up to me.

        • Posted July 25, 2011 at 12:04 pm | #

          I think this situation is not related old PHP version.

          I suspect problem is in server/PHP settings – which tuned to disable HTTP requests(transports) to external resources from PHP scripts. QuickLaTeX needs such requests to transfer latex code for compilation on the server and then for downloading formula image for caching on your server. Only very limited servers disable such functionality.

          To solve this problem you need to tune corresponding settings locally for your site using .htaccess file. Look for “allow_url_fopen” keyword.

          I’ve found very useful plugin Core Control, which allows easy setup ans testing of various HTTP transports directly in WordPress admin page. It requires WP 3.2 though…

          Today I’ve released version 3.7.8 with extended diagnostics – now it will show more meaningful error message in the case of connection troubles.

  76. Posted July 25, 2011 at 1:48 pm | #

    I want to report a bug. After updating to WP QuickLaTeX 3.7.8 the whole tex setup on my site died. The reason as stated from WP plugin system is “The plugin has an invalid header”. Since this seems to be a crucial bug I would like to know if any other user is facing similar issues.

    Interestingly enough, I have a wp-quicklatex installation on a different url (to which I plan to eventually move the site) and the update apparently worked fine there. It might be an error on my server side.

    • Posted July 25, 2011 at 1:54 pm | #

      I noticed that too. WordPress plugin directory gives empty zip file for wp-quicklatex. Just checked again – now it gives correct file.

      So it should be fine now – please check. Deactivate plugin, then install new.
      SVN for WP plugins updates slow – around 10-15 minutes – I think that was the cause.

      Beautiful site by the way – I like clean minimalistic design.

      • Posted July 25, 2011 at 2:43 pm | #

        Thanks! It is working perfectly now.

        • Posted July 27, 2011 at 9:43 am | #


          I’ve noticed you use different colors for formulae and text on your site.

          I don’t know is it intentional (e.g. to high-lite math on the page). If not, you might try to setup color for formulae to match the text. Just type 555555 in Font color field on QuickLaTeX -> Basic Settings dialog and press Update QuicklaTeX Settings button.

          Also, could you email me short description of your site – I want to add it to the list of sites which use QuickLaTeX. Usually I do this by myself, but I cannot read Spanish and machine translation is not good…

          • Posted July 27, 2011 at 5:02 pm | #

            Thanks for the advice. I have send you a lil’ description by mail 😉

  77. Posted August 24, 2011 at 6:41 pm | #

    This is a great plugin for my blog, thank you!

  78. Posted September 10, 2011 at 11:06 pm | #

    1) I want to use quicklatex within the google documents forms checkboxes and embed the form into wordpress.. Is it possible? If yes, how?, or
    2) I want to use quicklatex with WP-Polls Plugin. Again, Is it possible? If yes, how?

    Thanks for all..

    • Posted September 11, 2011 at 11:47 am | #

      Yes, it is possible – answer for both questions.
      After all, QuickLaTeX outputs image, which can be embedded into anything.

      Go to QuickLaTeX.com, compile your formula, copy URL of the image, insert it where you want.

      If you want automatic integration – it is another story. I’m afraid this feature requires noticeable efforts to implement.

  79. Simone
    Posted September 21, 2011 at 7:21 pm | #

    I’m using wordpress 3.2.1 (installed on host space named “altervista”). Today I’ve installed the plugin “quicklatex” from the wordpress plugin, but it don’t work…
    for example if i write:

    At first, we sample $ f(x) $ in the ...

    in the web’s page there’s:

    At first, we sample
    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:
    *** Error message:
    Unknown error
    in the ...

    I’ve installed the plugin without problem, and setted chmod 777 in directory “ql-cache”. I’ve forgot something?
    ps: (excuse me for my disgustin english!)

    • Posted September 22, 2011 at 10:06 am | #


      The most common reason for “Unknown error” – PHP/Server configuration is too restrictive on your hosting.
      E. g. file operations are disabled or else.

      This is usual problem with free hosting providers – they cut all possible features to save resources.

  80. Rick
    Posted September 22, 2011 at 12:00 pm | #

    Hello Pavel,

    Thank you for your wonderful plug-in.

    Just one suggestion I did have… would it be possible to also enable Latex via $latex … $ ???

    The reason I ask is that I do most of my LaTeX equation editing in a program called MathType which lets me drag and drop equations from websites into MathType for editing, and then once edited, I can drag and drop them straight into my WordPress post. The only issue with this is that the MathType format is not changeable and always copies equations in the format $latex [equation goes here] $

    As a result with QuickLaTeX I need to keep deleting the latex part everytime I add or change an equation. However if it were possible for QuickLaTeX to also recognise these tags as LaTeX it would make life so much easier especially when we have blog posts with lots and lots of equations that need to be added/edited.

    Thanks for your time.

    • Rick
      Posted September 22, 2011 at 1:14 pm | #

      Hello again Pavel,

      Actually please dis-regard my previous comments. I just found a work-around which is even better. In MathType you can choose the export format from a list (e.g. Microsoft Office, WordPress, etc.) and it generates the correct latex code/format automatically from that. So while the WordPress format doesn’t work with your plugin we can just change the format to MathJax – Latex which outputs Latex in the format \[ … \] or with ( ) for inline equations. Not only does this solve the problem but I think it’s a better solution since it makes entering display or inline equations much easier.

      There was one other question I wanted to ask you tho. I was just wondering if there was anyway to bold the font for the latex images??? I’ve seen some websites that have latex images with bold + italic fonts and they seem to stick out a lot more then just italics. I know you already have italics for yours but is there anyway we can get the images to generate with a bold font as well?


    • Posted September 22, 2011 at 1:31 pm | #

      Hi Rick,

      I appreciate your supportive words.

      To be honest compatibility with MathType is not in my high priority task-list – there are no plans to implement it.
      Although if you are willing to pay for the feature to be added – I would gladly do so.
      I think it is only fair – MathType is commercial software after all.

      Thank you.

      • Rick
        Posted September 22, 2011 at 2:19 pm | #

        Hello Pavel,

        Thanks for your reply.

        Actually once I experimented I realized the way your plugin works is already great 😀 Because your plugin accepts \[ \] or \( \) for display/inline equations which is much, much better. Since MathType can export in this format (by changing export format to MathJax – LaTeX), I no longer have to manually do that myself in the WordPress post. I just click a button in MathType for inline or display equation and then drag and drop into my WordPress post. Your plugin then does the rest perfectly.

        The one remaining questions I did have tho… is there anyway to bold the font for the latex images??? I’ve seen some websites that have latex images with bold + italic fonts and they’re more visible then just italics. I know you already have italics for yours but is there anyway we can get the images to generate with a bold font as well?


        • Posted September 22, 2011 at 2:37 pm | #

          I’m glad you find solution without using any tags – this is main point of QuickLaTeX.

          QuickLaTeX is just interface to complete LaTeX distribution (TexLive 2011).
          You can use any packages/commands/fonts from it as you usually do offline.

          Hope this helps.

          • Rick
            Posted September 22, 2011 at 4:33 pm | #

            Oh I see. Just tried textbf and bf with the equations and they bold properly now. Thank you again for all your help ^^

  81. Alekos
    Posted October 7, 2011 at 2:35 am | #

    Hello, great app!!!!
    I have php function that runs in a page that includes the [latexpage] and a part of the function is as follows:

    function wpapl_showAcademicDetail( $userID ) {
    !$user = wpapl_get_academic_user_info( $userID );
    !$siteurl = get_option('siteurl');

    // Get photo URI
    $photo = wpapl_get_user_photo_uri( !$userID );

    $top_uri = wpapl_get_uri();
    $category_uri = wpapl_get_people_category_uri( $user->categoryID );

    $html = '

    <a href="' . $category_uri . '" rel="nofollow">' . $user->category_name . '</a>
    uri . '" width="' . $photo->width . '" height="' . $photo->height . '" />

    ' . $user->full_name . '';
    !$html .= '';
    if( ! ( empty( $user->current_job ) ) ) {
    $html .= 'Areas of Study:' . $user->current_job . '';
    if( ! ( empty( $user->url ) ) ) {
    $html .= 'Website: ' . makeClickableLinks( !$user->url ) . '';
    if( ! ( empty( $user->academic_email ) ) ) {
    $html .= 'Email: ' . <strong> $user->academic_email . '';

    $html .= '';

    Is there a way to have the $user->academic_email rendered in QL?

    Thank you.

    • Posted October 7, 2011 at 10:56 am | #

      You can wrap it with $\texrm{...}$ and make sure WP-QuickLaTeX runs after your plugin.

      • Alekos
        Posted October 7, 2011 at 4:16 pm | #

        Thanks for the reply, but maybe I was not so clear.
        The php code shows an email that is stored in the variable academic_email, and after parsing it shows something like this:
        Email: name@affiliation.com.
        I want that string ” name@affiliation.com” to be rendered in QL.

        wrapping it with latex’s \texrm{} returns a php error.

        Thank you.

        • Posted October 7, 2011 at 7:38 pm | #

          I think I understood you correctly. You want email address to be rendered as an image.
          If you insert email address in the post, then you can mark it with $..$ to push QL to render text between dollars as image. Just make sure QL plugin runs after your plugin done its work.

          Otherwise, if you print e-mail somewhere else (not in the post) then things get tricky. You have to establish connection to QL server manually, send email text, receive and handle response, etc.
          It seems much easier just to use some other technique to protect emails from harvesting by spambots. There are few plugins for WP which ca do that.

          • Posted October 7, 2011 at 7:41 pm | #
          • Alekos
            Posted October 7, 2011 at 8:33 pm | #

            Thank you for the plugin, unfortunately it does not make the job.
            The problem is that all e-mails are stored in a database and are retrieved each time when wpapl_showAcademicDetail( $userID ) is called.

            I am afraid that the solution is the hard option of manually establish connection to QL server, send email text, receive and handle response, etc.

            Thank you anyway for your time! 🙂

          • Posted October 8, 2011 at 11:15 am | #

            Well, you can render emails as images directly in PHP using extensions or calling ImageMagick utilities. This will be much more clean approach then using QuickLaTeX, which has different purpose after all. Besides I cannot guarantee QuickLaTeX will always render raster images, we are working on vector output formats, where ‘text’ will remain text. So email address protection will be compromised if rendered in this format.

  82. QingLiu
    Posted October 28, 2011 at 8:37 pm | #

    Chinese is not supported yet?

    • QingLiu
      Posted October 28, 2011 at 9:30 pm | #

      can you give me a packages’ list that QuickLaTeX support ?

  83. Posted November 16, 2011 at 7:13 am | #

    I want to use simpsons Characters in my web site http://www.ahmath.com
    In the document
    page 96, there are codes for simpsons Characters. The document symbols-a4.pdf refers to the website http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/simpsons for more information. On the way to get the simpsons Characters, I add \usepackage{simpsons} to the area in the Advanced tab in QuickLaTeX and write \Bart in a page with included but get an error:

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    File `simpsons.sty’ not found.
    Emergency stop.
    leading text: \pagestyle

    So, what shall i do now?


    • Posted November 16, 2011 at 9:21 am | #


      QuickLaTeX uses TexLive distribution – all packages from there can be used.
      However “simpsons” package is not in TexLive, check its webpage: http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/simpsons

      This package is pretty old (1994), is there are any modern replacement for it?

      • Posted November 17, 2011 at 10:34 pm | #

        So, is there any Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List for TexLive distribution?

  84. Posted November 20, 2011 at 2:18 am | #

    How can we write any piecewise funtion with quiclatex in wordpress?

  85. Posted November 23, 2011 at 12:37 am | #


    I have a problem using quicklatex in connection with Matlab-code containing Latex. To syntax highlight code I use a WP-Plugin. My example gets destroyed inside this comment, so here the code:


    Quicklatex tries to generate images of the formula used inside the code. How can I prevent this?

    • Posted November 23, 2011 at 12:45 am | #

      Put “!” before latex formula, like this: !\[x(t)\]

  86. s
    Posted November 28, 2011 at 3:55 pm | #

    why there is a test “rendered by quicklatex.com”
    How to clear it?

  87. Posted November 28, 2011 at 5:41 pm | #

    I am going to use the plugin. Its feature set is better than my home-made plugin (especially, baseline alignment; how did you made it?).

    I have a few questions:
    1) Where should I place text “Powered by QuickLatex”?
    2) Can I modify plugin source code?

    • Posted November 28, 2011 at 8:46 pm | #

      Additional questions:

      1) Is there a way to specify custom preample for a page? (As opposite to the preample for the whole site, and preample for a stand-alone formula)?
      2) How did you made “Preview” button for the comments on this site?

    • Posted November 28, 2011 at 10:03 pm | #

      @Where should I place text “Powered by QuickLatex”?
      Where you usually place credits to open source software. Near “Powered by WordPress” or else.

      @Can I modify plugin source code?
      Yes of cause. If you will add new features interesting for anyone – please commit them to mothership :).
      Any contribution is very welcome. I would gladly share ideas or tasks from todo list if you want to improve it more.

      @ How did you made “Preview” button for the comments on this site?
      QuickLaTeX is compatible with AJAX Comment Preview plugin – please install it.

      @Is there a way to specify custom preample for a page
      Not to my knowing. Might be the first feature to implement for you.

      • Posted November 28, 2011 at 10:48 pm | #

        May be you will laugh at me, but I want to tell you how I tryed to do correct vertical alignment without custom LaTeX server (by regular PHP plugin):
        1) Take formula from the page text, for example “a^2+b^2=c^2”; check if it is already cached
        2) Prepend point to it: “.a^2+b^2=c^2”
        3) Render by any public LaTeX server: .a^2+b^2=c^2
        4) Take image returned by server, scan it column-by-column from left to right until non-empty column will be found (that is prepended point).
        5) Scan columns until empty column will be found. During scanning, remember bottommost non-empty (non-white) pixel position (this will be baseline).
        6) Crop image according to empty column found: a^2+b^2=c^2, cache cropped .png and .txt with baseline position.

        I have almost finished the work, and then comed across your solution, which is definitely better because allow custom preamble, which cannot be implemented atop of public LaTeX server.

        • Posted November 28, 2011 at 11:13 pm | #

          Although I’m not sure it covers all the cases I think your idea is very clever!

          I decided to install my own server since I wanted many additional features unavailable in public servers – error messages, precise font properties tuning (size in pixels), TikZ graphics support, preamble.

          As for vertical alignment – I was amazed by the “jumpy” formulas produced by other servers. LaTeX is high quality typography system after all – it knows perfect baseline and everything. I wanted to use this power – so I made my own backend.

  88. Posted January 12, 2012 at 12:41 am | #

    Oops! I just noticed that you limit QuickLaTeX to non-commercial web sites. Have you worked out a commercial option? I’d be happy to pay for the privilege of continuing to use QuickLaTeX. Feel free to check out my web site, particularly this page and this page, to see how I use it. If you can suggest a payment level, I’ll be happy to oblige if I can, or switch back to the WordPress LaTeX plugin otherwise.

  89. Posted January 12, 2012 at 12:45 am | #

    One possibility, BTW, is to find a way to package up and sell your code to those who would self-host. I run my site off a cloud server and I have LaTeX installed there already. So it’s quite possible I could run this internally. This way, not only are you paid, but my continued use is not a drain on your resources.

    • Posted January 12, 2012 at 10:40 am | #

      Hi Michael.

      Thank you for placing backlink to QuickLaTeX on your site.
      Feel free to continue to use it. If you want you can support QuickLaTeX by donation (see plugin’s settings page).

      One of the ideas behind QuickLaTeX was to avoid installing all of the LaTeX-related software on user’s server. Actually you are the first who has asked about self-hosting option in three years.

      Honestly speaking, I have no idea how to make QuickLaTeX self-sustainable financially. People expect these kind of service to be free – totally we get 2 donations since the beginning. The only idea is to provide Professional version with some extra features, however it is already way ahead the competitors.

      Let me know if you have any ideas.

      I like your CVX toolbox. Very useful and professionally developed.
      I’ve been developing extension for MATLAB too and looks like I can learn a lot from CVX.
      Take a look if you are interested: Multiprecision Computing Toolbox for MATLAB

      • Posted January 22, 2012 at 3:34 am | #

        I would also be interested in a commercial and/or self-hosted option. This is a very great tool, though I am still learning LaTeX.
        For the self-hosted setup, it would be cool to be able to purchase a cPanel add-on or yum installer.

        • Posted January 22, 2012 at 10:21 am | #

          Hi Aurelio.

          I appreciate your feedback and donation! Now we are thinking about making commercial/self-hosted version of QuickLaTeX.

          Honestly I have no idea about packaging – now QuickLaTeX consists of several different parts:
          (1) Server side: customized TexLive distribution + our software on top of it + apache’s FastCGI module ;
          (2) Client side: plugin for WordPress (although it is possible to create plugins for other CMS).

          We have to take into account zoo of Linux flavors, web servers, etc. Not quite sure how to do that…

  90. Posted January 30, 2012 at 12:56 am | #


    I really appreciate your plugin. That’s a great job !
    Unfortunately, something goes wrong with my wordpress installation. When I read an article, I can see all the images produced by QuickLatex. But on category view (http://www.bourdonj.fr/wordpress/category/eco2-lycee-militaire/devoirs-libres/) I can’t see anything…

    Can you tell me what’s wrong ?

    Thanks a lot.

    PS: My English is not very good, I’m sorry !

    • Posted January 30, 2012 at 9:25 am | #

      I see no problems in category view on your site – formulas are displayed, posts are shown exactly as in post-view.
      Could you describe problems you referring to in more detail?

      • Posted January 30, 2012 at 3:39 pm | #


        I think I know the problem. That’s why I found a solution on the category view (you can see the problem if you search the word “devoir”). The problem is that images are not shown in loops using the_excerpt() function. They are only shown in the_content(). So I changed the loop on category page. Is there another solution ?

        Thank you.

        • Posted January 30, 2012 at 4:10 pm | #

          That is very strange, QuickLaTeX actually handles the_excerpt the same way as the_content. Here is code snippet directly from the plugin:

          add_filter( 'the_content', 'quicklatex_parser',7);
          add_filter( 'comment_text', 'quicklatex_parser',7);
          add_filter( 'the_title', 'quicklatex_parser',7);
          add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'quicklatex_parser',7);
          add_filter( 'thesis_comment_text', 'quicklatex_parser',7);
          add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'quicklatex_action_links', 10, 2);

          Have no idea….

          • Posted January 30, 2012 at 4:12 pm | #

            I’ll investigate and i’ll keep you in touch

          • Posted January 30, 2012 at 4:13 pm | #

            Thanks, looking forward to your help…

  91. JB
    Posted January 31, 2012 at 12:47 am | #

    Hi again,

    How can I use Quicklatex with bbpress ?


  92. Anonymous
    Posted February 1, 2012 at 11:42 pm | #

    No errors or problems, just want to say that your plugin is awesome and extremely practical, thank you so much !!!

  93. Posted February 13, 2012 at 7:54 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Thanks for the plug-in, I have a trouble, maybe you answered previously but I didn’t find it, sorry if yes. When I try to embed latex onto normal wordpress text happens a breakline, sure is a very simple trouble but i don’t know how to fix. Thanks in advance.



    • Posted February 13, 2012 at 10:47 pm | #

      I see nothing wrong with QuicklaTeX on your page. Could you check that there is no line break after formula in the text itself?

      Inline formula should look like $\sqrt{\alpha}$ – no line breaks before/after.

      And one more thing – one of the formula on your page is not rendered by QuickLaTeX – is there any chance you use two LaTeX plugins in the same time? They might fight for the place under the sun causing mess on your page.

    • Posted February 13, 2012 at 11:05 pm | #

      Hi Pavel,

      Thanks for the answer. I mean after the second equation you can see that I tried to call some variables and there is a break line…

      About the Latex render, maybe is working the JetPack. What is the equation rendered by this?

      Thank you for your help!


      • Posted February 14, 2012 at 11:11 am | #

        Yes, I see unneeded line break, but this doesn’t relates to QL as far as I can tell. Could you check that there is no line break after formula in the text itself?

        Inline formula should look like $\sqrt{\alpha}$ – no line breaks before/after.

        Honestly, I don’t know is it JetPack or else – but I see that formula with wrong break line is not generated by QuickLaTeX – but some other plugin. Try to disable other LaTeX – related plugins on your blog.

  94. Posted February 15, 2012 at 9:38 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I have started a wordpress website with your excellent plugin. When I wrote equations with numbering, quicklatex generated correct png including ordered numbers. But, after I tried to change the position of equations and their numbers by modifying the settings, quicklatex doesn’t seem to generate correct png’s, like ‘(1) …some equation (4)’. I mean that there are two different numbers in both sides, one is correct. Could you check my website about the situation, or even give some solution? Although the website is written in Japanese, you can see equations.

    Ichijo Hodaka

    • Posted February 15, 2012 at 10:08 am | #

      I see. Could you give me details on plugin settings, especially what commands/packages do you use in custom preamble?

      • Posted February 15, 2012 at 10:30 am | #

        Hi Pavel,

        Thank you for your reply. I’m a novice in wordpress. If the following is not enough for you, please tell me.

        wordpress 3.1.4.
        I couldn’t check the version of quicklatex, but I had just installed it two or three days ago.

        In Basic Settings,
        Background Color:Transparent
        Displayed Equations Alignment: center
        Equation Number Position: right
        (I changed the last two settings, and I had a trouble. So, I put them back in the above.)

        In Advanced,
        Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide: off
        Exclude ..: off

        In System,
        Image format: PNG
        Cache images locally: on
        Debug mode: off


        • Posted February 15, 2012 at 10:33 am | #

          in addition,

          My preamble is


          I had just added the last one. This includes Japanese Kanji character. This is for referring to equations.

          • Posted February 15, 2012 at 10:48 am | #

            This command \newcommand[1]{\EQ}{(#1)式} is the source of trouble. If you remove it – it will work fine.
            It is best to leave auto-numbering to QuickLaTeX plugin, without redefining it.

            But you can setup custom number/label for equation manually by using \tag command like:


          • Posted February 15, 2012 at 11:07 am | #

            Thanks for your appropriate instruction. After I removed the \newcommand line, the trouble has been avoided.

            Thank you!

  95. Posted February 18, 2012 at 8:29 pm | #

    Thanks for such a elegant plugin for latex and tikz, I really appreciate it .

    I have choose MathJax to render my latex(mainly math) on my site, and for the purely latex code (non-AMS) I have tried to write a plugin, named Latex2Html to translate it in the HTML-CSS, it works well on my site.

    Now I want to use tikz on my site to draw pictures, but I don’t have a well understand to code of QuickLatex especially the part to process tikz code, so I am wondering is there any possibility you separate the code from QuickLatex to get a sub-plugin for wordpress to process the tikz merely? I have tried but failed since my programming with PHP is badly poor.

    • Posted February 18, 2012 at 10:42 pm | #

      WP QuickLaTeX uses backend server – QuickLaTeX to do rendering of Tikz drawings. Plugin just inserts rendered images into HTML code of the page.

  96. Posted March 2, 2012 at 5:29 pm | #

    Hello, How can i write one equations at two line ? Like, I posted a article that contains a Big Equation @Title. This title is out of my website from left to very very right….

    If it will be at two line, This will be very smart. is there any way ?


  97. Posted March 27, 2012 at 8:40 am | #

    Hi Pavel. I’m trying to use an align environment where only one equation is numbered. But Quicklatex is moving the number to the center of the equations rather than aligning it with the numbered equation. e.g., I try to do this:

    (4)   \begin{align*} \nonumber x &= y+z\\ y &= w + v \end{align*}

    As you can see, the result is the equations are aligned but the number (4) is between the two lines rather than attached to the last one.

    Is this a bug or is there a way to do what I want?

    • Posted March 27, 2012 at 1:51 pm | #

      Now Quicklatex doesn’t support per-equation numbering inside align environment. Sorry, but you have to split your equations or else changes are required.

      Btw now we are testing new version of QuickLaTex which renders formulas into vector format – SVG, so that scaling of webpage will preserve quality. You can already check this feature on my site. We will release it in a few days depending on free time.

  98. Posted April 2, 2012 at 2:43 pm | #

    Hi Pavel. I’m having trouble fitting some long displayed equations. I have it set to center displayed equations, but there seems to be a left margin imposed regardless of the length. See http://otexts.com/fpp/8/8/ for some examples where equations are not fitting, although they are shorter than the width of the text.

    How is that left margin being imposed and can I change it?


    • Posted April 2, 2012 at 2:50 pm | #

      QuickLaTeX always reserves space for left & right eqno. Width of these margins are controlled by CSS classes ql-left-eqno & ql-right-eqno in the file: [plugin's derictory]\css\quicklatex-format.css

      Adjust width property for the classes to setup new margin.

      • Posted April 2, 2012 at 6:54 pm | #

        Thanks for the quick response. Problem solved.

  99. Tom Cloud
    Posted April 11, 2012 at 7:19 am | #

    This is my first time to use your plugin — the closing [/latexpage] tag shows. Is that tag supposed to be omitted?


    I am using your example code and will have the site owner pay for use of your script once he’s satisfied with it.

    • Posted April 11, 2012 at 9:11 am | #

      Command triggers QuickLaTeX processing for entire post. There is no need for closing tag – just delete it.

  100. Posted April 12, 2012 at 6:39 am | #

    I’m having trouble with the plugin, and have been working normally but lately I get this …

    I clarify that I use the $ ... $ For comfort

    • Posted April 12, 2012 at 9:38 am | #

      John, please send source text of the “problematic” page to my e-mail: pavel@holoborodko.com

    • Posted April 12, 2012 at 1:26 pm | #

      You use too many $ signs to type formulas. You just need to wrap your LaTeX code with _only_ one pair of $...$.
      Here is how your formulas should look like:

      $\sqrt[3]{N} = q\Rightarrow q^{3}=N$

      $Exacta:\,\sqrt[3]{N} = q$

      $Inexacta:\,\sqrt[3]{N} = \, q\,+\, r$

  101. anwibuma
    Posted April 16, 2012 at 11:02 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I use theme Twenty Eleven, I desire to activate plugins to use weather-cloudy and QuickLaTeX in my Blog. I don’t know how to do it.
    Please helpme.

  102. evarist
    Posted April 17, 2012 at 2:24 pm | #

    Could you please post here an example of LaTex code(in Quick LaTex) for the short exact sequence with the function’s name lie over the arrows?

  103. Posted April 18, 2012 at 11:12 am | #

    I do have a package called tkz-tab-vn is not available in the installed miktex. I can add to Quicklatex in advanced settings are not? Thank you for creating a great plugin.

  104. Edwin
    Posted April 24, 2012 at 6:14 pm | #

    nice plugin, I have donated, thanks,

    Equations on their own line are working well.
    Inline equations are being pushed to the left margin, and are not in the correct place inline in the text. I have tried both dollar delimiters and latex delimeters.
    “critical” value    v_{b}^{*}  
    is displayed as
     v_{b}^{*}   “critical” value
    on my site

    • Posted April 24, 2012 at 6:21 pm | #

      Something is wrong with the theme you use on your site. From your explanation, it seems that CSS styles for the images do not work well.
      Could you give me a link to your site? BTW, I haven’t receive donation from you…..

  105. jeshua
    Posted May 13, 2012 at 11:35 am | #


    1.- I install quicklatex in the theme shuffusion, however, not good luck formulas. why.
    2.- It is necessary new theme or typography for good luck formulas

    Best regards

  106. Walter Weinmann
    Posted May 14, 2012 at 11:05 am | #

    Really the best plugin for LaTeX available.

    But how is it possible to use your plugin with wordpress.com – since hosting with wordpress.com does not allow the installation of any plugin.



  107. Denis
    Posted May 14, 2012 at 8:21 pm | #

    I am making a tutorial website for our study group, and we have to work with Latex a lot, formula discussions and corrections are common. I used a few plugins and decided to use yours because it makes it possible to copy the Latex code from the image(with the alt attribute) unlike other plugins that hide the code completely. But that isn’t enough and we miss 2 features:
    1. copy code to clipboard element (image/div) beside the image (if possible, without flash)
    2. a way to print the code beside the image, compatibility with a plugin like WP Syntax would be nice.

    About MathML, I tried a latex to mathml plugin, the rendering was ok, but when you tried to copy the formula, you got only the formatted text(eg 2———3 instead of 2/3) , which wasn’t wished for.
    Thanks a lot for this nice plugin

    • Posted May 16, 2012 at 11:03 am | #

      Hi Denis,

      You can show source code of the formulas by inserting exclamation sign “!” just before the code. For example, !$\sqrt{\alpha}$. This pushes QuickLaTeX to skip image rendering.

      Also you can combine this with WP Syntax or other plugins – wrap with tags and shortcodes:

      You can copy code to clipboard from “alt” property of the image (as you said).
      Direct copy (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) assumes WYSIWYG functionality – to preserve visual form of the page as it is, with images and everything. It is out of my control.

  108. Thomas
    Posted June 16, 2012 at 12:49 am | #

    It would be absolutely great if WP-QuickLaTeX would allow for using a local LaTeX-installation. I use some homegrown or locally modified packages as well as some that are on CTAN but not on quicklatex.com

    • Posted July 6, 2012 at 10:26 am | #

      Hi Thomas, sorry for delayed reply.

      Actually QuickLaTeX depends not only on LaTeX-distribution, but also on custom developed pieces of software (or modified standard), which should be installed on a server too. However we never planned this software to be portable or easy to install and support by third party. Substantial time is needed to improve this, which we do not have now….

  109. Posted June 19, 2012 at 12:51 am | #

    I am able to get the plug-in work for posts of type “post”. But it seems to not render posts of custom taxonomies. Is this a constraint of the plug-in?

    • Posted July 6, 2012 at 10:27 am | #

      Thank you for your feedback, I will investigate this further.

  110. Alessio
    Posted August 17, 2012 at 1:31 am | #

    Hi, How do I add the package cancel in QL?

  111. Will
    Posted August 21, 2012 at 5:28 pm | #

    Hi there

    I don’t seem to be able to get WP-QuickLaTeX working with buddyPress forums – is this a supported feature?


    • Will
      Posted August 21, 2012 at 7:32 pm | #

      BTW – will definitely donate if I can get this working!

  112. Posted August 25, 2012 at 11:36 pm | #

    Hello Pavel,

    I’m putting together a post about ChemFig, and have run into an issue. Simple input such as


    is fine, but


    goes wrong. Both work with a ‘stand-alone’ TeX Live 2012, which has ChemFig v.1.0f, plus of course an up-to-date TikZ. Any idea what might be wrong?

    • Posted August 26, 2012 at 12:52 am | #

      Hello Joseph,

      Thank you for your donation!

      QuickLaTeX uses TexLive 2011. Updates are disabled for 2011, now we are checking for possible issues of moving to TexLive 2012.

    • Posted August 28, 2012 at 11:55 am | #


      I’ve tested your example using the current QuickLaTeX (TexLive 2011) – it renders fine (correct me if I’m wrong):

        \chemfig{ *6(-(-R^2)=- (-[::-60]=[::-60]N-*6(=(-R^3)-=(-R^4)-=(-R^3)-)) =(-OH)-(-R^1)=) }

      Code is:


      Please let me know what went wrong on your experiments.

  113. Posted September 4, 2012 at 5:53 am | #

    Hey Pavel, thanks so much for developing such a great add-on. I’d been using MathJax for a bit, but the fact that it’s useless for RSS feeds is a huge downer for me. I like the image replacement you use, but I can’t seem to get the quality that you’re getting here on your site. Is there anything special you’ve done to get such crisp graphics? I can’t seem to find anything in the settings panel.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • Kenny
      Posted October 20, 2012 at 8:11 am | #

      I also have the same question. How do you get such sharp graphics? I have looked at all other sites using quicklatex (linked from the main page) and they are not as sharp. Any help would be appreciated? Your equations come out as crisp as Beautiful Math (http://jetpack.me/support/beautiful-math/), which is used in wordpress.com.

      • Posted November 15, 2012 at 9:43 pm | #

        Hello Kenny and David.

        The difference was that I used development version of plugin with new feature – rendering into vector graphic format SVG (instead of raster).
        This is long awaited and very essential feature – I wanted to give it a test before releasing to the public.

        And today it is out, so please update your plugins to 3.8.0 version and setup “Image Format” to “Auto” in “System” settings page.
        QuickLaTeX will automatically show SVG images in the browsers which support vector graphic, and fall back to PNG otherwise.

        Play with zoom in the browsers – to check that image resolution stays the same, crisp and clear.

        Please give me your feedback if it is working or not.

  114. Posted September 26, 2012 at 6:26 am | #

    Hey Pavel, thanks for the awesome package. Is there any chance that you guys can add the mathpartir package from http://cristal.inria.fr/~remy/latex/. It is one of the easiest inference rule packages (compared to bussproofs) out there.

  115. Akura
    Posted October 5, 2012 at 4:22 pm | #


    When i include the extarrows package and try to render xLongrightarrow it looks weird: http://imageshack.us/a/img836/4531/errorse.png
    Can you fix this issue?


    • Posted October 5, 2012 at 4:38 pm | #


      This kind on imperfections are inevitable in vector to bitmap conversions. To alleviate the issue, please try to change font size of the formula by using parameter “size”:

      [latex size=20] ...latex code here... [/latex]

      or if you use native syntax:

      $\quicklatex{size=20} ...latex code here...$

      • Akura
        Posted October 5, 2012 at 9:10 pm | #

        Thank you very much, works like a charm

  116. Posted October 6, 2012 at 3:34 am | #

    I rely on Latex plugin to display symbols and equations. With the current theme, the latex symbols always appear in a new line, as shown on this page: http://testlab.peguru.com/test-post-with-latex/
    I want the symbols to be in-line with the text. How do I make this happen?

    Appreciate any help,

    • Posted October 9, 2012 at 9:31 am | #

      Test page you referring to is rendered by a different plugin, not QuickLaTeX. Turn it off and then enable QuickLaTeX – problem will disappear.

      And sorry, I do not provide support for plugins I didn’t write 🙂

  117. kate
    Posted October 6, 2012 at 7:45 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    There are some probs with the russian words which I wanted to insert in the latex table cells. Could you give any hint how to do that?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Posted October 9, 2012 at 9:34 am | #

      Hi Kate,

      QuickLaTeX doesn’t support Unicode characters, this might be a problem. Why don’t you want to render your table with HTML?
      And use latex only for the mathematical formulas? This way is more search-engine friendly.

  118. Posted October 18, 2012 at 11:15 am | #


    I installed wp-quicklatex into our wordpress site, but found that it didn’t work.
    Here’s the error message:

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: Could not open handle for fopen() to http://www.quicklatex.com/latex3.f
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources (“allow_url_fopen”, etc.)

    I think this occurs because we need to use a proxy server to make requests outside our site. I tried setting the http_proxy environment variable in the .htaccess file, without any effect.

    If you could let me know if it is possible to use wp-quicklatex through a proxy server and if so then how I’d be most appreciative.


    John McQueen.

  119. Ali Ghaderi
    Posted November 9, 2012 at 10:05 am | #

    Thank you for a great package. I have a problem using some of the Latex packages. For example when I try to include the dropping package I get the the following error message:

    File `dropping.sty’ not found.
    Emergency stop.
    leading text: \pagestyle

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  120. Posted November 10, 2012 at 4:58 am | #

    Hello Pavel,

    Thanks for this great plugin.
    I have a question related to your plugin
    How insert matrix through QuickLatex in wordpress.


  121. Davide
    Posted December 10, 2012 at 11:42 pm | #

    Hi! sorry but can I use your plugin also in the text of the quizzes? thanks

  122. Marc
    Posted December 11, 2012 at 12:19 am | #

    Thank you for this great plugin, which I use extensively for my research notebook. Oh, and the vectorized rendering just look beautiful, much nicer than the PNG rendering, especially when zooming in! Thanks again.


    • Posted December 11, 2012 at 10:52 am | #

      Marc, thank you for your positive feedback!
      Usually users get in touch only if problem happens, but positive feedback is what keeps development going.
      Thank you for the deep understanding.

  123. Davide
    Posted December 13, 2012 at 12:05 am | #

    Sorry but could it work on the plugin “WP Survey And Quiz Tool”, because I’m trying but there’s nothing out… Anyway thanks

  124. David
    Posted December 25, 2012 at 12:54 am | #

    Now I use a more american name 😉 I had an idea: if I switch on the option “Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide” does QuickLaTeX work also in the plugins? (e.g. WP Survey And Quiz Tool) Thanks and Merry Christmas too!

    • Posted December 25, 2012 at 12:02 pm | #

      Hi David, Merry Christmas to you too!

      Well, QuickLaTeX cannot control behavior of other plugins nor guarantee integration with all of them in general.

      The best way is just try to install both plugins on one site and see how they work together

  125. David
    Posted December 27, 2012 at 8:33 pm | #

    Thanks for answering! 🙂 ok, I’ve yet installed both plugins and they don’t like each other… but anyway I’ll use QuickLaTeX in every article!
    Thanks again, bye 😉

  126. Saiyan
    Posted December 29, 2012 at 6:33 am | #

    Hi Pavel, recently I started making one website abouth math and I am using your WP_QuickLaTeX plugin and it works amazing. I don’t have any commercials on my site at the moment but if at some point I decide to put some google ads should I remove QL? I recently read the license that said it must be used on non-commercial websites + backlink to QL. Does site having ads from Google Ad Sense count for commercial one?

  127. Posted February 4, 2013 at 6:51 pm | #

    Hi Pavel, thank you for the great plugin. Is it possible to pass the results from say Contact Form 7 (or any other database plugin) through Quick Latex?

    • Posted February 4, 2013 at 7:13 pm | #

      Hi Owen, thank you for donation!

      It is possible but modifications are required. QuickLaTeX is designed to filter posts and comments and it is called by WordPress automatically as plugin when required.

      For tight integration with other plugins you need to see source code of QuickLaTeX – there are functions which can be called to process any pieces of text directly.

      • Owen
        Posted February 4, 2013 at 9:42 pm | #

        Will do, thanks Pavel

  128. Posted February 7, 2013 at 5:34 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I tried changing the System setting to Auto and SVG, and I get a broken image icon whenever I add latex to my web pages. PNG works fine. Any ideas?

    I am using the newest WordPress, but I saw this problem before I updated.

  129. kevin
    Posted March 13, 2013 at 6:49 pm | #


    I’ve just installed the pluggin into wordpress (which is on my website hosted by free.fr), I tried to compile the example you gave (At first we sample… etc). And I get this error :

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: Failed to connect to Unknown error 101
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources ("allow_url_fopen", etc.)
    These links might help in finding solution:

    • Posted March 13, 2013 at 7:17 pm | #


      Your hoster has disabled any kinds of communication with external servers (free services usually do that to fight with spammers, etc).
      Plugin just cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server because of that.

      Consult links in error message for resolution (change hosting provider).

      • kevin
        Posted March 29, 2013 at 10:26 pm | #

        I have installed core control and tried to solve the problem as it is explained in the last link by disabling cURL but it didn’t works, I posted the results of the test of the external HTTP access right here : my post

        Have you any suggestion ?

        cURL => “An Error has occured: Failed to connect to Unknown error 101”

        PHP Streams => “Whilst an error was not returned, The server returned an unexpected result: , HTTP result: 0”

        PHP fsockopen() => “An Error has occured: 101: Network is unreachable

  130. Florian
    Posted March 15, 2013 at 9:57 pm | #

    Hi, is there a “normal” way to use the service on a normal web site by just linking the img src to your generator?

    Something like

    I’ve been using the WP Plugin for some months now but I’d like to use it in some static pages also.

  131. Posted March 28, 2013 at 4:56 pm | #

    Здравствуйте, Павел.
    Спасибо за плагин, очень удобен и прост в использовании.
    У меня возник такой вопрос: когда я в выключную формулу пытаюсь добавить текст через \text{…}, у меня не отображаются русские буквы. Насколько я поняла, ваш плагин не поддерживает кирилицу? Не подскажете как можно подключить русский шрифт. Или если проблема не в этом, то где копать?

  132. KSnakeW
    Posted April 7, 2013 at 11:29 pm | #

    Hello! Your plugin is awesome but… I have problem with using package marvosym – symbols are generated unvalid. For example \Beam is direct current symbol, but on page is ” generated.

  133. Posted April 9, 2013 at 8:57 am | #

    I’m trying to run this TikZ example and it isn’t the desired result. Maybe it could be a bug.



  134. Posted April 18, 2013 at 10:58 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    First of all, thanks for providing this awesome plugin. However I have a problem with using the verbatim package in QuickLaTeX and can’t seem to find any documentation about it. I have already included the \usepackage{verbatim} line at the preamble located at Advanced Settings page.

    Writing an in-line verbatim text works, only that I have to force it with the $...$ signs which are normally not necessary in TeX editors.

    Here is the equations of motion for $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ in $\verb=MATLAB=$

    renders “Here is the equations of motion for \theta_1 and \theta_2 in \verb=MATLAB=

    However, it seems like QuickLaTeX does not recognize the \begin{verbatim}…\end{verbatim} command at all.

    Please let me know how to solve this issue. The page I am trying to edit is located here. Thank you very much and keep up the great work!

    P.S: As you can see, seems like I am using the example=true parameter incorrectly to display the LaTeX code. I wonder how can I get rid of the displayed [latex]...[/latex]?

    • Posted April 18, 2013 at 12:26 pm | #

      Hi Alyssa,

      You can use this syntax to render verbatim environments (mode=1 instructs QuickLaTeX that code is not a formula):

      [latex mode=1]

      Your example will be shown as :

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      However I recommend you do not use QuickLaTeX to render program source code.
      Use WP-Syntax plugin (or similar) instead- it will highlight code and show it as a text, which is very important for search engines.
      Here are few examples of MATLAB source code rendered by WP-Syntax: http://www.advanpix.com/documentation/users-manual/

      If you like QuickLaTeX please give back-link to the page. QuickLaTeX is a link-ware service, free to use in exchange to link.

      • Posted April 20, 2013 at 2:35 am | #

        Hi Pavel,

        Thank you very much for the quick resolve! And the link back is now provided.

  135. Posted April 29, 2013 at 12:37 am | #

    Hello, MathJack previously used, but its slow loading and stumbled term bothering with QuickLatex and so far everything seems to work great.

    however I’ve noticed that is not compatible with W3 Total Cache and therefore not stored images in my amazon CloudFlront CDN.

    Is there a solution to that? Thank you.

    —- Sorry for my english

    Hola, , anteriormente utilizaba MathJack, pero su lenta carga termino molestándome y tropecé con QuickLatex y por el momento todo parece funcionar excelente.

    sin embargo me he dado cuenta que no es compatible con W3 Total Cache y por ende, las imágenes tampoco se almacenan en mi CDN amazon CloudFlront.

    ¿hay solución a eso? Gracias.

  136. Posted May 9, 2013 at 3:10 pm | #

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:


    \StrPosition{AQ2 K863 1065 J1065}{ }[\myname]
    \StrMid{AQ2 K863 1065 J1065}{1}{\myname}


    *** Error message:
    Error: Not allowed command sequence

    On NB under TeXworks this work.

  137. Posted May 9, 2013 at 9:37 pm | #

    Thank you for the plugin, it’s much appreciated! Can we somehow get some/all TikZ pictures in the inline mode? Can we use this plugin outside the WordPress environment? If yes, what’s the recommended way of setting configuration parameters? Thank you for the answers in advance!

  138. Alex
    Posted May 13, 2013 at 3:04 am | #

    Hi, does quicklatex support reference citation? I tried

    Here is a citation \cite{example}.


    Robert C. Merton, On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates. \textit{Journal of Finance} 1974; \textbf{2}:449–470.


    But it does not seem work. Did I miss anything?

    • Posted July 17, 2013 at 9:36 pm | #

      Hi Alex.
      Sorry, QL doesn’t support citations
      At the moment I have no plans to implement it either. Maybe for small reward ;).

      • Posted January 20, 2014 at 7:03 am | #

        Funny thing is while it doesn’t work on a »latexpage« it does work when wrapped in »latex« tags:

        \cite{example}.  \begin{thebibliography}{fff} \bibitem{example} Robert C.\@ Merton, On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates. \textit{Journal of Finance} 1974; \textbf{2}:449--470. \end{thebibliography}

        I guess this is only by chance and not to be relied upon but I thought I’d mention it anyway. 🙂

        • Posted January 20, 2014 at 7:05 am | #

          Well – it worked in the preview and on my blog, anyway…

          • Posted January 22, 2014 at 9:38 pm | #

            Yes, we can render it as an image, which might not be the best way (google cannot parse images yet ;)).

  139. Posted July 15, 2013 at 3:31 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    Thank you for the great plugin. I can’t even imagine my blog without QuickLaTeX.
    I am using tikzpicture environment extensively in my blog.
    By default tikz picture created using Quicklatex is assigning, alt =”Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com” and title=”Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com” in my posts. Is there any way to assign ‘alt’ and ‘title’ with appropriate name in the tikzpicture environment?

  140. Posted July 17, 2013 at 9:20 pm | #


    First of all thank you for your work! Really appreciate it.

    I have just have a question. Is it possible to display all the formulas inline? What is happening now, that there is tag around each equation and it makes the equations to display one under another rather than inline.
    I just need to list several equations separating them by comma. Would you pleae suggest me how to achieve it?

    Thank you

    • Posted July 17, 2013 at 9:39 pm | #


      With QuickLaTeX you can insert inline / displayed equations the same way as in LaTeX itself.
      Use $..$ or \[ ..\] and please take a look on settings page in admin interface of WordPress – there are some examples.

      • Posted July 18, 2013 at 5:39 pm | #

        Figured it out. Thank you!

  141. Posted August 1, 2013 at 8:04 pm | #

    I’ve just started using QuickLatex after trying a couple of other options and I’m very impressed.

    However on my displayed pages the Latex parts (between the $ signs) are surrounded by a faint grey box. It’s not the end of the world but it spoils an otherwise very good layout. What should I do to remove the boxes?

    Thank you.

    • Posted August 1, 2013 at 8:09 pm | #

      This is problem of your WordPress theme – it has special CSS styles for displayed images. QuickLaTeX has workaround for this – but unfortunately some themes are too “bossy” and re-assign all styles.

      Give me URL to the page – I will tell you where and what to fix in your theme :).

  142. Posted August 1, 2013 at 9:06 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Many thanks for your tremendous job !

    I’m a beginner in CSS and WordPress…
    I encounter some difficulties to put a whole formula in bold face.
    I’ve done a lot of research to solve my issue, until now without success.

    Here is the situation (in few words) :

    \displaystyle  \mathbf{v=A\cos (\omega t)}

    Sorry for boring you with my basic question !
    Many thanks in advance, from near Paris.

    • Posted August 1, 2013 at 9:22 pm | #

      Something like this ?:

          \boldsymbol{\mathbf{v=A\cos (\omega t)}}

      Here you go:


      \boldsymbol{\mathbf{v=A\cos (\omega t)}}

      But of course, put preamble to global settings – so that you can use this in all formulas without necessity of [preamble] in every equation.

      • Posted August 1, 2013 at 9:45 pm | #

        Many thanks for your so fast answer !
        It looks nice.

        Is there any solution to keep the variables (v, A, omega, t) in italic (and bold…) ?

        Many thanks again.

  143. CHH
    Posted August 29, 2013 at 10:27 am | #

    Thank you very much for the plug in. It is impressive.
    I am using wp-quicklatex for my course.

  144. archipelago
    Posted September 10, 2013 at 10:22 pm | #

    first, congrats for your great plugin!

    I am now setting up a page on basic astronomical calculations and tried out your plugin for the math.
    First, I developed my page locally on XAMPP localhost.

    Now, the problem I have is the following:
    All works fine when I work offline (XAMPP), looks beautiful 😉
    When I put my work on the webserver, I get an error message for every formula like

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    Unknown error

    As I read alrerady on this site here, the problem may be a restrictive setting on the providers
    webserver (in the PHP setings). I have no free hoster, but a paid webhoster, where I am allowed
    to set a few setting in the PHP administrations. I think maybe it has something to do with external
    url requests?

    So my question is:

    What exact settings are suitable/must be set for the plugin to work correctly?
    My webhoster runs an Linux/Apache with PHP 5.3 and MYSQL 5.0.8

    On my webhoster I have access to the following settings:

    Register Globals
    Safe Mode
    Magic Quotes
    Apache mod_rewrite
    Zend Guard Loader

    Again, thank you for making math possible in WordPress!
    Best regards,

    • Posted September 10, 2013 at 10:35 pm | #

      Check if “allow_url_fopen” is set to ON.
      However I tend to think that trouble might be in file access permissions.
      Compare permissions of folders inside WordPress root folder on you local XAMPP.

      Let me know your progress on the trouble.

      • archipelago
        Posted September 10, 2013 at 10:50 pm | #

        Pavel, thank you for your quick answer.

        I looked up PHP settings on online webserver, the setting is
        allow_url_fopen = ON

        Compare permissions of folders inside WordPress root folder on you local XAMPP.

        Sorry, I don’t get this right?

        On my local XAMPP everthing is fine. The problem occurs online.
        Online, the folder “ql-cache” is inside the “wp-contents” folder and it’s permissions are set to chmod 777
        Are there some other chmods to be set?

        So, any other ideas?

        • Posted September 10, 2013 at 10:58 pm | #

          I meant to compare your online settings with local.

          • archipelago
            Posted September 10, 2013 at 11:51 pm | #

            I compared the onlie PHP setting with the XAMPP settings

            Main differences are

            register_globals = OFF on localhost
            register_globals = ON website
            safe_mode = ON on both

            Didn’t find mod_rewrite setting for online webserver, on localhost this module is loaded.

            I tried to set the XAMPP config just like the online configuration, to find out if it breaks down too, but then locally the plugin still works. It’s confusing.

            Maybe I can generate all formula graphics locally (stored in the ql-cache folder), upload them, and they may work online , too?
            This would be a rather strange workaround, though 😉


  145. Posted September 15, 2013 at 7:12 pm | #

    Thank you very much for the plug in. It is impressive.

    Do you have plan to add support for table and figure Environment?

    • Posted September 23, 2013 at 12:53 pm | #

      Yes we do. However it is difficult to say the schedule – I work on the service when I have time.
      Maybe I have to introduce commercial “pro” version in order to have a chance to provide more reliable support.

  146. Posted September 23, 2013 at 12:09 pm | #

    I’m having trouble getting the shortcodes to execute with “do_shortcode.”

    I have strings pulled from a database, which contain LaTeX markup, and I’m attempting to display them as follows:
    echo do_shortcode($question);

    No luck with [latexpage] or [latex]...[/latex]. In all cases, the strings display with the LaTeX markup unexecuted (i.e. "[latexpage]$x+1=y!$” instead of “[latex]$x+1=y$[/latex]”). I have also tried using “apply_filters” instead of “do_shortcode.”

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Jared

    • Posted September 23, 2013 at 12:49 pm | #

      Look into quicklatex_parser – main function for parsing shortcodes, LaTeX syntax, etc.

      • Posted September 23, 2013 at 11:45 pm | #

        Thanks for the quick response. Still having trouble, though. Why would the following code not work?

        echo apply_filters(‘quicklatex_parser’,’[latex]$x+1=y$[/latex]’);

        I also messed around with “add_filter” without success.

  147. Dirk
    Posted November 3, 2013 at 2:36 am | #

    Hallo Guys

    Is it possible to use a different font in the formulas? I would like to use the euler font: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/eulervm

    Best regards and thanks for this plugin

    • Dirk
      Posted November 7, 2013 at 5:25 am | #

      In the meantime, I tried it on http://www.quicklatex.com/. It works like a charm with the eulervm package.


  148. david
    Posted November 21, 2013 at 1:01 am | #

    Thanks for your plugin !
    It’s far better than others I’ve seen. You can almost copy a texniccenter document into wordpress and compile it !
    I’ve just one question. It’s not very clear for me, how to use “preamble”. I’d like to define some commands, like these one :
    \newcommand{\ds}{\displaystyle} or \def\n{\mathbb{N}}
    and it doesn’t work…
    The goal is to use it many times in the document, and it seems that it only works if we use it immediately after the definition, so this would be no use…
    This is my document :

    text 1 …
    text 2 …

    but he two integrals remain small….
    So what could be my error(s) ?

    In advance, thanks, and again, congrats for the plugin. 😉

    • Posted November 21, 2013 at 1:08 am | #

      QuickLaTeX allows user to setup preamble for the whole site .

      Please insert your definitions in administrative interface of the plugin: QuickLaTeX -> Advanced.
      Such preamble will be used globally, for all equations.

      Let me know how it works for you.

      • Posted November 21, 2013 at 1:09 am | #

        And there is “Donation” button if you really like the plugin ;).

  149. hwdong
    Posted December 22, 2013 at 2:18 pm | #

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    \addplot3[surf,domain=0:360,samples=40] {cos(x)*cos(y)};

    *** Error message:
    Cannot download image from QuickLaTeX server: Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 86639 out of 786792 bytes received
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources (“allow_url_fopen”, etc.)
    These links might help in finding solution:

    • Posted December 22, 2013 at 4:48 pm | #

      You didn’t include necessary packages, see example below:

      \addplot3[surf,domain=0:360,samples=40] {cos(x)*cos(y)};

      Renders to :

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

  150. Dirk
    Posted December 22, 2013 at 9:46 pm | #

    Hallo Pavel,

    I would like to change the text font in formulas and TikZ graphics. To realise this, I add the packages “lato” to the preamble. However, the following code do not show the lato font, it shows the standard font as if “lato” package was not loaded:

    Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

    Used code:
    \node[rectangle, draw=black, line width=2pt] {Example};

    For comparision, the same code without “lato” package:

    Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

    What did I do wrong to show text fonts from a font package?

    Best regards and Merry Christmas,

    • Posted December 23, 2013 at 7:42 pm | #

      Hello Dirk,
      (sorry for not responding your mail)

      Please use “default” option when including “lato” package: \usepackage[default]{lato}
      It renders correctly:

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      • Dirk
        Posted December 23, 2013 at 8:35 pm | #

        Hallo Pavel

        No problem. Thank you, that works.

        Best regards,

  151. shin
    Posted January 9, 2014 at 11:45 am | #

    How can I add a line break? Do I have to use \ [ and \ ] for each equation?

    • Posted January 9, 2014 at 11:50 am | #

      This is pure LaTeX question 😉 – learn the “multiline” environment.

  152. Jim
    Posted February 6, 2014 at 4:29 am | #

    Hi! and congratulations for your powerful plugin.

    I have this problem:
    I have (as all) a plugin for display the latest comments on front page.
    The problem is that the plugin cannot recognise “LaTex” in the content not even in the excert of the comments.
    In the main post page everything is allright except the edit of the comment…. when i edit a comment (with another plugin) everything becomes a mess.

    Thank you.

  153. Posted February 22, 2014 at 7:25 pm | #

    Hi Pavel ! Thank you for this great library.

    Anyway, I’m facing a problem with version 3.8.0. Whenever I choose Auto or PNG Image Format, it will throw an error. So I look at my ql-cache, and the file created is .svg even though I choose PNG before.

    So the workaround right now is to always choose SVG Image Format.

    In the mean time, I rollbacked to version 3.7.9 because I still need the PNG format and It had no problems.


  154. Posted March 13, 2014 at 5:53 pm | #

    Dear Pavel,

    I’m thinking about creating a blog with wordpress.org. I just want to know if your plug-in supports LaTeX input in blog comments too or if it only works for blog posts.


  155. Posted April 29, 2014 at 3:25 pm | #

    Hi, and thanks for the software and support, much appreciated!
    I’m pretty new to wordpress, and very new to LaTeX and ql. So, sorry, I guess this is a silly question. But I’ve been trying for hours to fix it.. doesn’t seem it has happened to anyone else.

    I’m getting clipping of top and bottom of expressions – both numbers and fractions. e.g. like this http://www.adamponting.com/clipped-qlatex-demo/
    Decreasing the formula font size on the ql basic settings doesn’t seem to improve or change the problem. (so I didn’t try to increase website font size.) I can’t find anything online related to this clipping, I guess I’m doing something silly. Maybe my wp theme is causing it, seems that that causes most strange problems like this.

    ps also, as per install instructions, I was googling around trying to find how to make a folder in the plugins folder etc. After a long while I just tried going there and found it was already there and full of ql files, working fine I guess. Maybe it’s a new feature that it happens automatically, don’t know. I imagine a lot of other people have spent a lot of time unnecessarily trying to get that working too, I don’t know. Maybe just me 🙂
    Thanks again

    • Posted April 29, 2014 at 5:14 pm | #

      Hi Adam,

      Please try using PNG images only (SVG is not displayed correctly sometimes). See “Image format” on “System” settings tab.

      • Posted April 29, 2014 at 8:05 pm | #

        😀 Thank you! Yes indeed. Well, that was easy. Thank you so much.
        ps this happened running Firefox on Mac OS X Mavericks, if that info is of any benefit to you or anyone else.

  156. Posted May 7, 2014 at 10:33 pm | #

    Hi I’m using QuickLaTeX on my blog.
    It works well.
    I have set the font size as 17px in general.
    But I want to decrease the font size of equations if users access through narrow width (for example iPhone).
    I decrease the font size to 50% if the max-width is lower than 523px as below:

    @media (max-width: 523px) {
    body, input, textarea {font-size: 50%;}

    I want to decrease the quickLaTeX images also as 50%.
    So would you help me?
    Thank you.

  157. Posted May 10, 2014 at 5:55 pm | #

    When I use quicklatex in my website, there are some erroes like:
    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: Operation timed out after 60000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

    I don’t know how to solve this problem.
    But if I use other latex plugins there is no error.

  158. Posted June 22, 2014 at 2:23 am | #

    Hi I am using your plugin for a long time. However, for the last time dułgo not used. The point is that genracja code x is working properly. However, any other harder expression does not want to generate such as x ^ 2 despite the fact that earlier work.

    I question whether this script works on my server fully or maybe trying to connect to a different server. Maybe the server broke down?Hello I used your plugin since

    best regards

    • Posted June 22, 2014 at 7:47 pm | #


      Thank you for using my plugin!

      I am sorry but I cannot fully understand the issue. Could you provide some details or example of the incorrect behavior?

      As you see – your simple examples work on my website.

      • Posted June 27, 2014 at 3:37 am | #

        Ok, sorry my english

        I will try to be more clear.
        I’m using your plug-in from 2 years.
        Everything worked well, but now.
        I can not generate mathematical formulas/equations.
        My question is: What can be caused.
        I changed nothing.
        I did not was updating WordPress to a newer version. or plug Quicklatex.
        Only when the problems started. I thought that you need to do the update, but it did not help.
        The only thing I can generate this x [/ tex], although not always.
        I began to wonder what might be the cause.
        My question is: Is the plug only works within my server. Is the plug while the use of other web pages, which could, for example, break.
        I suspect not, because of your website is working properly.

        I have done the test. I installed a new WordPress and instaled plugin quicklatex. On the new WP also a plugin does not generate mathematical formulas.

        It is not revealed any error or warning, only website trying to longer time to load.

        thanks for your help
        best regards
        Mateusz Kowalski

        • Posted July 1, 2014 at 3:01 am | #

          I try change php version, but this isn’t help. I try 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6.

  159. Anton
    Posted June 22, 2014 at 5:49 am | #


    Is there any chance that Forest package of LaTeX will be supported?


    • Posted June 22, 2014 at 7:38 pm | #

      We use TeXLive as a back-end distribution and ALL packages there can be used (in one way or another).

      As for the “forest” – we do not parse the \begin{forest}…\end{forest} keywords directly.

      But, you can wrap “forest” code with \begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture} which is supported well in QuickLaTeX.

      Example from “forest” manual:


      Renders to:

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      Of course, we might not support the latest version of “forest” (as I see it released in May), but we will as soon as TeXLive will support it first.

  160. Posted June 24, 2014 at 1:26 am | #


    Thanks for developing this wonderful plugin. I just got it installed and am happy with the rendering. I only have two issues / questions:

    1. QuickLaTeX that renders perfectly on its own post page doesn’t render on my home page where the posts are listed in a shortened form. Note that I have already activated QuickLaTeX on my whole website (btw – does this slow down page loads significantly for non-LaTeX pages?)

    2. when using the align environment, equations are numbered as a group and not one by one as is normally done by \LaTeX:

    (1)   \begin{align*} y_1 &= f(x_1) \\ y_2 &= f(x_2) \end{align*}

    I tried manually tagging them but this is the result:

    (1)   \begin{align*} y_1 &= f(x_1)  \\ y_2 &= f(x_2) \tag{2} \end{align*}

    I also tried the unnumbered environment (align*) but it didn’t help.


    • Posted June 24, 2014 at 1:32 am | #

      My first issue happened to have been resolved by using the ‘Advanced Excerpts’ plugin, in case this helps anybody.

  161. Posted June 24, 2014 at 2:14 am | #

    is there a way of enabling bbPress Forum to accept latex?

    otherwise a great plugin


  162. Anton
    Posted June 24, 2014 at 8:39 pm | #

    I tried your plugin (for WordPress, version 3.8.0). It works (formulas and tikz graphs).

    But it adds a bunch of error messages to my page. All the same:
    Undefined variable: eqlabel in path/wp-content/plugins/wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 1615

    • Posted June 24, 2014 at 11:12 pm | #

      What PHP version you are using? I didn’t change anything in the code lately – which has been working for years on hundreds of websites :).

      • Anton
        Posted June 25, 2014 at 10:08 pm | #

        Just look at your code closely. You indeed use undefined variable at line 1615, if label was not set.

        • Posted June 25, 2014 at 10:22 pm | #

          Thank you Anton. The code has guard-conditions to check whether “eqlabel” is defined or not.
          It is working in my environment.

          Could you let me know your environment settings, PHP version, etc.

          • Anton
            Posted June 25, 2014 at 11:44 pm | #

            You erroneously use «!is_null» instead of «isset».

            According to this manual http://techtalk.virendrachandak.com/php-isset-vs-empty-vs-is_null/
            «is_null() is opposite of isset(), except for one difference that isset() can be applied to unknown variables, but is_null() only to declared variables».

            So, that is why error is popping up. I just changed «!is_null($eqlabel)» in line 1615 to «isset(!$eqlabel)», and now everything is OK on my site (no errors). I suspect there are other similar issues in the code.

            To be honest, I always have problems with plugins (but not with WordPress itself), because my hosting tuned PHP security settings to maximum. These are usually errors such as “Undefined variable”, “Uninitialized array offset”, “Uninitialized string offset”, etc. They are usually easy to fix. More serious problems is the use of modules/librarues which were considered unsecure by the hosting.

            The most common problem in the plugins code I come into is the handling of update process: after updating to next version plugin often have additional options. But these options are not stored in the database. Plugin does not have code for handling missing options, and crashes with these «undefined» or «unitialized» errors.

          • Posted June 25, 2014 at 11:52 pm | #

            Thank you again! Will fix this in the next version.

  163. Anton
    Posted June 26, 2014 at 12:20 am | #

    Sorry to disturb you again, I just looked at how you fixed wrongly recognized formula in my latest comment and see a parsing problem.

    Imagine that I want to write «I have 5 dollars in my left pocket and 4 dollars in my right pocket», but using dollar signs instead of «dollars» word. I know that I should not use dollar sign directly because of QuickLatex. So I need exclamation mark in front of dollar signs: «I have $5 in my left pocket and !$4 in my right pocket».

    In result my second exclamation mark appears literally! So I should use exclamation marks only on odd-numbered dollar signs (1st, 3rd and so on) which is mentally complex operation.

    • Posted June 26, 2014 at 2:08 pm | #

      Good catch! Thanks again. Any chance you can do the fix(es) yourself?
      Will add you to the contributors list and release new version then.

  164. Anton
    Posted June 28, 2014 at 3:53 am | #

    I have included the following line to the preamble:

    And now all the formulas on my site are displayed as errors:
    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:
    Error: Not allowed command sequence

    What I am doing wrong?

    • Posted June 28, 2014 at 9:03 am | #

      @”What I am doing wrong?”

      Trying to hack the QuickLaTeX server. I think you perfectly know what you are doing ;).

      Please don’t do this – otherwise I will block your IPs.

  165. Posted August 6, 2014 at 4:49 am | #

    Just a quick note for people using Thesis alongside with the QuickLaTeX plugin… I discovered that the Thesis CSS reset file has the definition img { display: block; } definition that puts all inline QuickLaTeX-generated images on their own line.

    I added a single line to css/quicklatex-format.css under .ql-img-inline-formula that fixes this (and I believe this should make this to the next version): display: inline;


  166. Posted August 14, 2014 at 11:36 am | #

    Hey Pavel,

    Firstly, congrats on this awesome plugin!
    I’m having an issue with QuickLatex.

    I’m trying to display an algorithm in a post using your plugin as such: http://pastebin.com/buDwqxAB

    If you navigate to my post, you can inspect the HTML and see the paragraph rendered by your plugin, which shows nothing.
    Interestingly, if I click on the anchor of the image contained in the paragraph (using firebug), the image shows correctly. Also, if I modify the HTML directly from the inspector and change width=”1″ to width=”100%”, once again the image displays correctly.
    Conversely, if I enable debug mode in your plugin, your plugin does not render the image but it outputs the error “Missing $ inserted”. What am I missing here?


    P.S. Here are the plugin’s settings:
    – font size: 18px
    – displayed equations alignment: center
    – equation number position: right
    – use latex syntax sitewide: false
    – exclude dollar signs: false
    – image format: auto
    – cache images: true
    – debug mode: false

    • Posted August 14, 2014 at 11:58 am | #

      Hi Thrashrox,

      Add mode=1 parameter to the latex tag: [latex mode=1] ...[/latex]

      Then latex code will be compiled as it is, not as a formula:

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      Would appreciate link to QuickLaTeX from your website 😉

      • Posted August 14, 2014 at 12:04 pm | #

        Hey Pavel,

        Works like a charm!

        @”Would appreciate link to QuickLaTeX from your website”

        Will do!


  167. Posted August 23, 2014 at 7:08 am | #

    Hi and congratulations.
    The last days there are problems with the loading time of site. (3-12 sec more than the usual)
    If i deactivate the QuickLatex everything is okay… what is going on?

    • Posted August 23, 2014 at 10:53 am | #

      We do some tuning on a server side – please wait few days. Sorry for delays.

      • Posted August 24, 2014 at 1:08 am | #

        Hi, Pavel.
        It seems that everything is ok now!
        Thank you for your answer.

  168. samer
    Posted August 28, 2014 at 11:48 am | #

    when I write like: hello 6X10^{-5} hello

    they will be in tree different lines like:

    please how can i solve it?

    • Posted August 28, 2014 at 12:13 pm | #

      (As you see) there are no issues on my page here. Maybe there are some issues with white-spaces in your settings.

      • samer
        Posted August 29, 2014 at 12:13 am | #

        so what I need to do please?
        I tried to find anything in sitting but nothing changed
        still same problem the (equation) in different line not same as here !!!!

        • Posted September 7, 2014 at 3:51 am | #

          Try to put the LaTex-code between single dollars (don’t use any other method) so you will make an in-line equation and not a display one.
          In options of QuickLatex you must activate the ‘dollar method’ or better de-actvate the ‘no-dollar-method’.

  169. Posted September 7, 2014 at 3:25 am | #

    Hi! again.
    All day we have serious delays (-25sec) and conflicts with other ajax plugins.
    Everything is ok when i de-activate QuickLatex.
    I hope that can be solved quickly.
    Thank you.

  170. Posted September 19, 2014 at 9:36 am | #

    QuickLaTeX is certainly the best of all plugins for mathematical typesetting – and as I slowly move from wordpress.com to a self-hosted wordpress.org I’m realizing its power and ease. So thank you for your hard work in making this available!

    I have a small question though – I’m wondering if there’s any editing environment, or plugin, which helps with QuickLaTeX: syntax highlighting, parentheses matching etc. It doesn’t have to have all the bells and whistles of say, AucTeX/Emacs, but something a little more LaTeX-aware than a plain text editor. Note that I’m not looking for an “equation editor” or some sort of WYSIWYG hack, but just a text editor with some help for LaTeX. Is there any such thing?

  171. Posted November 13, 2014 at 2:21 pm | #

    Hi !!
    Can you please tell me what can i do with some greek letters (same with english) that plugin does not recognise them and leave blanks .
    Thank you Pavel!

    • Posted November 14, 2014 at 3:33 am | #

      I made some orders like “\newcommand{\Alpha} {A}” and worked well but the pluhgin became too slow.

      • Adam P
        Posted November 23, 2014 at 3:18 pm | #

        Allow me, Pavel. 🙂 As I understand it, the plugin doesn’t recognise them because they aren’t LaTeX. See http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics#Greek_letters This is because they’re identical to our A, B, E and K.

        Assume the problem is you, not QL! Then 99.9% of the time you will be right. One thing I’ve learnt, is that when I have a problem getting something displaying right with QL, the problem is with me or my limited understanding of LaTeX, not with QL itself.

        I came here to thank you again for this wonderful plugin 🙂 With this, you just may join the pantheon of great providers of “service to mathematics” – Gardner, Knuth etc.

        • Posted November 23, 2014 at 4:37 pm | #

          Hi Adam.

          Thank you for your support!
          You are right, QL is just a thin wrapper for LaTeX – most of the questions should be considered in a context of LaTeX, not QL itself.
          As such, all thanks should go to Knuth :).

  172. Andrei
    Posted November 23, 2014 at 9:09 am | #

    First of all, many thanks for this amazing plugin!
    I do however have problem using it with my learndash plugin. It works fine everywhere except in the field where i have to add answers for a quiz question. Do you have any solution or idea why this happens? The input field allows HTML input, but latex is not parsing. Also I have enabled “Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide” in the settings page.
    Your help will be highly appreciated

    • Posted November 23, 2014 at 4:41 pm | #

      QuickLaTeX uses standard WP-hooks to filter the content. You probably want to see the source code of QuickLaTeX and make it work with your plugin.

      • Horace
        Posted October 22, 2019 at 4:39 am | #

        I’m having the same issue. Any thoughts on what is going on? I love this plugin and I don’t want to migrate to another LaTeX solution.

  173. Posted November 24, 2014 at 4:48 am | #

    I tried (several times) to support you but (always) when i press the PAYPAL button, i recieve this error message:

    “PayPal cannot process this transaction because of a problem with the seller’s website. Please contact the seller directly to resolve this problem.

    Return to Advanpix LLC
    At this time, we are unable to process your request. Please return to Advanpix LLC and try another option.”

    Any explanation?

    • Posted November 24, 2014 at 8:04 pm | #

      This is really strange. I have just checked – everything works fine. Actually I am getting occasional contributions through the PayPal just fine.

      If you have PayPal, you can send contribution (any amount you want) directly to sales@advanpix.com (that is my PayPal address).

      • Posted November 25, 2014 at 5:02 am | #

        Ok! I sent to your address …. just for the best LaTex plugin!

        • Posted November 25, 2014 at 10:08 am | #

          Thank you, Jim! Goes directly to pay for the QL server hosting.

  174. pete
    Posted December 17, 2014 at 9:09 am | #

    Nice plugin 🙂 first thank you for developing it free.

    It seems to me that in my case the sitewide option doesnt do what it should do.

    I use wordpress with advanced custom fields for a custom post type. First problem i have is that ac fields dont get parsed with latex. But thats no big problem for me, because i only need one field parsed by latex, so i can use the old editor/content field, which gets parsed. Not the way it should be, but works for me.
    The only thing is my editor/content field for a custom post type gets parsed no matter what option is set in “Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide” option.

    Any recommendations?

    • Posted December 17, 2014 at 7:44 pm | #

      Hi Pete,

      WordPress introduced custom post types/fields, etc. only recently. I have to do some modifications in QuickLaTeX to support this feature.
      Will try to include this in next major update (have no idea the date though).

      Use small yellow button on the right of admin page to make this happen faster ;).

  175. Posted December 20, 2014 at 12:44 am | #

    Since the intro of WP 4.1, page rendering with latex is deadly slow. New pages with [latespage] are not even rendering at all. For example, see http://bxhorn.com/terrestrial-radiation/

    Deactivating QuickLatex solves the problem, but of course introduces other issues. Any feedback is appreciated.

    • Posted December 20, 2014 at 10:40 am | #

      This is because QuickLaTeX server is down, will fix it ASAP.
      Please see below for more details….

  176. Posted December 20, 2014 at 2:36 am | #

    The plugin is out of order for many hours and that is happen often.
    Please tell us something about this and about the future of the pugin.

    • Tim
      Posted December 20, 2014 at 5:36 am | #

      Same here, when creating a new post with quicklatex, it cannot be previewed (just loading loading loading..).
      Thanks very much for the great plugin, hope can repair it soon:)

    • Posted December 20, 2014 at 10:38 am | #

      Dear Jim and all others who contacted me in the last hours.

      There is a “major incident” at data-center of hosting provider where QuickLaTeX server was running (this is what they said).
      We lost connection with the server around 12 hours ago and they promised to fix it quickly, but they didn’t.

      Now we are moving everything to a new place. This should take few hours to install, tune and for DNS to propagate.
      New provider is more reliable – no similar situations will happen anymore.

      • Posted December 20, 2014 at 10:55 am | #

        Thank you for the “beutiful” answer Pavel.
        Your plugin is irreplaceable because it is a “clever” LaTex plugin.
        All others are so stupid.
        I hope everything is going to be ok … next hours.

        • Posted December 20, 2014 at 11:29 am | #

          Thank you for your support.
          The old hoster has just recovered the connection. QL should start working now as usual.

          We will move the server to a new place anyway – already paid for the service :). Should be unnoticeable for the users.
          (Will use the newer TexLive distribution and do other maintenance as well.)

  177. Posted January 26, 2015 at 9:27 pm | #

    Thank you for making such an awesome plugin. I think it’s by far the most complete latex plugin for wordpress
    I need to make a sign (http://transbordered.cf/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/sign.png) which does not exist in the standard latex, but I can craft it by rotating the \subseteq symbol:


    However I haven’t been able to make it work… Could you please help me out? does \rotatebox work?

    Thanks in advance,

    — Ayar

  178. Posted February 7, 2015 at 3:16 am | #

    I was wondering if it is possible to use \rotatebox ?
    Thanks in advance and congratulations for making that awesome plugin.
    Best regards,

  179. Posted February 10, 2015 at 11:02 am | #

    I am trying to use QuickLatex on my site, but there seems to be an issue with CSS. The formulas are small and I cannot seem to make them larger.

  180. margaret
    Posted February 12, 2015 at 6:31 am | #

    When viewing my blog posts on small devices (iPhone, Android phone, etc.) using the WordPress theme Twenty Twelve, longer equations get truncated. I’ve tried setting the plugin to use either SVG or PNG formats, but neither resize correctly. I’ve also tried smaller type and left-justifying the equations, but nothing helps.

    Is there something in the CSS I can adjust to get equations to resize correctly when displayed on smaller devices?

  181. Posted February 19, 2015 at 5:22 am | #


    Thank you for the plugin.

    I am having problem with equation numbers.

    (1) Is it possible to “include” them in the latex output. Right now, it is inserted as HTML text.

    (2) In any case, display equations look scrambled (probably because they are not correctly scaled and aligned) in mobile devices.

    Best wishes,

  182. Posted March 3, 2015 at 1:04 pm | #

    I’m still loving this great plugin.

    When I use \chemfig, the images are added into paragraphs with jumpy vertical alignment (text aligned to the bottom of the image), while regular math stuff is vertically centered. For example, \chemfig{[,.4]-C(-[2])(-[6])-[,.6]C(-[2])([6]-[,.6]OH)-[,.6]C(-[2])(-[6])-} is not vertically centered with the text around it, but \cfrac{x + 4y^3}{3z + x^2} aligns nicely with the text.

    Is this handling of \chemfig intentional, or is something odd happening? Thanks!

    • Posted March 3, 2015 at 6:50 pm | #

      Chemfig is a TikZ object in its essence. We assumed that TikZ is usually used for display pictures (outside of the text body) – and didn’t implement the vertical offsets for it.

      Besides, alignment of TikZ pictures embedded into text is not universal and depends on particular case (how writer want to see it).
      It is like inserting image into post – nobody (except author) knows how to align it with text (baseline, center, around, etc.).

      Alignment of formulas follow universal rules…

      • Posted March 3, 2015 at 10:25 pm | #

        Thanks very much for your reply. I figured you had reasons for handling it in this way.

        Is there a way for me to change vertical alignment manually within the QuickLatex code for a particular image? Or should I just put my chemfig code in a vertically aligned in these cases?

        Thanks again.

        • Posted March 3, 2015 at 10:27 pm | #

          Correction to my last comment:
          Or should I just put my chemfig code in a vertically aligned span in these cases?

          • Posted March 3, 2015 at 10:35 pm | #

            Probably the span would solve the issue.
            QuickLaTeX provides its own CSS file for customization (check its directory) – I am not sure by possibly this way can also be used for the purpose.

  183. Saurabh
    Posted April 8, 2015 at 10:19 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Thanks for a great and easy to use plugin!

    I’m using the wordpress evolve theme https://wordpress.org/themes/evolve/ to build a site. The equations I made using the align environment are rendered fine, but the inline equations are rendered on newlines as well. I tried modifying the quicklatex-format.css file, as someone suggested in the above comments, but that hasn’t helped either. Could you let me know if there is some other hack I need to do to get the equations to appear inline?


    • Posted April 8, 2015 at 11:11 am | #

      Hi, check your theme – I guess its CSS shows all images on a newline. QuickLaTeX renders everything as expected by default.

      • Saurabh
        Posted April 9, 2015 at 8:10 am | #

        Thank you!

        I’ll poke around the theme’s CSS, and get in touch with the authors of the theme to try to figure this out.

  184. Posted May 18, 2015 at 5:38 am | #

    Your plugin makes the internet simply more beautiful!

    Question: I am trying to read a data file for pgfplots. What folder should I upload it? I’ve tried lcache but it did not work.


    • Posted May 18, 2015 at 11:25 am | #

      Loading external data files is not supported at the moment. Please inline it, if it is possible.

  185. Posted May 27, 2015 at 12:38 am | #

    This is by a very long way the best maths plugin on wordpress. It almost solves the latex=/=html problem completely. I am currently attempting to write a website to complement my in class teaching by providing a forum, online lessons and quizzes and general maths community for my students in college. One thing that would make the lessons look a great deal better would be sectioning commands and theorem-style environments. I saw one comment further up about this where you welcomed any help with providing these, which suggests that it would be no easy task. On the other hand, equation numbering works, so maybe it is not so inconceivable after all. Nevertheless, I would renew the request for sectioning and environments – even a greatly simplified version – and if there is anyone capable of helping with this feature then the internet would forever be in your debt.

    • Posted May 28, 2015 at 1:07 pm | #

      Simon, thank you very much for your supportive and encouraging feedback. If you have a time, please rate/review the plugin here – it is important for other people and for spreading the word.

      There are a lot of possible improvements for the plugin.
      Besides sections, environments, automatic citations and BibTeX support – I want to implement (reasonably) full featured conversion from LaTeX to HTML. Even for non-math entities, like tables, item lists, etc. This way LaTeX-skilled person would be able to write posts using pure LaTeX, no learning of HTML would be required at all.

      I think this can be done, the only question is time & resources for such development, as always. Will prioritize the sections & envs. support when time comes for the next plugin update.

  186. Posted July 12, 2015 at 2:34 am | #

    Hi. I am using your superb plugin since some months ago, but now I got a problem…My equations inserted as ...... between dollars as misaligned with text!!!! What is going on? Older posts I did with the plugin have no problem…Any help?

  187. Posted July 12, 2015 at 4:31 am | #

    Please, help. By some unknown reason, your plugin produces misaligned equations between the dollar symbols…Strangely, old posts don’t suffer this problem to my knowledge,…I have checked…What could be the reason?

    • Posted July 13, 2015 at 11:50 am | #

      Hi Juan, could you please provide link to a page demonstrating the issue?
      I cannot reproduce it with new version of QuickLaTeX. Probably this misbehavior is caused by theme you use on your website, some of them are very intrusive and change the properties of images aggressively.

      • Posted July 20, 2015 at 2:44 am | #

        Hello. I am sorry for the delay but I was busy with a meeting and stuff…
        Could I send you an email from pics/screenshots? I don’t like to publish a bad messy post…But I can send you some screenshots I have done with my problem…
        I am using the theme Weaver II, that allows me a high degree of customization and makes my blog unique in style, to my knowledge.
        Best wishes and thanks for the quick(latex) response!!!

  188. Posted December 6, 2015 at 3:40 pm | #

    Dear Pavel,

    Thank you for developing QuickLatex. It’s a fantastic (and indispensable) tool.

    I teach in Singapore, and I am the founder of The Mathematics Digital Library (mathematics-dl.org), which aims to unlock the questions that appear in mathematics textbooks (especially those that are already out-of-print, and lie forgotten in the closed stacks of libraries). I hope this will make mathematics more available to people around the world, especially in places where textbooks cost a bundle.

    I have a question which I hope you can help me with. I’m trying to get the symbol for degree (the measure of angle). What is the best way to express 30 degrees? Thanks a million, again, for developing QuickLatex.

    Chu Keong Lee

    • Posted December 6, 2015 at 10:03 pm | #


      Why don’t you use \pi/6 ? For degrees you can use the gensymb package:


      It renders to     30\degree. Of course it is better to add the package to site-wide preamble on QuickLaTeX admin page.

      • Posted December 7, 2015 at 1:58 am | #

        Dear Pavel, it works! Thanks a million!

  189. Posted December 30, 2015 at 1:09 pm | #

    Update to 3.8.4 broke my site. The problem seems to be in lines 2077-2083 where this (in 3.8.3):

    // replace numeric entities
    $string = preg_replace(‘~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei’, ‘quicklatex_unichr(hexdec(“\\1”))’, $string);
    $string = preg_replace(‘~&#([0-9]+);~e’, ‘quicklatex_unichr(“\\1”)’, $string);

    was replaced with this (in 3.8.4):

    // replace numeric entities
    $string = preg_replace_callback(
    function($matches) { return quicklatex_unichr(hexdec($matches[1])); },

    $string = preg_replace_callback(
    function($matches) { return quicklatex_unichr($matches[1]); },

    Site crashes with “T_FUNCTION not found” or similar.

    Edited it to previous version, and it appears to work fine. But you might want to check this. I’m using wordpress 4.3.1.


    • Posted December 30, 2015 at 11:44 pm | #

      Any chance you can upgrade PHP on your server to 5.3 (at least)?

      The code above uses lambda functions which are supported starting from 5.3.
      These days WordPress recommends 5.6 as minimum version of PHP: https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/

      Probably it have sense to update. Actually you are the first person (out of 1500+ who installed new version) who reported the issue.

      I will add support for older versions of PHP in next version of QuickLaTeX, probably next week.

      Any chance you can place link to QuickLaTeX somewhere on your site? Thank you.

      • Posted January 2, 2016 at 11:25 pm | #

        Thanks for the pointer! Turned out we were running php 5.2. We’ve now upgraded to 5.6 and everything seems fine.

        • Posted January 3, 2016 at 1:02 pm | #

          Great!. Thank you for including the back-link to QuickLaTeX.

    • Lenny
      Posted October 27, 2016 at 9:29 pm | #

      Hi there

      I have 3.8.4 and it’s not working for the error reason on 2077.
      Syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION …wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 2077

      Could you advise what I should do?

      Thanks in advance

      • Posted October 28, 2016 at 8:55 pm | #

        Update PHP on your server to the newer version. Now you are using 5+ years old PHP. It is almost suicide, taking into account how many security holes it has.

  190. Posted December 31, 2015 at 5:08 am | #

    How can I prevent the display math images from being cut off on mobile devices? I see there is the CSS

    .ql-center-displayed-equation {
    overflow:hidden !important;

    But I don’t want to set this to auto because I don’t want there to be a scroll bar, I want to images to be responsive. Also, someone suggested setting

    .ql-img-displayed-equation {
    max-width: 85%;

    But this does not fix my problem.


    • Posted December 31, 2015 at 7:15 am | #

      Dear Matt,

      Thank you for your question!

      To be honest, I am not very experienced in mobile web dev.
      Do you have any ideas/pointers on how to solve the issue? Probably you can find some working combination of styles for your particular case.
      I would appreciate such info very much and I will implement it in plugin.

      Thank you

      • Posted December 31, 2015 at 8:15 am | #

        Here is a link to a picture of what I am taking about. It is a screenshot from my mobile. I am not very experienced with web development either. The only solution I can think of is to make the images ‘responsive’ a la bootstrap. This may be as simple as adding a class to all display math images but I’m not sure.

        • Posted January 3, 2016 at 1:45 pm | #

          Flexible scaling a la responsive (max-width:100%) will change the font size in formulas, depending on image size.
          Now we specify exact image width/height, so that font size in formula matches the text font on the rest on the page. This contradicts the responsive philosophy.

          Indeed, we need to re-consider the CSS/HTML code for images – probably there is a better way (ideas are welcome).

          Until then please format your formulas so that it is visible on small screens (at least some of them). Also you can experiment with QuickLaTeX styles – check the css\quicklatex-format.css file.

          • hoyd
            Posted October 19, 2020 at 10:00 pm | #

            I have added

            .ql-img-displayed-equation {
            max-width: 100%;

            into the CSS-file which looks nice in my use cases. However, what happens if the plugin is updated, will this be overwritten? If so, could this “mobile” view be added as an option, perhaps a box to tick off to enable mobile view, which inserts this CSS-code?

            Thanks in advance.

  191. Posted January 6, 2016 at 2:53 am | #

    Dear Mr. Holoborodko,

    QuickLatex is very simple to use and, most important nowadays, it has some support. Thank you!

    Could help me understand, please, why SVG equations look perfect in a iPad using Safari but seem blurry in a Windows 10 notebook using Chrome?


    • Posted January 6, 2016 at 10:51 am | #

      Hi Frederico,

      Could you let me know the URL of the page so that I can check what is going on?


      • Posted January 6, 2016 at 6:44 pm | #

        Hi, Mr. Holoborodko.

        Actually, I’ve had some other problems while migrating my site to QuickLatex, as formulas not parsed and page loading time increased.
        I really appreciate your contact but I ‘m not confident to rearrange all that is necessary to fix those problems.
        Unfortunately, for now, I’ll maintain the old plugin despite all the problems.
        One more time, congratulations for QuickLatex.

        • Posted January 6, 2016 at 7:08 pm | #

          @”…as formulas not parsed and page loading time increased.”
          I suspect you didn’t use the cache? QL makes loading time minimal by using the cache. Definitely faster than what you are using now.

          Usually transition to QL is painless (it has the code to be compatible with short-codes of other LaTeX plugins, etc.).

          Thank you anyway,

          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 7:51 pm | #

            Hi again!

            I’m using W3 Total Cache. Maybe its config is causing the poor performance because the difference is huge, even in pages that doesn’t use any latex code.

            I’ve activated QuickLatex again in debug mode. If you could help me with performance and blurred formulas in Windows Chrome, I would check all parse errors (mainly amsmath conflicts not so hard to deal with). Could you?

            Page example: http://www.energiaeletrica.net/entendendo-por-que-multiplicacao-complexa-funciona/


          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 8:30 pm | #

            I have checked on my Windows 7 in different browsers – you page serves SVG as expected.
            Could you please check the source code of your page in (Ctrl-U in IE) – does it include formula images as SVG or PNG?

            QuickLaTeX has its own cache, and from what I see – it is working fine on your website. Slowdown possible if you have several LaTeX plugins turned on – they compete for the formulas.

          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 8:42 pm | #

            It serves SVG but it seems blurry and dfrac is cutting the top of numerators (only in Windows Chrome and MS Edge. Android Chrome and iPad Safari are fine).

          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 8:50 pm | #

            Then I am afraid that Chrome & Edge render SVG incorrectly on Windows 10 :(.
            Probably you better switch to previous plugin….

          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 9:07 pm | #

            Yes… and not only that. SVG rendering depends on screen resolution. It explains my problem. And what about speed performance?
            Look this P3 Plugin test: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4rufQlpFlREclQzS0JFSHQ2TzQ/view?usp=sharing

          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 9:12 pm | #

            There is a LaTeX error on the page. Every time QuickLaTeX has to connect to the server to do the compilation and retrieve the error message. All these are skipped if there are no errors on the page.

            Could you please temporary remove the code with error and measure the performance one more time?

          • Posted January 6, 2016 at 9:35 pm | #

            I would have to correct all pages that have any error. I can’t do this right now.
            Again, thank you for your time.
            I hope I could use QuickLatex some time in the future.

  192. Posted January 10, 2016 at 8:30 pm | #

    Thank you very much for your useful tool! I am trying to convert some projects written in latex into wp-latex.

    Could you please tell me if there’s a way to caption and label images like in the figure environment. Or is there a workaround for this?

    Thanks again!

    • Posted January 10, 2016 at 9:04 pm | #

      I am afraid HTML is the only option. Wrap figure (tikZ?) in a div and add p underneath with proper width and text alignment.
      Another option is to add caption directly using tikZ commands.

  193. Posted January 11, 2016 at 5:30 pm | #

    Hi Pavel. Here’s a strange QL problem which is probably related to the theme we are using (Themify Ultra), but which is kind of hard for me to diagnose being such a newbie in CSS. 🙂

    Basically, every time I include “\ [“. “\ ]”, “\ (“, “\ )” or “\\” in a post or a page, after clicking the “update” (or the “publish” button), WordPress automatically strips a “\” off each of those symbols (so that it becomes “[“, “]”, “(“, “)”, “\”, respectively), and if I add back the lost “\” back into the post and hit the “preview”, the post is still displayed as “[“, “]”, “(“, “)”, “\”.

    The “\ (” and “\ )” can be replaced by “$” without any problem, and the same applies to “\ [” and “\ ]” when replaced with “$$”. However, the ability to parse “\\” is an issue, because it takes the “align” or other environments hard to use.

    The “\\” is a rather fascinating issue actually, because when I type “\\\” instead in a post and hit the “publish/update” button, WordPress strips away the initial “\” from the post, and the post does get displayed correctly. However, any future change to the post will strip a “\” away from each instance of “\\”, making any future modification a risky thing to do.

    On the sidenote, I’ve also noticed that $ x^*$ couldn’t be parsed on our site, but $ x^* $ works fine – If that has any bearing to the issue.

    Everything else I’ve tried are fine though. Thanks for your tremendous contribution to making WordPress LaTeXable.


    • Posted January 12, 2016 at 12:23 pm | #

      Hi Tom,

      The issue of stripping slashes has nothing to do with QuickLaTeX nor with CSS. Actually I have never received complains about this before.

      There are several possible reasons for this:
      (1) PHP configuration on your server (related with magic quotes);
      (2) Theme is doing this for some reason;
      (3) Other plugin is responsible.

      I would start from checking the plugins (turn them off one by one), then asking the theme developers.
      There is a solid chance that the theme needs special PHP configuration. Overall this probably relates to text sanitization before storing it in database.

      Hope this helps.

      • Posted January 12, 2016 at 5:08 pm | #

        Oh my god. I can’t believe I nailed it with your hints. 🙂

        I started by disabling all plugins (felt reluctant of doing that for fear of having to redo some work again), doesn’t work. Change the theme back to “Twenty Sixteen”, latex post still not displayed correctly. Hit the “update” button after correcting the latex codes, and voila, perfect displaying back to normal.

        I then tried to switch the theme back, hit the “preview” button to see if it messes up the parsing again. Nope, no problem at all, not a single “\” stripping occurred.

        This left me dumbfounded, as I thought the issue was with the theme. I then noticed that social media widgets (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+) are all gone, which is a bit unsettling. Since I remembered that these widgets are powered by WordPress Jetpack, I went to the dashboard and found that Jetpack is now disconnected due to me playing around with the themes.

        After proceeding to reconnect Jetpack, I hit the “preview” button of a latex post. And boom! The incorrect display is back again.

        That was a good catch really. As I now am aware that some Jetpack features could be responsible for the “\” stripping. So I did what I was supposed to do: disabling the features one by one to see if I can narrow the issue down its root. Finally, after 20 trials or so, I found the feature that was responsible for the unintended “\” stripping: It’s called Markdown.

        (In a way, it makes sense why it would be the case. And I’m glad that I actually don’t need that feature in general)

        After doing some patch-up on the site back to the previous state (now with Markdown disabled), I proceed to test a ton of commands and environments offered in QL, and it was perfection – up to the tikz.

        So lesson learned. Being a PHP newbie, I really thought this would have been much more difficult had theme switching not deactivate Markdown indirectly (in which case I might as well surrender and stick to the status quo). Kudos to you Pavel. That helps a lot.

        • Posted January 12, 2016 at 5:23 pm | #

          Please be sure to disable the “Photon” feature in Jetpack as well. It adds garbage to every URL pointing to image.
          Nice detective story and congratulations on resolving the issue!

          • Posted January 13, 2016 at 2:25 am | #

            Thanks for informing. Yeah Photon’s off now. Apparently it sounds all fancy when you only read its description, until you realize that your images could now be found in WordPress.com servers – and presumably with some SEO consequences on that front. 🙂



  194. David Templin
    Posted January 12, 2016 at 1:17 pm | #

    I’ve been evaluating QuickLaTeX, and I’ve had a great experience with it so far. The only issue I’ve encountered is that mathematical content is rendered with img tags with references to external SVG files, resulting in one HTTP request per image. On one of my posts, this resulted in >900 HTTP requests over a period of 19 seconds. Have you considered using inline SVG and PNG sprites to reduce the number of HTTP requests?

    • Posted January 12, 2016 at 1:38 pm | #

      Good question. Up to this moment I was hoping that special plugins for optimization should take care of this. There are plenty of plugins for optimization and caching which work on site as a whole, embedding scripts, CSS, using cache, CDN, etc. (I use Autoptimize & SuperCache).

      Merging images into sprites seems to be a natural feature of such plugins. Probably we will see this in future versions.
      If not – I will try to add this into QL.

      Btw, as for SVG I don’t see the easy solution at the moment. Inline & uncompressed SVG code would take hundreds of kilobytes (or even MB in case of graphics). Now separate SVG files served compressed (svgz) by webservers.

  195. David Templin
    Posted January 13, 2016 at 12:01 pm | #

    Ah, yes, I didn’t realize how large the generated SVGs are; I calculated a total of 11 MB for one post. I certainly wouldn’t want to inline the SVGs in this case. The current method has the advantage of enabling the images to download independently of the page, so the page appears to load quickly. Thanks.

    • Posted January 13, 2016 at 3:30 pm | #

      Make sure SVG files served compressed by web-server (svgz). Compression reduces their size a lot since SVG is text format with a lot of redundancy.

  196. Posted February 3, 2016 at 10:58 pm | #


    I am a completely beginner with blog-posting, and I have just installed this nice plugin to display equations in my blog. However, the equations start to show wrongly once I connect to Jetpack to make use of its functionalities. I have tried to deactivate “Beautiful maths”, but no success. I do not find any information on this, so I guess I am doing something terribly stupid…
    Any help, please?

    • Posted February 3, 2016 at 11:16 pm | #

      Try deactivating the Photon in Jetpack. Deactivate the whole Jetpack if this doesn’t help or its features one-by-one to see which one is hurting.

      • Posted February 13, 2016 at 7:36 pm | #

        Thank you, that solved my problem!

  197. Ahmet
    Posted February 9, 2016 at 12:24 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    Amazing plugin. Can’t appreciate it enough. I was wondering if you have any method for referring to equation numbers in another blog post. For referring to figures, I use a plugin that pops up the figure by clicking on it. If I do the same for equations, I will have to create too many popups. So I’m searching for a better method.
    Also in case you know an easier method for referring to figures as well, please let me know.
    Thanks for your help Pavel!

  198. Peter Smith
    Posted March 2, 2016 at 6:08 pm | #

    I’m using quick latex plugin for wordpress. How can I cross out text? I’ve tried different tags such as


    Can you help me?

    • Posted March 2, 2016 at 7:28 pm | #

      You need to include special package for the commands:

      [latex mode=0]
         \sout{wrong}, \xout{removed}

      Renders to:          \sout{wrong}, \xout{removed}

      Of course, you can include the package only once (see admin page of QuickLaTeX->Advanced).

  199. Sirius
    Posted March 4, 2016 at 3:50 pm | #

    I’m using quick latex plugin for WordPress. After exporting posts by Aspose Doc Exporter, the formula are saved as pictures. However, they are not as clear as that on wordpress. It seems that pixels have been compressed. Can you help me with that?

    • Posted March 4, 2016 at 3:53 pm | #

      You should probably ask the developers of Aspose Doc Exporter. QuickLaTeX has nothing do to with their exporting process.

  200. Posted March 6, 2016 at 1:49 pm | #

    As of yesterday, my equations are no longer displaying on my posts. It is a WP site and I am using Quicklatex to display equations. When the page loads, the equation is displayed briefly followed by a place holder. I haven’t installed any new plug-ins. If I deliberately include a syntax error an error message is displayed.

    • Posted March 6, 2016 at 2:09 pm | #

      This has nothing to do with QuickLaTeX. Please turn off the Photon feature in JetPack plugin.
      In next version we will add workaround for this issue, to suppress the Photon on QuickLaTeX images.

  201. Posted March 11, 2016 at 11:00 am | #

    Hi there, I am a “typical” web guy, not a scientist or math guru so please excuse my ignorance here. I have found your plugin and it works great! But… (there’s always a but, right?) … I have hit a block of LaTeX that seems to be dependent upon the package “sidecap”


    I see in the plugin’s advanced settings that additional packages can be included “as usual”. For a newbie like me are there documents that go into more detail regarding sidecap and your plugin?


    • Posted March 11, 2016 at 5:58 pm | #

      How about:

      [latex mode=0]
      \begin{SCtable} ... \end{SCtable}

      The \usepackage{sidecap} command can be placed to global preamble if you use it frequently.

      • Posted March 15, 2016 at 8:05 am | #

        Hi Pavel,

        Thank you very much for the reply but unfortunately neither option (adding the in-page preamble or global preamble) allowed the latex code to be rendered in wordpress. Fortunately, I think I only have one of these SCfigure objects to deal with and I may use a traditional screenshot to handle it.


        • Posted March 15, 2016 at 10:12 am | #

          Any chance you can share the simple example and error message(s)?

          • Posted March 15, 2016 at 9:41 pm | #

            I would be glad to do so! Can you shoot me a direct email and I will give you the information you’re looking for?

            Many thanks!

          • Posted March 17, 2016 at 10:38 am | #

            My e-mail is: pavel@holoborodko.com
            (Yes, I am not afraid of spam)

  202. Sergey
    Posted May 27, 2016 at 7:24 pm | #


    Could you please help me with my problem.

    In using QuickLaTeX I get the following error:

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: Failed to connect to http://www.quicklatex.com port 80: Connection timed out
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources (“allow_url_fopen”, etc.)
    These links might help in finding solution:

    I’ve never seen this before – and I have indeed checked that my /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file contains allow_url_fopen = On. Are there any other settings needed? I’m a bit flumoxxed by this and would be very grateful of some advice!


  203. Posted May 31, 2016 at 3:47 pm | #

    Hi Pavel. Have been testing on QuickLaTeX lately. I found that I wasn’t able to get eqref (from amsmath package) working even after wrapping them around $ or [latex]. even though ref works well already of course.

    Also, is there a way of enabling some sort of page-wide custom preamble? (much that what the latexpage tag does to enable pagewide LaTeX rendering) Sometimes global preamble seems like an overkill and a bit wasteful, but at the same time having to wrap preamble inside an environment or mathmode gets tedious when you do that a dozen of times. This could be useful in the case of special user-defined commands and packages that are only use in one page — but throughout the entire text.

    Anyway. Just some thought. And here’s a fancy LaTeX test page, in case you want to take a look.



    • Posted June 4, 2016 at 1:05 pm | #

      Hi Tom,

      Thank you for the suggestions. I remember I tried to add page-wide preamble, but something didn’t work out as I expected.
      Will re-view this (along with \eqref) for the next release.


  204. Posted August 6, 2016 at 1:29 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    my site theme has two versions for desktop and mobile. In QuickLatex when I select font size 13 px it is fine for mobile but not for desktop version and when I select 16 px it is fine for desktop but not for mobile. How can I set up equations font size 16 px for desktop and 13 px for mobile?

    • Posted August 8, 2016 at 10:55 am | #

      Could you try using the SVG format instead of PNG? What happens then?

      • Posted August 8, 2016 at 3:09 pm | #

        I tried SVG and I see that font size is the same in mobile version as I see in desktop version of my site. I see when equation is long it goes smaller in mobile version but in short equations and expressions font size is as big as desktop version. I used doller syntax and also bracket syntax and both of them are the same. Also inline and display fonts are the same as desktop version.

        • Posted August 8, 2016 at 4:00 pm | #

          I see. At the moment QL doesn’t differentiate desktop from mobile browsers :(.
          Please add this feature if you know how to do this easily. In case in SVG this should work fine (as it scales perfectly).

          • Posted August 8, 2016 at 7:41 pm | #

            Is it possible to add an empty option or no selection option in font size of quicklatex and force quicklatex to obey theme font size?
            Is it possible Pavel?

          • Posted August 8, 2016 at 8:36 pm | #

            QL has no idea of theme font size, it relies solely on the option in settings panel.
            The issue here is that this option should be different for desktop & mobile browsers.
            I don’t know how to do that at the moment. Do you know how to detect font size of a theme flexibly for any possible theme?

          • Posted August 12, 2016 at 3:53 am | #

            I Do not know too but this is how mathjax detect font size for svg equations and adjusts them according to theme flexibly.

            SVG: {
            scale: 100

          • Posted August 12, 2016 at 9:47 pm | #

            This is just its configuration to show equations at 100% scale. Will check it more for next versions.

  205. Ben Craven
    Posted August 12, 2016 at 7:12 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I’ve been using QuickLatex for a few weeks and it’s been great. But now I have a very strange problem. I have a test post that looks like this

    [laatexpage] NOTE: the misspelling is deliberate here, if I spell it correctly it gets stripped out of this message!

    If I preview (or publish) this on WordPress I get an error message to do with server access (see end of this message). But if my Latex content is


    it works perfectly! Some letters consistently cause the error (eg V), and others consistently don’t (eg R).

    The same thing happens with whole equations
    $y = \sin \theta$ does work
    $v = \sin \theta$ produces the error
    all I’ve done is swap a y for a v.

    Have you any ideas what’s going on here? I can’t see how it can be my WordPress settings, because the error depends upon my actual Latex content and works fine for some letters.



    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: Failed to connect to http://www.quicklatex.com port 80: Connection timed out
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources (“allow_url_fopen”, etc.)
    These links might help in finding solution:

  206. Posted August 12, 2016 at 9:46 pm | #

    Hi Ben,

    I cannot reproduce this magical situation. Does it happen when you use displayed math mode – \[...\] instead of $..$?
    Usually such error is shown when no connection to QL server.

    • Ben Craven
      Posted August 12, 2016 at 10:44 pm | #

      Thanks for the swift response, Pavel. Magical is the word 🙁

      If I use the displayed math mode, the letter O (which works with dollar…dollar) doesn’t work! I pasted an equation from an existing post that uses displayed math mode and it worked fine to produce

          \[r^2 + L^2 &= (H+r)^2\]

      But if I added a letter O to it, it failed (in either mode).

      Incidentally, how can I quote Latex notation in these messages without it being interpreted? I’ve tried \verb and all sorts and can’t find anything that works. Yet clearly it can be done because you do it!



      • Posted August 12, 2016 at 10:51 pm | #

        Put ! before \[..\], $..$, etc to prevent interpretation.

        Both O or F are working fine here.
        I conclude something is going on with configuration of your server – as indicated in error message.
        (or with your theme – eats up some characters?)

        • Ben Craven
          Posted August 13, 2016 at 2:34 am | #

          Hi Pavel,

          Progress! I can now predict what will work and what won’t.

          Only LaTeX expressions/equations that I’ve used in previous posts work!

          I have two previous posts that use QuickLaTeX. In my test post, only LaTeX expressions/equations that appeared in those earlier posts work. No other Latex seems to work. Even trivial alterations (removal of spaces, reorderings eg a+b to b+a) always cause failure. I have checked many cases and found no counterexamples. It makes no difference whether I cut-and-paste or type them in manually.

          This seems bizarre, but at least it’s a clear rule and not as arbitrary as it seemed at first sight.

          The previously-published pages behave in just the same way. I can’t add LaTeX to them unless it’s a precise copy of some LaTeX that was there before yesterday (or some earlier unknown date).

          Does this give you any clues? Does QuickLaTeX operate a cache of previously-rendered LaTeX to speed things up?

          One other observation is that the response seems slower than it used to be even for the LaTeX that works – 6-7 seconds for a post with a single expression. This makes me wonder if new LaTeX expressions are (for some reason) taking so long that something times out, whereas old ones are dealt with more quickly. But that’s total speculation on my part.

          I’ve checked with my hosting company and they verified that allow_url_fopen is enabled.
          My theme is a standard unmodified WordPress one (Twenty Fifteen). I tried a different theme (Twenty Ten) and the problem was still there.



          • Ben Craven
            Posted August 13, 2016 at 3:41 pm | #

            Hi Pavel,

            I’ve now found out about the local cacheing that QuickLaTeX does. So the pattern of my problem is explained if my website server and the QuickLaTeX server aren’t talking to each other. I haven’t a clue how to approach this.



          • Ben Craven
            Posted August 13, 2016 at 3:49 pm | #

            My IP address is (URL bencraven.org.uk). Has this been blocked by the QuickLaTeX server for some reason?


            PS Apologies for dripfeed of information.

          • Posted August 15, 2016 at 5:12 pm | #

            Hi Ben, the IP address is not blocked on QL side.
            I am pretty sure this issue relates to PHP & other software settings of your hosting provider.
            They probably did some changes recently (updated to new PHP?) and tightened up security settings or similar.

          • Ben Craven
            Posted August 19, 2016 at 5:56 am | #

            Thanks for looking into that, Pavel.


  207. Posted August 19, 2016 at 9:18 pm | #

    Hi Pavel, I need help.
    I write some equation in QuickLaTeX and the font of wordpress quick latex looks so light and not so good. Is it possible to change the font a bit dark and a bit cool? I tried to change some font packages but the view is not so good.

    e.g. I tried this:

    Thank you for your reaction.

    • Posted August 19, 2016 at 10:23 pm | #

      Could you please send me the link to your page where I can see the issue?
      I suspect your theme might interfere with equations styling.

      • Pavla
        Posted August 20, 2016 at 4:28 am | #
        • Posted August 20, 2016 at 10:15 pm | #

          I am afraid this is how browsers scale the SVG images. QL renders formulas using vector graphic – SVG , which is independent of scale.
          But browsers do the actual scaling into prescribed size, and I suspect they might not be using the high-quality anti-aliasing.

          Try zooming your webpage (Ctrl+”+”) – you will see that formulas are actually crisp and nice bold.

          You might try to change size of the font (QL->Basic settings->Font Size) to see if it scales better….

  208. Posted August 21, 2016 at 6:16 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I want to try reinstalling QuickLatex, but I don’t want to lose the cached material. If I make a copy of the ql-cache folder before I reinstall and then restore it, would that work?



  209. Francois Rigaut
    Posted September 2, 2016 at 1:53 pm | #

    Pavel, you are a genius. This plugin rocks. It is infinitely better than the alternative. Thanks for the hard work.

  210. Posted October 12, 2016 at 2:05 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    thank you very much for this great plugin!

    Now I try to fix some code on my page but it doesn’t want to compile anymore. Any server problems?

    As long as I change a single equation, it gives me an unknown error message. I can only show already cached equations. See this page=>


    Thanks for all

    • Posted October 12, 2016 at 12:28 pm | #

      There is a chance that QL plugin installed in your WordPress is too old – and doesn’t match the server anymore.
      Could you please upgrade you plugin to the newest version available? Would appreciate if you would inform me if this solves the issue.

      • Posted October 14, 2016 at 4:18 am | #

        I already updated the QuickLatex Version (3.8.4). But it doesn’t help.. It still seems not to connect to the server..

        => http://www.cankosar.com/2015/10/11/859/ (Lasts a few secons trying to connect to the server, appearently)

        • Posted October 14, 2016 at 11:10 am | #

          I have tested the fpormulas on my website – everything works fine.
          Also I see your request in server log – something happens during the LaTeX compilation.
          I going to need few days to look into this issue (build debug version, run tests, reproduce, fix, etc.)

          Meanwhile, could you please let me know QL plugin settings and what other plugins are installed on your site?
          My private email is: pavel@holoborodko.com

          • Posted October 16, 2016 at 8:15 pm | #

            The settings are:

            Image Format: Auto
            Cache images locally: on
            debug mode: on

            latex syntax sitewide: off
            Exclude ..: off

            The plugins which can be relevant are:

            SEO plugins etc.
            SVG Support

            But the latex sites did work with actual settings. Then after a few months it started not to update. The I updated the Quicklatex plugin: Still doesn’t work.

          • Posted October 16, 2016 at 8:37 pm | #

            Try with debug mode: OFF.
            Debug mode is very pedantic and doesn’t forgive anything.

          • Posted October 17, 2016 at 2:42 am | #

            No success…

            Still get the error message:

            *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

                \begin{equation*} \Delta\gamma_{a,t}=\frac{\Delta a_{m,t}}{r_{c,t}}=\frac{\frac{{\Delta a_{l,t}+\Delta a_{r,t}}}{2}}{r_R\frac{\Delta a_{l,t}+\Delta a_{r,t}}{\Delta a_{l,t}-\Delta a_{r,t}}}=\frac{\Delta a_{l,t}-\Delta a_{r,t}}{2 r_R}\text{.} \end{equation*}

            *** Error message:
            Unknown error

            It would be a shame to give Quicklatex up after begin really happy with the plugin..Considering the content I created with, it would also be a big effort..

            Do you have any other idea which I can consider?

          • Posted October 17, 2016 at 2:45 am | #

            Well, in your webseite it does compile it… I only see the plain latex code in the error message..

          • Posted October 17, 2016 at 11:29 am | #

            Indeed, the issue is very strange. QL is being used on thousands websites and only 2 of them has this issue (two weeks ago I received similar report from other guy). My website uses exactly the same QL plugin & server as yours does.

            We have been searching for what might cause the issue over the weekends – no luck so far.
            Taking into account the fact that other websites are working fine – I tend to believe this is related to specifics of server/PHP/WordPress configuration on your side.

            By any chance, did you notice after what changes this started (e.g. new PHP, WordPress update, new plugin installation, etc.)?

            I am planning of building special version of QL for tests on your website – this will allow to gain more information.
            I will contact you over email later today, if it is OK.

        • Posted October 18, 2016 at 11:44 pm | #

          We have updated our TexLive to 2016 version and fixed issue with new formulas. Please check.

          • Ben Craven
            Posted October 19, 2016 at 5:38 am | #

            I’m afraid the update hasn’t worked for me 🙁

            Thanks for all the effort that you’ve put in to trying to fix the problem though. As Solocan says, QL is a great plugin and I hope I can start using it again one day.


          • Posted October 19, 2016 at 11:48 am | #

            In fact, our latest update has fixed the issues Solocan encountered.
            Please check his links above – now everything works as expected.

            Do you still see the same problems on your website (as before) – new equations do not compile?

            I will send you instructions to use our debug server over email – this will gives us more information on the issue.
            We should resolve it this time.

  211. Posted October 31, 2016 at 8:28 pm | #


    I’m getting an undefined variable notice since updating WordPress to 4.6.1, using WP QuickLaTeX 3.8.4 and with WP_DEBUG set to true.

    Notice: Undefined variable: eqlabel in /home/ima/www/www/wp/wp-content/plugins/wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 1615



    • Posted December 5, 2016 at 11:54 pm | #

      Have you fix issue? my blog got this bug. http://goingmyway.cn/?p=376

      • Posted February 7, 2017 at 8:51 pm | #

        I’m still having this issue whenever I turn debug on;

        Notice: Undefined variable: eqlabel in …./wp-content/plugins/wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 1612

        • Posted February 7, 2017 at 9:53 pm | #

          I haven’t fixed the issue (partially because it appears only in debug mode and not as crucial).

  212. Posted November 7, 2016 at 2:26 am | #

    WP QuickLatex doesn’t work on my website.
    As example I write the expression :
    f(x) at the page http://palary18.free.fr/?p=30
    OK, it displays “f(x)
    f(x) at the page http://palary18.free.fr/?p=28
    problem, it does not display anything …

    I specify that my Internet service provider is a french provider named “free”. Is it compatible with WP QuickLatex ?
    I notify that WP Latex or Katex work fine on my website.
    But I want to draw some tikz pictures.


    • Posted November 7, 2016 at 9:32 pm | #

      Have you disabled the WP LaTeX or other latex-related plugins before turning ON the WP-QuickLaTeX?

      • Posted November 9, 2016 at 2:25 am | #

        yes I do

        Could you say me if I am wrong. When an article contains a latex command as f(x) :
        – my website send a request to Quicklatex.com
        – quicklatex makes the latex / svg conversion
        – and it sends the response value to my website

        Perhaps, the “firewall” provider of my website blocks this response ?

        • Posted November 9, 2016 at 1:44 pm | #

          Yes, this is the procedure and yes – probably your provider disabled connections to external services.
          You might try to ask them to enable this feature.

          • Posted November 9, 2016 at 6:45 pm | #

            thanks for yours replies.

            I have read all the previous comments and I see that the variable “allow_url_fopen” affects the process.
            I have made a phpinfo on the website. It uses PHP 5.6.8 and the directive “allow_url_fopen” is ON and the other one “allow_url_include” is OFF. So is there another directive to change allowing quicklatex to work ?

          • Posted November 9, 2016 at 7:42 pm | #

            I am not sure, but looks like this is not the issue. QuickLaTeX would inform you about connection issues.
            I think there is some fundamental incompatibility with hosting service or the theme or other plugin(s).
            Some restrictions on PHP memory, execution time per script, etc.

            Btw, when I open your page – your hoster shows “Overload” page instead: http://perso99-g5.free.fr/overload.html
            And this is for empty website!!! How do they expect to handle the real visitors?
            If this is free hosting service – I wouldn’t expect much from it.

            How does you page look like with all plugins disabled?

          • Posted November 9, 2016 at 9:03 pm | #

            Surprising !
            I don’t have “overlead” page now.
            I think you have made your try when I did some experimentation on the website.

            the page http://palary18.free.fr/?p=30 with f(x) between two $ displays : http://hpics.li/3f7cf11
            the page http://palary18.free.fr/?p=28 with f(x) between latex and /latex commands displays : http://hpics.li/f346d54

  213. Posted November 13, 2016 at 9:09 pm | #

    Chess diagram show error
    \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel}   \usepackage{skak}   \begin{document} \mainline{1.e4}   \showboard   \lastmove{} Is the most common opening move   \mainline{1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4}   \showboard   \mainline{3...e5xd4 4.Bb5 a6 5.O-O}   \showboard \end{document}
    Where is problem.


    • Posted November 13, 2016 at 10:51 pm | #

      All commands starting from \show… were blacklisted in QuickLaTeX (since there were several attempts to hack the server using these kind of commands).
      Use following format to include LaTeX code (see more examples on this page and plugin page in admin UI of your website):


        \medskip \newgame \showboard

      Strangely, but other figure positions do not display well. I guess the move coordinates are stripped off by PHP or something….

  214. Thomas Groutars
    Posted November 18, 2016 at 6:52 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    First Thanks for your work.
    I was wondering if the code for quicklatex (not the wordpress plugin) was open source and available somewhere? I checked the code for the plugin but it seems to use the quicklatex.com api to convert the images.
    What I’d like to do is set up my own web service to convert LaTeX to images, without having to rely on a third party service.



    • Posted November 19, 2016 at 2:05 pm | #

      Hi Thomas,

      Server side of QL wasn’t released as open source and probably won’t in future.
      (there are a lot of my own libraries, which wasn’t intended to be open source).

  215. Posted November 24, 2016 at 8:32 pm | #

    Hi, Quick-Latex has failed on my site: http://www.goingmyway.cn, my equation format is correct and what wrong with it?

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

        \[ T=\{(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),...,(x_N,y_N)\} \]

    *** Error message:
    Unknown error

  216. Posted November 30, 2016 at 1:06 pm | #

    Hi Pavel – I’ve just installed your plugin. Thanks very much for your work and for what I see is outstanding support.

    I have a problem. For some reason, any LaTeX code is rendered on a new line, e.g.,

    Assume that DOLLAR_SIGN x=2 DOLLAR_SIGN.

    renders as

    Assume that

    I’m not sure what is going on here, but I have the same problem if I activate the beautiful math setting in Jetpack and type

    Assume that DOLLAR_SIGN latex x=2 DOLLAR_SIGN.

    My website uses the newsmag theme with Jetpack and WPBakery Visual Composer plugins activated, in addition to QuickLaTeX.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    • Posted December 1, 2016 at 11:08 am | #

      Most probably your theme adds line breaks before and after each image.
      Let me know the test page URL where can see the issue.

      (Have you disabled WP-LaTeX before testing WP-QuickLaTeX?)

      • Posted December 6, 2016 at 3:48 am | #

        Pavel, thanks. That was the problem, fixed with the following css code:

        img {
        display: inline-block;

  217. Posted December 6, 2016 at 5:16 am | #

    Hello Pavel,

    I’m also using QuickLaTeX because it seems to be the most elaborate plugin. Thanks for that service. My installed Version is 3.8.4.

    Currently I’m facing a problem regarding the correct sizing of the LaTeX-svg-images. The basic setting ‘Font Size’ does not have any impact on the svg image size. Instead, the svg-images are always scaled back to a font size of about 11px. For example, the setting of 33px font size leads to a huge surrounding region containing a small block.

    The only way to scale the svg-image is a fixed setting within the stylesheet ‘quicklatex-format.css’, for example
    .ql-img-displayed-equation{…; width = 500px; }

    However, that’s not a good option, because short fomulas are displayed very large. I’d rather set
    .ql-img-displayed-equation{…; max-width: 90% !important } ,
    but this also does not have any effect.

    Do you have any idea? By the way, png-images are sized correctly.

    • Posted December 7, 2016 at 6:17 am | #

      Ok, I got it solved:
      For any reason, my system needs additional CSS advices in order to scale the svg-images right. Furthermore, the CSS has to be directly inserted into the <img-commands, which appear in 'wp-quicklatex.php'. Regarding displayed equation I changed the $out_str-assignment (about line 1630) to

      $out_str .= "”;

      • Posted December 7, 2016 at 11:49 am | #

        Hello Jacob.
        Glad you solved the issue!
        Sorry for late reply, new comments on this page have been pushed to spam folder for several days….

        • Posted December 8, 2016 at 6:08 am | #

          Hmm the line $out_str.=… is not displayed correctly. The <code-Tag does not seem to work. However, whoever has to tackle that problem can contact me 🙂

  218. Posted December 6, 2016 at 10:38 am | #

    Hi, there is a bug on my blog

    Notice: Undefined variable: eqlabel in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 1615

    line 1615: $eqnl = (!is_null($eqlabel)) ? “!$eqlabel” : ” “;

    WordPress 4.6.1, PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.20 (cli)

    • Posted December 6, 2016 at 2:37 pm | #

      QuickLaTeX is working fine on your website.
      But PHP works in debug mode – spits all the warnings directly on the page.
      Disable this mode in PHP and everything will be fine.

  219. Nikos
    Posted December 8, 2016 at 3:06 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    I use QuickLaTeX in my school’s site.
    I have noticed last days that some code of chemfig doesn’t work. I tested the same code in your on line rendering page (http://quicklatex.com) and I get the exactly the same result. A few days ago everything was rendering just fine.
    For example, the code
    \schemestart H\arrow O \schemestop
    should return H ->O where -> is the arrow of a chemical reaction.
    Instead of this, I get the letters H and O overlapped.

    Any idea?
    Thank you!

    • Posted December 9, 2016 at 10:06 pm | #

      Hi Nikos,

      Chemfig drawing is basically a TikZ diagram and it needs special compilation sequence on server.
      Please either use \chemfig command or wrap your code with TikZ environment: \begin{tikzpicture}...\end{tikzpicture}.
      Then QL will know that TikZ is used.

      For example, the following code generates what you want:

      \schemestart H\arrow O \schemestop

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      • Nikos
        Posted December 10, 2016 at 2:14 am | #

        Thank you Pavel for your reply.
        Your code seems to solve my issue.
        But after some “play” I discovered that it is enough to add in the beginning of my post or page just the

        Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

        After that, if I use the next code, in any place in my post or page

        $$\schemestart H\arrow O \schemestop$$

        it renders perfectly. (it doesn’t happen in this comment)

        Does this behavior is expected or not?
        Thank you again

        • Posted December 17, 2016 at 1:22 pm | #

          This is probably because the formula was cached, and now QL just serves generated image from cache.
          Could you please try using absolutely new formula with the same trick?

          • Nikos
            Posted December 17, 2016 at 2:54 pm | #

            Hi Pavel,

            I have tested with a ton of new formulae and it renders normally.
            Finally I completely removed the tikzpicture tags and everything works fine.
            According to the chemfig manual there is no need to use explicitly this tag.
            There was probably a temporary (communication???) problem.

            Any way, thank you for your help.

          • Posted December 17, 2016 at 3:04 pm | #

            This tag is needed for QL server to know that code relies on TikZ and requires different compilation scheme.
            I guess you have some TikZ-related package included in global preamble or similar.
            In any case now QL detects that code needs TikZ and compiles it as such.

            Thank you for rating the plugin!

          • Nikos
            Posted December 17, 2016 at 3:09 pm | #

            In page 5 of chmefig manual is clearly stated:
            “In all cases, the tikz package, if not loaded before, is loaded by ChemFig”

          • Posted December 17, 2016 at 9:48 pm | #

            Sorry for not clear explanation.
            My own code on server must know if TikZ is used in a formula – to invoke proper sequence of tools to covert it to image.
            If it is TikZ code – it requires different processing (compared to documents with just mathematical formulas).

            So that QL server has to know if TikZ is used (or not) even before running the LaTeX.
            Now we just search for “tikz” substring in LaTeX code supplied to server to detect this.
            Probably you have it in your preamble – and server compiles it as TikZ.

            LaTeX has zoo of various modes, rendering techniques, etc. – we have developed quite a few pieces of our own software to support all these….

  220. zz
    Posted December 9, 2016 at 6:09 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    great work.
    I can find many reasons why the answer to my question is probably no, by I will still ask:
    Is there a way to use a package I wrote (mystuff.sty)?

    I tried to include it in the global preamble, but then I get:
    *** Error message:
    Error: Not allowed command sequence

    The command that breaks things down is (and I have a number of them):
    ,#1 } %

    Note: the other macros are defined earlier and nothing breaks down until I include the code above.
    I suspect the problem is with \makeatletter \makeatother.
    Since users cannot load custom styles, I suppose allowing \makeatletter \makeatother is crucial.

    Another command that gives the same error but I do not see why is the following:

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Posted December 9, 2016 at 10:10 pm | #

      Some commands are blacklisted, since there were many attempts to hack the server (include password file into formula, etc.).
      We will review the list to see if this causing the error. Will unblock the needed command if it is safe.

      • zz
        Posted December 10, 2016 at 7:02 am | #

        Hi Pavel,

        thanks for your answer.
        Is my guess about makeatletter correct? Is it blacklisted?
        Is the blacklist public or would that be compromise security in its own?
        I am asking so that I try change my package not to use blacklisted commands if possible.

        Since also the second command in my previous post breaks down, I suppose avoiding makeatletter alone is not enough.

        • Posted December 10, 2016 at 10:55 am | #

          Indeed, makeatletter was blocked as you anticipated. We have cleaned up the blacklist – now only very few commands are blocked. Please try again.

          • zz
            Posted December 10, 2016 at 10:15 pm | #

            Thank you very much for the prompt reply and reaction.

            The package still does not work out of the box, but the whole situation helped me realize makeatletter is (probably) not really needed.
            So, I started rewriting the package (using pgfkeys that avoid makeatletter ). Although it is time consuming, I think it will be better in the end.

            Keep up the good work and the server running 🙂

            PS I will let you know if I manage to run the version with makeatletter anyway.

  221. Eugene
    Posted December 16, 2016 at 12:16 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Thank you for this fantastic addon. 🙂

    I was hoping you could help me.

    C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right) &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + C_{2}\left(n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right)}
    \label{e3.1} \\
    {C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n^{\#}_{3}(2)\right)} &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + n_{3}(1)^{p_C(2)}K_{2}}

    Rendering it on the http://quicklatex.com/ , it displays correctly numbering it as two equations http://quicklatex.com/cache3/42/ql_f376c91ba945be22c7a6f87cb1c64242_l3.png.

    Rendering it on a WordPress site the numbering always counts it as one equation though.

    Example here: http://imgur.com/a/8i54H

    • Posted December 17, 2016 at 2:43 pm | #

      Dear Eugene,

      Our WordPress plugin, WP-QuickLaTeX adds extra functionality on top of quicklatex.com (which is used only to compile formulas into images).
      Auto-numbering of displayed equations is one of the extra-features. So that equations on page are numbered automatically according to LaTeX rules.

      For example, the following code

      \begin{equation} \tag{e3.1} \label{e3.1}
      C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right) &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + C_{2}\left(n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right)}

      \begin{equation} \tag{e3.2} \label{e3.2}
      {C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n^{\#}_{3}(2)\right)} &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + n_{3}(1)^{p_C(2)}K_{2}}

      will be compiled as displayed equation with labels specified:

      (e3.1)   \begin{equation*}   C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right) &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + C_{2}\left(n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right)}  \end{equation*}

      (e3.2)   \begin{equation*}   {C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n^{\#}_{3}(2)\right)} &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + n_{3}(1)^{p_C(2)}K_{2}} \end{equation*}

      Then equations can be referenced in text the usual way, by using (\ref{e3.1}) and (\ref{e3.2}) commands, which will be displayed as (e3.1) and (e3.2) respectively. QuickLaTeX includes hyper-links to matching equations with tag specified – all automatically.

      The only limitation right now – multi-line environments (align, etc.) cannot have numbers for each equation. Only one number for the whole environment is supported:

      \begin{align} \tag{e3} \label{e3}
      C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right) &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + C_{2}\left(n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right)}\\
      {C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n^{\#}_{3}(2)\right)} &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + n_{3}(1)^{p_C(2)}K_{2}}

      (e3)   \begin{align*}   C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right) &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + C_{2}\left(n_{3}(1),n_{3}(2)\right)}\\ {C_{3}\left(n,n_{3}(1),n^{\#}_{3}(2)\right)} &= {\frac{1}{2}\frac{n^{2}}{n_{3}(1)} + n_{3}(1)^{p_C(2)}K_{2}} \end{align*}

      This is exactly your case, sorry for that :(.
      The workaround is to use one number for the entire environment or split formulas into different displayed environments as above.

      If you like the plugin – please leave your review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-quicklatex/reviews/
      Those ratings are very helpful for other people to choose the right LaTeX plugin :).

      • Eugene
        Posted December 21, 2016 at 6:28 pm | #

        Dear Pavel,

        Thank you for your reply. I’m new to LaTeX so I hadn’t written off the idea that it was a mistake I’d made. I’ll still use your plugin. 🙂

  222. Posted January 6, 2017 at 7:58 pm | #

    Years ago I was usin wp-quicklatex 3.0
    Now, after years, I am returning to my blog. Tried to update wp-quicklatex. But it messes everything up.
    The formulas that in 3.0 looks well:


    after updating to 3.8.4 look as here


    What can be the reason. I am using the most recent wordpress and PHP 5.6

    Thank you in advance


  223. Posted January 8, 2017 at 5:48 am | #

    Dear Pavel,

    After reading comments and experimenting I have solved my problem. It was the plugin Image Caption Easy. After deactivating all seems to be ok.
    Thank you for your work! Really great.


  224. Athena
    Posted January 10, 2017 at 5:48 pm | #

    Dear Pavel
    I’d like to have quicklatex enabled in my question options of a Quiz plugin. i’ve contacted with the theme provider for support. They said if using shortcode like [latex]math equation[/latex] will work. I’ve tried using this shortcode with quicklatex, it got no where, still some code like $$, or something. Then i used WP Latex plugin to active the shortcode and it worked. However i prefer using Quicklatex plugin because of its convenience. Pliz tell me what to do.

    • Athena
      Posted January 10, 2017 at 5:51 pm | #

      Shortcode “latex”Math equation”/latex”. Sorry i didnt use preview button so, it appeared not as i expected

      • Posted January 10, 2017 at 6:16 pm | #

        QuickLaTeX doesn’t support the “latex”Math equation”/latex” format. You can use [latex]math equation[/latex] or any other supported by QuickLaTeX.

        • Athena
          Posted January 10, 2017 at 6:37 pm | #

          I used the shortcode in the wanted-field(question options of my quiz), but it doesnt work at all:(

          • Posted January 10, 2017 at 7:15 pm | #

            I don’t know why this is so.
            Questions about quiz-related plugins+QuickLaTeX bubble up in this forum frequently, maybe someone on this forum can help.
            If not – please consider contributing this feature.

  225. Leo
    Posted January 17, 2017 at 11:46 am | #

    The formula is shown correctly when page loaded at the first time. However, all the images disappear and only the LaTeX codes shown after refreshing the page. Is there anything I missed?

    Thank you very much!

    • Posted January 17, 2017 at 11:55 am | #

      Please be sure to disable “Photon” feature in JetPack plugin. It adds garbage to every URL pointing to image, even for SVG images.

      • Leo
        Posted January 17, 2017 at 1:08 pm | #

        Thanks Pavel, but I didn’t activate the JetPack plugin.

        • Posted January 17, 2017 at 2:50 pm | #

          Probably some other plugin, related to images. Any chance to see the actual page?

          • Leo
            Posted January 17, 2017 at 3:53 pm | #
          • Posted January 17, 2017 at 4:40 pm | #

            Some plugin adds “.pagespeed.ic.” suffix to every SVG image URL on your page.
            As a result, URL is corrupted and no image can be shown.

            You can solve this in two ways: (a) turn off the plugin which adds the suffix, (b) setup image format to “PNG” in QuickLaTeX settings.

          • Leo
            Posted January 17, 2017 at 5:13 pm | #

            I changed the image format and it seems to work properly now. Thanks.

  226. Sean Danaher
    Posted March 16, 2017 at 7:59 pm | #

    Hi Pavel
    I use MATLAB a lot for generating graphs. I have some experience of Tikz but have used MATLAB for over 30 years and am much happier with plotting in MATLAB. With standard LaTeX I generate .eps files but these are not recognized in WP. There are some packages which convert MATLAB to Tikz such as matlab2tikz (https://github.com/matlab2tikz/matlab2tikz). I’m not having much success. I have tried a very simple plot(1:10) and can’t seem to get it to work. Have you any recommendations as to a different MATLAB toolbox or suggestions as to what I need to edit to get it to work? I’m sure it would be very useful for many others.
    Many thanks in advance
    Sean Danaher

  227. Sam
    Posted March 21, 2017 at 6:37 pm | #

    Thanks for developping such a useful plugin !
    I have issues trying to use [latex]\og ... \fg{}[/latex] which is included in the package[french]{babel}. I put the \includepackage[french]{babel} in my preamble though. Do you have any idea how I could go over this ?
    Many thanks to you.

    • Posted March 22, 2017 at 10:46 am | #

      What issues do you have? Following code:

        \og An important quote\fg

      renders (correctly) as:
        \og An important quote\fg

      • Sam
        Posted March 22, 2017 at 8:00 pm | #

        This works, Thank you.
        Does it mean that I have to set the preamble in every article and not in the package settings ?

        • Posted March 22, 2017 at 8:23 pm | #

          No, this should work fine if babel included into global preamble only (plugin settings->Advanced->preamble). Please provide details, so that we can reproduce the situation.

          • Sam
            Posted March 22, 2017 at 10:36 pm | #

            This is my full preamble :


            “Use LaTeX syntax sitewide” is set ON.
            When I write maths, $...$ formulas work perfectly, but \og...\fg{} do not.

            I just set the debug mode on so I could copy-paste the message given when using \og...\fg{} in an article, but le plugin does not give me any warning or error message. It just shows \og \fg as text.

          • Posted March 23, 2017 at 9:44 am | #

            QuickLaTeX automatically detects and handles the most standard LaTeX commands – math environments, etc.
            Other commands (especially from third-party packages) should be wrapped with [latex] ... [/latex] tags.

  228. Posted April 2, 2017 at 4:52 am | #

    Thanks for this great plugin and service. I’ve installed it to go away from jetpack and all his traps. Only to discover the great potential of WP-QuickLaTEX

    I’m learning LaTEX and wordpress at the same time, and I expect to use the plugin extensively. As soon as I found where to put the link in the footer you’ll have it.

    • Posted April 3, 2017 at 12:33 pm | #

      Hi Delfi,
      Thank you very much for your words, support and donation! We appreciate it very much.

  229. Posted April 3, 2017 at 10:52 pm | #

    Thanks for this great plugin. Just one question.. How can I resize math expessions? (Larger math fonts and symbols)

    • Posted April 3, 2017 at 10:59 pm | #

      There are many ways to do that. See administrative settings of plugin “Basic Settings” which probably the simplest way.

      • Tassos
        Posted April 4, 2017 at 12:12 am | #

        Thanks for your quick answer.

  230. Eduardo Morais
    Posted April 20, 2017 at 1:24 pm | #

    When the site is loading, the equations appear. When the site finishes loading, the equations disappear and the latex codes appear. Does anyone know why the error?

  231. Posted April 26, 2017 at 12:28 am | #

    Dear Pavel,

    I am trying to install WP-Quicklatex to use it for my blog but get the following fatal error.

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home1/duplinsk/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-quicklatex/wp-quicklatex.php on line 2077

    Do you know what could be the problem? Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards,

  232. Matthias Gerbholz
    Posted May 4, 2017 at 12:05 am | #

    Dear Pavel,

    as far as I see, with WP-Quicklatex each math formula is downloaded as a separate file. This causes a lot of server requests.
    Is there a way to reduce the number of files to be downloaded? Maybe something like an “SVG-sprite” or some other method?

    Thank you very much!

    Kind regards

    • Posted May 4, 2017 at 12:46 pm | #

      This is good idea (along with PNG sprites, etc.) and we considered it some time ago.

      However, looking over WordPress landscape we think that these kind of optimizations should be carried by some separate plugins (e.g. Autoptimize, WP-SuperCache, etc.) which optimize the website as a whole.

      This have sense as every website might have different set of plugins, CSS, scripts, etc. It is better to optimize all these as a whole, merging all SVGs/PNGs (e.g. coming from different plugins) into one sprite, concatenating all CSS & scripts, etc.

      Autoptimize does very good job at this already (except for SVG sprites). I hope they will add optimizations for SVG in future.

      • Posted May 5, 2017 at 8:35 pm | #

        Perhaps we should campaign for this function to be included in Autoptimize (Perhaps there is room for a litle contribution for the author too)

  233. Alejandro Sierra
    Posted May 18, 2017 at 2:00 am | #

    The script is very good with math but with simple text styles it does nothing, par example it doesn’t change \textsl{ } . What should I do?

    • Posted May 18, 2017 at 9:55 am | #

      QuickLaTeX is designed for including formulas into pages, not for changing text style. CSS & HTML is way better suitable for this.
      However still you can do that with QuickLaTeX, just mark LaTeX commands with $..$:

      Some text, $\textit{Some text}$, $\textsl{Some text}$

      will be rendered as

      Some text, \textit{Some text}, \textsl{Some text}

  234. Kan Li
    Posted May 20, 2017 at 8:16 am | #

    IEEEeqnarray environment is not working for me. I am not an expert to LaTex, so any suggestion of workarounds is welcome? Thank you.
    To reproduce, just go to quicklatex.com and have preamble


    and LaTex code

    a & = & b + c
    & = & d + e + f + g + h
    + i + j + k \nonumber\\
    &+ l + m + n + o
    & = & p + q + r + s

    This code snippet comes from an example from lshort.

    • Posted May 20, 2017 at 12:10 pm | #

      This is non-standard environment, wrap it with [latex] ... [/latex] tags, e.g:

      a & = & b + c
      & = & d + e + f + g + h
      + i + j + k \nonumber\\
      &+ l + m + n + o
      & = & p + q + r + s

      It will be rendered as:
        \begin{IEEEeqnarray}{rCl} a & = & b + c \\ & = & d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k \nonumber\\ &+ l + m + n + o \\ & = & p + q + r + s \end{IEEEeqnarray}

      • Kan Li
        Posted May 21, 2017 at 8:29 am | #

        Thanks for your help. It now renders it. The problem right now is the formula is not horizontally centered on the page. How do I do that? Thanks.

        • Posted May 21, 2017 at 1:51 pm | #

          Well, this is non-standard environment, QL has no advanced support for.
          Try centering it using HTML & CSS, or switch to eqnarray.

  235. Posted May 30, 2017 at 9:36 am | #

    Ivo Velitchkov: “I installed the WordPress plugin with the sole intention to use it for LoF formulas, … but it doesn’t work. “

    The CROSS command in your example is non-standard LaTeX command and it should be added to LaTeX preamble, e.g.:

    f &= \CROSS{\CROSS{\CROSS{\CROSS{\dots a}b}a}b} \      &= \CROSS{\CROSS{fa}b}

    Then formula will be rendered properly:

        \begin{align*} f &= \CROSS{\CROSS{\CROSS{\CROSS{\dots a}b}a}b} \      &= \CROSS{\CROSS{fa}b} \end{align*}

    • Posted May 30, 2017 at 5:00 pm | #

      Now it works. Thanks a lot!

    • Posted May 30, 2017 at 9:59 pm | #

      By the way, are you one of the authors, and in any case, do you know how the LaTeX gadget in Rizzoma works? Probably some other syntax for the preamble should be used there.

  236. Posted May 31, 2017 at 10:20 pm | #

    When I write this

    Let a function f, so that

        \[f(x)=\dfrac{x^3}{\sqrt{x^2+1}}\,\forall x\in\mathbb{R}\]

    Find the \displaystyle\lim_{x\to 0}f(x)

    it is taken as output the following.
    “Let a function
    , so that

        \[f(x)=\dfrac{x^3}{\sqrt{x^2+1}}\,\forall x\in\mathbb{R}\]

     find the
    \displaystyle\lim_{x\to 0}f(x)
    Why I have note inline the latex formula?
    Thank you

    Find the

    • Posted May 31, 2017 at 10:36 pm | #

      The theme you are using inserts line breaks around images. This is usual issue – by default theme developers assume that you will insert photos into text which needs the line breaks.

      • Tassos
        Posted June 1, 2017 at 7:53 pm | #

        Thank a lot. Elegant (Divi) is compatible with quicklatex?

  237. Posted June 1, 2017 at 7:48 pm | #

    Thank you for your answer. I have already solved this problem changing the template. Quicklatex is compatible with elegant themes (DIVI for example)?

  238. Sharif Payenda
    Posted June 29, 2017 at 2:42 am | #

    Is it possible to omit font size option from plugin and let the installed theme to control the font size. As a result every equation will be nice in desktop and mobile view. For example my theme has 17 px font size for desktop and 15px for mobile. I want equations in 17px desktop and 15px mobile view. Mathjax works like what I said and does not control font size. It will be also a good option to integrate disable font size option. If someone wants to use quicklatex font size or someone else theme font size, both will be possible.

    • Posted July 3, 2017 at 4:49 pm | #

      This requires quite a lot of changes to how plugins works. Basically now it is heavily server-side rendering engine.
      Adaptive font size would require more advanced client-side functionality (dual-mode for desktop and mobile browsers, two-size caches, etc.).
      It is doable (anyone is very welcome to add this functionality), but needs non-trivial time to implement and test.

  239. Posted July 2, 2017 at 10:13 pm | #

    Hi, I am trying to enter a table (via tabular environment) in my latexpage, for example
     \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline {+}\cdot {+}=+ &{ -}\cdot{ -}=+\\ \hline {+} \cdot{ -}=- & {-}\cdot{+}=-\\ \hline \end{tabular}   
    I have a false message ”  Error message:
    Missing $ inserted.
    leading text: +\cdot” . Which is the problem, because in TexStudio it seems to be ok.
    Thank you in advance                                    

    • Posted July 3, 2017 at 1:49 pm | #

      Check your settings (System->Debug Mode: OFF), everything works fine on my site, as you see.

      • Posted July 4, 2017 at 12:53 am | #

        Now, it is is fine. Thank you.
        If that it is not tiring for you , another question. I can put in the settings-preable a package to write Greek in the Latex, as in the TexLive.

        • Posted July 4, 2017 at 9:36 am | #

          Basically QuickLaTeX allows usage of any package from TexLive. Please try the package and share your experience.

          • Posted July 10, 2017 at 6:31 pm | #

            When I want toy type α,β,γ instead \alpha, \beta, \gamma, I think it is necessary to use the Asana Math or Gambria Math font. I do not use Type 1 (not Unicode).

  240. Posted July 8, 2017 at 3:55 am | #


    I recently created a non profit physics and maths website http://www.planckti.me, and your plugin has been essential. We are going to put a very visible link to QuickLatex because we 100% believe its amazing. We were just wondering if you were interested in anyway in helping us out. I’m trying to create quality high school and undergraduate notes free for anyone to access. Would you in anyway be able to support us with a one off donation or a mention to people.


    Amin (uk physics student, 18)

  241. Posted July 8, 2017 at 6:06 am | #

    I would like to discuss with you about a commercial license for my website.
    Also, do you have a plan to support these Latex commands in future?
    -\caption{The basic}
    -Theorem, Lemma, …


    • Posted July 9, 2017 at 2:32 pm | #

      Another important thing to support is %.

      • Posted July 18, 2017 at 10:37 am | #

        Dear Kevin,

        Thank you for your questions.
        As for the figures – please switch to TikZ which is supported by QuickLaTeX. Text font decorators \textbf, already work, but need to be wrapped with [latex]...[/latex] tags.

        Text organizers – sections, theorems, etc. – I am not sure if these will be supported.
        QuickLaTeX is intended to translate just pieces of LaTeX code, not the full LaTeX -> HTML conversion.
        Please use HTML for text organization on webpage, at least for now.

        • Posted July 18, 2017 at 3:00 pm | #

          Thank you for your kind response and this wonderful tool.
          I asked questions about supporting more Latex commands because I don’t write my web pages from scratch. I have many documents that I had written them in Latex and want to convert them to web pages. So, after converting a chapter to a page, I look at the result and manually convert any command that is not supported.
          For example, all my TikZ drawing is inside a \begin{figure} and \end{figure}. I don’t mean you support figure command. You can detect \begin{figure} command and just delete it instead of treating it as a text.
          Another example is section{}, you can just convert it to a bold text. Some simple conversion for each command.
          BTW, I am using your tool for making pages for my commercial website. Do I need to buy license? I couldn’t find information about buying license anywhere.

  242. Posted July 18, 2017 at 6:26 am | #

    Thank you for this most valuable WordPress plugin! I would like to use it on my blog. I’m the author of the mandi LaTeX package and your plugin is the only way I know of to use my package in my own blog so again I thank you for your development efforts! My problem is that the latexpage code apparently isn’t working for me. I can only get mandi commands to work when I surround them with latex tags despite having set a systemwide preamble. Am I missing something obvious?

    • Posted July 18, 2017 at 10:30 am | #

      QuickLaTeX automatically detects only standard LaTeX commands. Commands from packages need to be wrapped with [latex]...[/latex] in order to be processed by QuickLaTeX.

      • Posted July 18, 2017 at 12:05 pm | #

        Aha thank you very much! Yes, after more experimentation I now understand. Some mandi commands that use custom environments (e.g. miderivation, mistudentnote, and others) don’t seem to render correctly. If you can suggest improvements that I can incorporate into mandi to make it more friendly to QuickLaTeX I would love to have your input. Again, thank you for this excellent plugin!

  243. Alex
    Posted July 21, 2017 at 9:36 pm | #

    Hello, can i implement this example with QuickLaTeX? http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/mosfet/


    • Posted July 21, 2017 at 10:13 pm | #

      Have you tried? What was the issue, if any? Just copied and it compiles to:

      Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

      Don’t forget to add siunitx into your preamble.

      • Alex
        Posted July 22, 2017 at 12:14 am | #

        Thank for quick reply, it works! I forgot about preamble. Wonderful plugin!

  244. Posted August 29, 2017 at 6:40 am | #

    Hi, Pavel! Is there any WAY to make a single post, and only one, in “format article”, leaving the rest of the posts untouched? Suggestions to do something? I am going to make my post number 200, it is special, and I would like it to be a very “article-like” (just like a scientific letter or similar). Any idea?????? I don’t want to touch the format of previous posts. That is important as well. Thank you in advance! Wow…I should do some of those pics for my blog too! :).

    • Posted August 29, 2017 at 9:56 am | #

      QuickLaTeX doesn’t “touch” any posts unless you put somewhere in its text.

      • Posted August 30, 2017 at 2:09 am | #

        Perhaps I have not explained it well. In the preamble, and only for certain posts, I would like to declare document type class “article, 12 pt” …So, if I put documentclass {article} … in the preamble, would it alter other posts ? OK, I see… 🙂 I will test it…Thanks a lot by the response Pavel!

        • Posted August 30, 2017 at 11:07 am | #

          QuickLaTeX doesn’t support document classes, nor the full LaTeX article translation into HTML.
          Its main goal is to translate pieces of LaTeX code into images.

  245. LaTech
    Posted August 31, 2017 at 4:03 am | #

    I was reading a site with inline Greek characters, and was disappointed that the on-hover title was “Rendered by QuickLaTex.com” instead of something helpful, like the name of the character. It’s an image, too, so I can’t google the character. For the easy cases, where only a single character is rendered, could you please add its name to the hover text for those of us who don’t remember our university maths or use a screenreader?

  246. Posted September 6, 2017 at 6:12 pm | #

    Hi, Havel, I have a question for Quiz (LearnPress) . How can I insert math equations in the answers text? doesn’t work. Thanks

  247. Andre
    Posted September 14, 2017 at 1:09 am | #

    Hi, almost prefect plugin, today when I use your plugin to format my equation in a page the $ sign I used inside tag representing some codes get confused with $ control sign of your plugin. I think you should excludes codes written inside html tag or a simple rapid solution would be to provide some closing tag like [/latexpage] of course optional.

    • Posted September 14, 2017 at 11:50 am | #

      According to LaTeX syntax, you can escape the $ from processing by placing “\” in front of it.
      Or, alternatively, you can disable processing $ altogether by adjusting QuickLaTeX settings (QuickLaTeX->Advanced->”Exclude $..$”).

      • Andre
        Posted September 14, 2017 at 12:27 pm | #

        Thanks Pavel, I ‘ll definitely use your solution. but please consider not processing inside of pre tag in html for your feature versions. Almost every one use pre tag to include source code (most programming languages use especial characters that will be processed by your plugin ) and when some one like me wants to include all the features like your dollar sign with the source code in a page things become tough since I have to find all the dollar sings and escape them. But your plugin worth doing so, I really appreciate it.

  248. Posted September 23, 2017 at 7:30 pm | #


    for some reason on all my browers it happens that the page is at first rendered correctly, then for some reason the formulas revert back to a normal text copy: I do see “\[” etc.
    there might be something wrong in my wordpress website. maybe there is another pluging that conflicts?

  249. Posted October 4, 2017 at 2:32 am | #

    Hi, I have latex code which defines a new symbol by having a tikzpicture environment inside a \newcommand statement. Also \overset is used with the symbol in equations. Is there a way to implement this in quicklatex? Thanks.

    • Posted October 4, 2017 at 12:05 pm | #

      QuickLaTeX provides all necessary features (e.g. custom preamble, tikz support, etc.) to do that. Please try your particular code and report back if you encounter any issues.

  250. Posted October 27, 2017 at 4:01 am | #

    Hi Pavel.
    I would like to show the polynomial division using the polynom package. The version of package 0.19 also includes the style=D case, which does not recognize the QuickLatex. Is it possible to upgrade the package to its latest version? (https://mirror.hmc.edu/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/polynom/polydemo.pdf#%5B0,{%22name%22:%22Fit%22}]p.33
    Thank you in advance

  251. Yunchuan
    Posted November 4, 2017 at 4:15 pm | #

    It conflicts with the Jetpack plugin with Markdown turned on (Jetpack -> settings -> writing -> composing -> Write posts or pages in plain-text Markdown syntax). For example, the following latex fragment is not displayed correctly when Markdown is turned on.

    f_k = f(x_k),\: x_k = x^*+kh,\: k=-\frac{N-1}{2},\dots,\frac{N-1}{2}

    It seems that this is because the Jetpack plugin executes before QuickLaTeX.
    The Jetpack output the following code to be the input of QuickLaTeX, which is not expected.

    f_k = f(x_k),\: x_k = x^</em>+kh,\: k=-\frac{N-1}{2},\dots,\frac{N-1}{2}

  252. Posted December 4, 2017 at 5:50 pm | #

    Hi Pavel

    I am trying to figure out how people could leave comments with \LaTeX inside.

    Using the same syntax as in the articles / pages, ie with the shortcode , I can see that latex commands are interpreted but the result is tiny and I couldn’t find a way to get inline latex commands processed properly.

    I guess that the solution to this problem may come from CSS but I am new to all this and don’t know where to look.

  253. Posted January 30, 2018 at 4:47 pm | #

    Hi. I am using your plugin to display latex equation on my site, kimiamath.com. I have a problem with a long equation, there seems to be a space on the left side, so some of the equation is not displayed on browser (especially when accessed with mobile phone). I have change the width on ql-left-eqno class, but nothing happened. What should I do then?

  254. Posted March 16, 2018 at 6:36 am | #

    I am going to contribute to your excellent plugin. It solved my formula problem readily.

    Meanwhile I have tried to insert a table, and failed. I used the [latex mode =1] at the start of the LaTeX code and the [latex] at the end.
    I will send a screenshot to you of my WordPress draft, and would very much welcome your advice. Thank you.

  255. Posted April 18, 2018 at 7:59 pm | #


    Does this also support Graphviz? (separately or at least via latex package?)

  256. Posted April 24, 2018 at 7:29 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I am using the wordpress plugin and trying to get the automatic equation numbering to number by chapter like 1.1, 1.2 etc instead of just 1, 2. Is this possible with QuickLaTex?


  257. Posted July 3, 2018 at 9:20 am | #

    On the May page ( https://ira-help.com/2018/05/03/may-2018/ ) I have 2 cool graphs — versions of the Gaussian/Normal-dist. curve.

    I have 2 problems:
    1) When QuickLatex is running, my page is superimposed on/with the WordPress interface. I see parts of both pages, and I cannot click on a link
    2) It/the-server quits and pukes error-messages when I try to display math formulas typeset with “fx” — or only works if part of the formula is entered
    3) When I find the QuickLatex plugin on the plugins-page, I see a message that says “this plugin many not be compatible with the current version
    of WordPress”

    When will a new ver. of QuickLatex be released? I am using WP release 4.9.6 (latest) .

  258. Bertalan Pecsi
    Posted July 5, 2018 at 9:24 pm | #

    Dear Pavel,

    I recently applied a custom domain name of my (Amazon EC2) server which was running WordPress+QuickLaTeX pretty nicely.
    After I have updated both WordPress Address and Site Address in wordpress’ general settings, the newly written formulas don’t get rendered, instead -after a while- it displays
    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds

    Do you have any suggestion, what to plug out and in, what configuration to rewrite and how/where?

    • John
      Posted July 23, 2020 at 8:01 am | #

      I’m having a similar error. Did you find a solution?

  259. Posted September 16, 2018 at 9:05 am | #

    Hello Pavel,
    First of all, thank you for creating such a nice plugin.
    I am using QuickLatex plugin in WordPress and it has been working very well. Recently, however, I noticed that it does not show the Latex content in my weblog (for instance: http://alipourmousavi.com/blog/index.php/2017/09/22/multi-row-and-multi-column-table-with-background-color-in-latex/#comment-3). I have always had “Cache images locally” on, as recommended by the package author. When I carefully observe the loading process, I see that the pictures rendered by QuickLatex show up for a fraction of a second and then disappear. I checked the console debugging and I see the following error:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
    WebSocket connection to 'wss://public-api.wordpress.com/pinghub/wpcom/me/newest-note-data' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403

    I googled with different keywords and I couldn’t find any solution to the problem. Have I been blocked? Really appreciate if you can help to fix this issue.

  260. Posted October 21, 2018 at 9:54 am | #

    Hello, Pavel. Recently I encountered errors by using QL. I have used this for a year, but now after take some actions, the error caused the plugin can’t render the formula. It said that I need to allow my PHP/server settings: HTTPs request to external resources. And then it said can’t connect to quicklatex server 80. I don’t know how to handle this. Pleaze help me.

  261. Posted October 23, 2018 at 3:27 pm | #


    I am a big fan of QuickLatex, and using it in my wordpress homepage pandastein.com, which is just staring to be build.
    But suddenly, QuickLatex does not work! So I seriously need your help.
    On the post


    I posted the source code

    a_b \\ \frac{a}{b}

    and as you can see on the post above, every expression has an “unknown error”. What’s wrong with it?
    In fact, I am a total newbie for wordpress, actually for web itself. So my technology level is almost on the base. But I hope I can fix it with my own effort.

    Sincerely, Jungyoon

  262. Hero Miles
    Posted October 24, 2018 at 1:42 am | #

    This Quick Latex is just awesome.

  263. kKiasti Ligasini
    Posted December 26, 2018 at 6:37 am | #

    There are problems with the loading time (40-60 sec)… is there an explanation?
    Thank you for your answer.
    Best Regards

  264. Posted December 27, 2018 at 8:29 am | #

    Hi, did you block mfcosmos.com ?

    • Posted December 27, 2018 at 9:00 am | #

      also i changed “true” with “false” (in php…) to load from cache because the loading time was 20-60 sec … thank you

  265. Posted January 9, 2019 at 2:58 am | #

    Hi Pavel and Happy New Year.
    I am using your plugin in my wordpress sites and I am very satisfied.
    I am using the package chemfig as well which recently upgraded to <a href="https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/doc/texlive-pictures-doc/generic/chemfig/chemfig_doc_en.pdf"version 1.33.
    My question is, what is the version of chemfig that is used by QuickLaTeX and how could I select the latest one?
    For sure it is not one of the latest because it does not support the \setchemfig.

  266. Andrey
    Posted January 21, 2019 at 8:53 pm | #

    Hello. I’ve just started to create a website. I use \Leftrightarrow (with $…$) and here (on this site) i see \Leftrightarrow but on my site i see some strange symbols or another one strange symbol. (i add \usepackage{latexsym} to global preamble.

  267. Posted May 9, 2019 at 2:19 am | #

    When I preview or publish the WordPress.org page (blog post) with latex equations, I see the equations displayed quickly and correctly once the page is ready, but then they disappear and show only icons that indicate Rendered by QuickLaTex.com. Inspecting the code, the img src path is, for example, https://i2.wp.com/metricofmatter.com/wp-content/ql-cache/quicklatex.com-ed12970f60569db1dfd9f13289854a0d_l3.svg?resize=14%2C12&ssl=1.

    This gives an error – Failed to load resource: the quicklatex.com-ed12970f60569db1dfd9f13289854a0d_l3.svg?resize=14%2C12&ssl=1 server responded with a status of 400 ().

    What can be done about this?

    • Posted May 9, 2019 at 10:31 am | #

      This is because JetPack messes with the images generated by QuickLaTeX. Disable “Photon” and related features.
      This is very common issue, please search comments for “Photon”.

  268. Posted May 13, 2019 at 7:11 pm | #

    I have tried QuickLatex via the Demo, and it is impressive. I would be very happy to use it, but unfortunately, my CMS Website is SPIP https://www.spip.net/en_rubrique25.html and not Word Press. I have tried to used it as a plugin for SPIP, it was loaded correctly, but did not work. Reading the code it does not seem at first sight impossible to succeed such an adaptation for SPIP, but I am not good enough on coding. Could you help me please? It would be nice to get a QuickLateX plugin for SPIP users.
    Best wishes,

  269. Posted May 14, 2019 at 12:42 pm | #

    First of all, thank you for this awesome tool! I was very happy to see there was a WordPress plugin supporting TikZ.

    I am having some weird inline LaTeX alignment issues. It mostly seems to affect equations using the minus sign in a subscript, but some other equations are affected to. I’ve tried different themes, and LaTeX fonts to see if it was an issue having to do with those, but it persisted. Any idea on what I need to do to fix it?


  270. Posted May 19, 2019 at 9:33 pm | #

    Hello, I am one of Quick Latex Plugin User. Recently, I have encountered some problems about caching the images of Latex by using this plugin.
    I don’t know what happen, but the plugin can’t render the image successfully, making it only shows the real code of Latex, with a pic of breaking image on the left side. You can see the errors here: scroll down below and you will see it I bet
    When I turn off caching images locally in the setting, it solves the error, but cost much of time to reload the page, making it ineffective, so I turn it on again. By seeing this, I bet that it is about caching problem.
    Please help me, anybody. Share your idea, please.
    Sorry for my bad English

    • Posted May 20, 2019 at 12:42 pm | #

      Something was changed on your webserver – something which prevents QL from saving images to cache.
      Check permissions of the directories (cache directory of QL), and other settings on your webserver

      • Posted May 20, 2019 at 4:25 pm | #

        I am positively sure that no change of setting in webserver. Maybe there are some ways to restore the image so they can perform normally.
        Even if I delete, and later uploading the same formula to the same post, it still shows the error.

        • Posted May 20, 2019 at 6:32 pm | #

          Things do not stop working without changes :). QuickLaTeX worked fine on your webserver before – and we didn’t change anything in its code.
          Which means something has changed on your webserver or WordPress settings, or some other new plugin was installed, etc. Something has been changed for sure.

          • Posted May 23, 2019 at 12:42 am | #

            I have checked qlcache in folder wpcontent on my cpanel setting. I open the folder, and see that there are several ql files in tex format instead of svg. This what causes the error and the image can’t be rendered. I just wonder how to fix this. I try to delete qlcache, but when it restores, the files are same as the old one, tex files found in the folder.

          • Posted May 23, 2019 at 11:15 am | #

            Something on your server preventing QL from generating images from tex files.

  271. Ryan
    Posted May 20, 2019 at 4:00 pm | #

    Thanks for your plugin,

    Would you please let me know which verion of Texlive is installed in your server since some packages are not found, for example, mcexam.sty
    Also, I am trying to include this command in preamble , why it warns me :Not allowed commands Sequence?
    \advance\mycntr by 1


    \lhead{Name:\hrulefill{}\quad Student ID:\hrulefill{}}
    \rfoot{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}


    \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} % Default is 15pt.

    \NewDocumentCommand{\rot}{O{45} O{1em} m}{\makebox[#2][l]{\rotatebox{#1}{#3}}}%
    \global\def\numq[#1]{[Questions \the\numexpr\value{setmcquestionsi}+1\relax–\the\numexpr\value{setmcquestionsi}+#1\relax]}



  272. giannit
    Posted May 30, 2019 at 2:20 am | #

    Hello, new user here!
    I take this opportunity to thank you for the amazing work you put in the plugin, it really is amazing and easy to use!
    I have a small problem, probably my fault, which I am not able to solve.
    When I use the search bar of the site, the text of the articles in the search page don’t show the latex equations and symbols.
    For example, on my site there is a small page which contains the following text:

    The equation x+1=0 has not solutions for x\in\mathbb{R}

    But when I search for this page using the search bar (I write in it the page title,which is 2p31), this is what it is shown:

    Is there a solution for this problem?
    Thank you very much

    • Posted May 31, 2019 at 5:14 pm | #

      Plugin generates images for equations, it doesn’t preserve text of the formula – and thus it cannot be searched.

      • giannit
        Posted May 31, 2019 at 11:41 pm | #

        Thank you very much for the fast reply.
        Sorry, I think that I badly explained myself in the previous message.
        I didn’t mean to search the text of the formulas, but I meant that when I search the title of a page (the page contains both words and latex formulas) in the search page (which is the page that is loaded when I write the title of the page in the search bar and press enter) only the words are shown, while the formulas are not shown.
        For example, if the content of the page is

        The equation x+1=0 has no solutions for x\in\mathbb{R}.

        in the search page what it is shown is

        The equation has no solutions for .

        Is it possibile to show formulas also in the search page?
        Thank you very much for the support.

        • giannit
          Posted June 12, 2019 at 7:51 pm | #

          Using the plugin Advanced Excerpt the problem is solved.

  273. Jim
    Posted July 3, 2019 at 1:14 pm | #

    Can we incorporate REVTeX with your plugin (via \usepackage declarations)?

    • Posted July 3, 2019 at 3:54 pm | #

      Have you tried it with QuickLaTeX? We use TexLive, the chances are it is already installed on our server. Or just send me some example

      • Jim
        Posted July 6, 2019 at 1:20 am | #

        I think it actually works. I tested it out this morning. I’ll keep you posted should we run into additional concerns. Thanks.

  274. Posted July 15, 2019 at 5:16 am | #

    Whenever I use my website on mobile I can’t see the equations properly. They get cut. I think it is for my latex plugin. How can I solve this?

  275. Posted July 16, 2019 at 3:52 am | #

    Hello! i have a little problem with this programme in wordpress(“Quick LaTeX”) because i can’t put the latex text in other color. Could you give me the code to put it or the solution ? please!

  276. Andrey
    Posted July 16, 2019 at 4:10 am | #

    Hi, Pavel! Plugin is great! Is it possible to use Cyrillic fonts in formulas?

    • Posted July 16, 2019 at 4:17 pm | #

      Most probably “yes”, because QuickLaTeX is just a wrapper for TexLive distribution.
      Use preamble to include Cyrillic fonts and you usually do and let me know if it works.

      • Andrey
        Posted July 16, 2019 at 6:13 pm | #

        Usually I use MiKTeX and
        for Russian letters in formulas but now nothing happens. There are no errors, but Russian letters are ignored.

      • Andrey
        Posted July 17, 2019 at 3:25 am | #

        Usually I use MiKTeX and
        but nothing happens. There are no errors but Russian letters are ignored. Maybe because of Unicode.
        And if I add
        there are errors..

        • Posted July 17, 2019 at 11:18 am | #

          You are right, I cannot include Russian either. Maybe we need to install something like ‘texlive-lang-cyrillic’ package.
          Do you need to include Russian symbols into formulas? If you want to use Russian in text – HTML would be better option.

          • Andrey
            Posted July 18, 2019 at 5:30 am | #

            Yes, the idea was using variables like Z_{нагр.}, E_{двиг.}, U_б in equations.

  277. Posted July 17, 2019 at 4:47 am | #

    \left \{ \Phi_{3}-\Phi_{5} \right \}\rightarrow Extensive\hspace{5}property:\hspace{5}left\hspace{5}CV.
    In this equation, I need to put color, how it is done?
    someone please help me?

    • Posted July 17, 2019 at 11:09 am | #

      Put \quicklatex{color="#00ff00"} command in your formula text. Color value can be anything (green is just for example).

  278. Posted July 22, 2019 at 2:57 pm | #

    I notice that QuickLatex makes the server entry processes high in maximum condition recently, so resource limit is reached. Are the server of yours down?

  279. giannit
    Posted July 27, 2019 at 10:30 am | #

    Hello, I have noticed that the are small flaws in the visualization of numbers on my site.
    By writing this code
    $0123456789$ – $0$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $4$ $5$ $6$ $7$ $8$ $9$
    what I see on the site is this.
    As you can see:
    1. some digits (1 2 4 5) are displayed differently (smaller and in a wrong position) when they are written alone between $ symbols
    2. almost all digits are cut a little at the top and at the bottom
    My only activated plugin is QuickLatex and I’m using the default font.
    How can I solve these small problems?
    Thank you very much

    • Posted July 28, 2019 at 11:22 am | #

      This issues comes from dvisvgm we use for generating SVG files. I don’t know how to fix this for the moment, because this is third-party software.
      You can try to use PNG image format in the QuickLaTeX settings.

      • giannit
        Posted July 29, 2019 at 8:48 am | #

        Thank you very much it worked!
        Do you know if there is a way to automatically represent numbers outside math mode as numbers inside math mode?
        For example, it would be nice to have an option which, in pages where there is the [latexpage] marker, let automatically display the text
        3 is a prime number because its only dividers are 3 and 1
        3 is a prime number because its only dividers are 3 and 1

        • Posted July 29, 2019 at 11:39 am | #

          This is not compatible with LaTeX, and in fact, can create a lot of mess on usual sites.
          But most importantly you might want to keep the numbers as text, so that search bots can index it and show in search.

          • giannit
            Posted July 31, 2019 at 1:03 pm | #

            “keep the numbers as text, so that search bots can index it and show in search”
            Oh i didn’t think about that, thank you very much Pavel for the help you provide us!

          • giannit
            Posted September 16, 2019 at 12:41 am | #

            I found an easy solution which kills two birds with one stone: installing the latex font Computer Modern Serif.
            In this way numbers written in text mode (ie without the $) are displayed as if they were in math mode, with the advantage that they are not cut above and below.

      • giannit
        Posted October 8, 2019 at 11:16 am | #

        Hi Pavel, I was looking at the browser console tool, and I noticed that the problem in the strange visualization of the numbers is due to wrong tag values.
        When I write $0$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $4$ $5$ $6$ $7$ $8$ $9$ on my site and then I look at the console, I see that the tags height, width and vertical-align are not the same for all the images.
        For example
        $0$ has height=”12″ width=”9″ style=”vertical-align: 0px
        $1$ has height=”13″ width=”7″ style=”vertical-align: -1px
        $2$ has height=”12″ width=”8″ style=”vertical-align: 0px;”>
        I tried to manually adjust the values, I set all height to 13, all width to 9 and all vertical-align to 0, and with these values the numbers are displayed correctly.
        You can see from these images before and after the manual adjustment.
        Is this a problem of my site or is a problem on how the tag values are computed by the server?
        Thank you very much.

        • Posted October 8, 2019 at 11:40 am | #

          This is because you render each digit in separate formula – and alignment/width computed for each digit separately from each other.
          Every digits looks different even in the same font, e.g. take a look on this line of digits in Georgia font: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
          You see – each digit has its own alignment, width and height.
          If you want somewhat uniform sizes for each digit – use mono-space fonts (for terminal) and render them as one formula.

          Fonts are very extensive topic, we leave it to LaTeX. We just use alignment and other properties provided by LaTeX.

          • giannit
            Posted November 22, 2019 at 6:26 pm | #

            Hi Pavel, excuse me if I disturb you, I’m deepening how quicklatex images are outputted.
            For example on my site these two similar formulas
            have different heights, hence one looks smaller than the other.
            Also on this site they have different heights (17 the first, 14 the second) hence the visual sizes are not matching: the characters in the first formula looks bigger than the characters in the second one.
            I’m trying to solve this problem, but I don’t know how.
            Is there are a reason for this?
            Thank you very much

          • giannit
            Posted November 22, 2019 at 6:40 pm | #

            It seems that adding this to style.css
            img {
            height: auto;

            can be a workaround.

  280. Benjamin Oberholzer
    Posted July 27, 2019 at 6:24 pm | #

    Hi, I’m using WP Quicklatex and it works great on my blog! Thanks for an amazing plugin!

    Is there a way to prevent the plugin from interpreting a section of text between two dollar signs as a formula? For instance, if I type the line “I’ve spent [dollar-sign]5 on this and [dollar-sign]3 on that” it will interpret the part between the two dollar signs as an equation. Is there a way of escaping the dollar character so it doesn’t do this?

    (I’ve actually had to use the [dollar-sign] notation above to keep the plugin from mixing up my sentence… 🙂 )

    • Posted July 28, 2019 at 11:18 am | #

      Put exclamation sign in front of the dollar sign, e.g.: !$\sqrt(2)$
      This escapes it from processing.

      Or you can exclude dollar sign processing on all pages using QuickLaTeX -> Advanced -> Exclude $..$

  281. giannit
    Posted August 13, 2019 at 7:44 am | #

    Hi, I’m using alignat and align environments, and I noticed a problem with this code (I put a space in front of “begin” to show you the code)

    Consider the following
    \ begin{alignat*}{2}
    x &= 4 \quad && \text{(first)} \\
    y &= 4 \quad && \text{(second)}
    then we have
    \ begin{align*}
    x &= y

    this code is rendered as

    Consider the following

        \begin{alignat*}{2} x &= 4 \quad && \text{(first)} \\ y &= 4 \quad && \text{(second)} \end{alignat*} then we have \begin{align*} x &= y \end{align*}

    instead of this.
    What is the problem?

    • AdamP
      Posted August 16, 2019 at 2:25 pm | #

      The problem (also why Pavel hasn’t responded) is your lack of understanding of LaTeX. You should have everything inside a single align* environment, and use the intertext or shortintertext command for the lines of text like “then we have”. A quick look at StackExchange questions about difference between align and alignat would have answered this for you. I’m not sure why you expect the spacing to be the same.

      • giannit
        Posted August 16, 2019 at 9:42 pm | #

        Thank you for the reply. Probably I explained badly the problem.
        I had already read about the difference between align and alignat, that’s why I put the first block of equations inside the alignat environment (because there are 2 columns to align) while the second block of equations inside the align environment (because there is only 1 column to align).
        If I put both the blocks inside the same alignat environment, then the second block will align accordingly to the first column of the first block, which is not what I want.
        The problem which I wanted to point out was about the fact that the sentence “then we have”, which is outside math mode, is showed as it is inside the math mode, in fact the font is different from the sentence “Consider the following” and the indentation is also different.
        I hope it is clear now, if not tell me and I will try better.
        Thank you for the support.

  282. giannit
    Posted August 15, 2019 at 9:38 am | #

    Hi, we know there is a local and a global preamble.
    The local preamble affects a single equation, the global preamble affects all the equaitions in all the [latexpage] on the site.
    I wonder is there a “locally global” preamble which affects all the equations in a single [latexpage]?

    • Posted August 15, 2019 at 4:12 pm | #

      There is no such functionality at the moment.

      • giannit
        Posted August 15, 2019 at 5:24 pm | #

        Thank you very much Pavel for your fast support.
        Is it possible for you to help me also with the 2 previous messages?
        One about tcolorbox (don’t know why it is in “awaiting moderation” status since 3 of august) and one about the use of alignat+align environments.
        Thank you again for your kind response.

  283. Andrea
    Posted August 15, 2019 at 11:51 pm | #

    First of all great plugin!

    The only issue I have with it is that if I am using it in a page where I also have to use the $ symbol within the body of the page (outside of LaTeX equations) it will mess up with the content of the page between two $ symbols, because it is going to interpret all the stuff enclosed between the two $ as one big equation.

    Is there a way to deactivate the plugin locally for a block of text to avoid this issue?

    • Posted August 16, 2019 at 4:05 pm | #

      You can disable processing of $...$ on settings page QuickLaTeX->Advanced.
      Or you can put “!” before the dollar sign to exclude it from processing.

      • Andrea
        Posted August 17, 2019 at 4:14 am | #

        Actually what did the trick for me was to prepend “\” before the dollar sign that I don’t want to be processed.

        Thank you again for the plugin, it’s amazing!

  284. giannit
    Posted August 16, 2019 at 10:23 pm | #

    The code

    [latex mode=1]
    This is a tcolorbox.

    should produce a box with inside the text, but it simply shows the text in math mode

    Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

    Does it mean that the package tcolorbox is not supported by the plugin?

    • Eugene
      Posted August 17, 2019 at 12:23 am | #

      I’m unsure about native support from Quicklatex to do this but it is simple with a small amount of CSS.

      (less than symbol) div style=”border: 1px solid black; padding: 1.2em; background-color: #ebeff6;”(greater than symbol)This is a tcolorbox.
      (less than symbol)/div(greater than symbol)

      Apologies for the clumsy way I’ve writtten this. I couldn’t get >< to display.

      • giannit
        Posted August 17, 2019 at 12:31 am | #

        Problem is that a css box cannot be displayed in math mode, can it?

  285. Posted September 2, 2019 at 3:34 am | #

    Hi! Please, …Every equation on my site is now rendering LaTeX badly…Externally, equations appear with latex code instead rendered!!!!!
    Can you help me please?
    I was latexing and trying to order my blog for a forthcoming changing of theme or maybe a format change, but now the blog appears horrible. I do not know what happened…

    • Posted September 2, 2019 at 11:06 am | #

      This has nothing to do with QuickLaTeX. Please turn off the Photon feature in JetPack plugin. It adds garbage to every URL pointing to image.
      Search comments on this page for more information.

  286. giannit
    Posted September 23, 2019 at 6:53 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    you have any news for the problem about long equations being cut off or deformed?
    (you can see a detailed explanation in this previous comment)

    While I was browsing wikipedia from mobile I noticed that they solved this problem in two ways:
    – image can be scrolled horizontally without seeing a scroll bar (see example here)
    – to view the entire image you have to zoom out the page (see example here)

    Thank you for all your hard work.

    • Posted September 24, 2019 at 12:28 pm | #

      Sorry, no news on new developments for QuickLaTeX.
      These days I have little time and all I can do is making sure everything runs smoothly (maintenance).
      But, unfortunately, no time for new features.

      The feature you are requesting is front-end and must be implemented in the plugin, not server side.
      QuickLaTeX plugin is open source, so you can contribute this functionality if you want.

      • giannit
        Posted September 28, 2019 at 11:43 pm | #

        Thank you very much for reply, is really good to have an open source plugin, unfortunately I cannot contribute since I’m not a programmer.

        I’d like to ask you another (easier) question.
        I noticed that the spacing in large quicklatex images is different between the environments align or gather and equation.
        For example

            \begin{gather*} a\cdot b = (2\cdot n+1)\cdot (2\cdot m+1) = 4\cdot n\cdot m+2\cdot n+2\cdot m+1 = 2\cdot (2\cdot n\cdot m+n+m)+1 \end{gather*}

            \[ a\cdot b = (2\cdot n+1)\cdot (2\cdot m+1) = 4\cdot n\cdot m+2\cdot n+2\cdot m+1 = 2\cdot (2\cdot n\cdot m+n+m)+1 \]

        generated by
        \begin{gather*} a\cdot b = (2\cdot n+1)\cdot (2\cdot m+1) = 4\cdot n\cdot m+2\cdot n+2\cdot m+1 = 2\cdot (2\cdot n\cdot m+n+m)+1 \end{gather*}
        \[ a\cdot b = (2\cdot n+1)\cdot (2\cdot m+1) = 4\cdot n\cdot m+2\cdot n+2\cdot m+1 = 2\cdot (2\cdot n\cdot m+n+m)+1 \]

        Is there a reason for this? Moreover, is it possibile to display the equation environment like the align/gather ones?
        Thank you very much

        • Posted September 30, 2019 at 1:38 pm | #

          This is how both formulas were generated by TexLive on our server.
          We do not control spacing in the formulas.

          • giannit
            Posted September 30, 2019 at 4:53 pm | #

            I see, thank you very much for kind and quick response

  287. Marc
    Posted October 1, 2019 at 8:02 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Thank you for this great plugin, it works fantastically.

    I have a question: By default the equations are displayed as images. Is there a possibility to display equations in a “formula format”?

    For example, in this website the equations are displayed in a format in which you can right-click on them to see the code and other options. Because the equations aren’t displayed as images. How can we implement this format?

  288. Can Ozan Oğuz
    Posted October 4, 2019 at 7:26 am | #

    Hello, I am just starting a new wordpress blog on mathematics, and I was looking for an extension that would allow the use of latex. Your extension seems to have a great variety of options, from adjusting the font size to defining new environments, using tikz…etc. However on wordpress version 5.2.3, I am running into a problem.

    When I add the comment on top of the page and use $5$ in my text, after publishing 5 is being split from the text and displayed by itself on a new line. I was wondering if there would be an easy fix to this issue.

    I am not an expert on these things, so I can’t even point to the origin of the problem.
    Can Ozan

    • R. Gustav Rinaldi
      Posted March 27, 2020 at 12:20 am | #

      hey i got this problems and i still don’t know how to fix it. Can anyone help me please?

  289. Posted October 6, 2019 at 2:50 pm | #

    Thank you so much for making QuickLaTeX. I’m just starting out a new blog and QuickLaTeX meets my need perfectly. It can even handle tables and pseudocode with no issue (example: https://blog.hyunsu-cho.io/2019/10/05/setting-up-my-first-blog/).

    • Posted October 7, 2019 at 1:16 am | #

      Perhaps, you could help us and share how you did the table…Sometimes I have used matrix environtment since I had problems with codecogs…Great stuff Cho!!!!!

      • giannit
        Posted October 8, 2019 at 10:33 am | #

        The best environment for math tables is array, see this example

        \begin{array}{r|l}    354                       & 15 \\\cline{2-2}    30\phantom{1} & 23 \\\cline{1-1}     54                                  \\     45                                  \\\cline{1-1}      9 \end{array}

        whose code is

        354 & 15 \\\cline{2-2}
        30\phantom{1} & 23 \\\cline{1-1}
        54 \\
        45 \\\cline{1-1}

      • Posted October 8, 2019 at 11:06 am | #

        I used algorithmicx package.

  290. Posted October 10, 2019 at 5:57 am | #

    Thank you very much for this very beneficial tool to quickly render mathematical formulas.
    However, I have the following question: How can I install QuickLatex on a website that does not have WordPress installed?
    Greetings and success.

    • giannit
      Posted November 6, 2019 at 1:40 pm | #

      I don’t think it is possible, you should try with mathjax, jqMath or katex.

  291. Eva Lee
    Posted November 21, 2019 at 1:44 pm | #

    Thanks for the plugin. I am using it to show some maths on an internal BLOG. I have some long formula to show and they are all in good look when I am browering them in my local pc. However, if I visit the page in a small device, the formula will be clipped. I wonder if there is any way to fix it or create a scroll bar to show the math on small devices. Thanks.

    • giannit
      Posted November 21, 2019 at 5:44 pm | #

      Go to line 37 of file
      and edit
      overflow:scroll (add a scrollbar)
      overflow:visible (let the image go outside the page limit).

      • Eva Lee
        Posted November 22, 2019 at 1:36 am | #

        Thanks for the reply. I tried the CSS, it doesn’t work. But later when I use firebug chrome extension to modify the CSS on the fly, it works. I am sure the CSS is modified on the server side but when I view it in firebug, it is still showing overflow: hidden instead of overflow: scroll.

        I also have a question of auto-sizing of the image rendered by quicklatex. I generate the following formula with the plugin

        [ latex]
        x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 + x_4^2 + \cdots +x_{n-2}^2 +x_{n-1}^2 +x_{n}^2 = \sin(x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + \cdots +x_{n-2} +x_{n-1} + x_n) + \cos(x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 \cdots x_{n-2} x_{n-1} x_n)

        The length of the formula is too long and the end part of the image is clipped. But if I paste the following HTML (that I copy from firebug for the exact same formula) into the page, the (formula) image will shrink to fit the page’s width and when I zoom the browser, the image will be zoomed according. I just don’t see how this happen. What is the difference between the case generated by the plugin and directly by generated by the image, and how could I modify the plugin to have similar behavior.

        <p class=”ql-center-displayed-equation” style=”line-height: 41px;”>
        <img src=”/wp-content/ql-cache/quicklatex.com-f692595a2418a7e88bc053d99430b0d4_l3.svg” height=”41″ width=”1273″ class=”ql-img-displayed-equation quicklatex-auto-format” scale=”0″/>

        • giannit
          Posted November 22, 2019 at 3:37 am | #

          Oh yes I forgot to tell you about the CSS edits not showing in chrome (it also happens if you edit the file style.css), that happens because chrome loads cached versions of the .css files.
          In order to force chrome to load the new files you can either press SHIFT+F5 (instead of just F5) or manually disable the cache by opening the Network tab of the Chrome Inspector tool (press F12 and click Network above) and then tick the box “Disable cache”.

          Actually, that HTML code misses two spans, the full code should be something like this (with angle brackets instead of square)

          [p class=”ql-center-displayed-equation” style=”line-height: 41px;”]
          [span class=”ql-right-eqno”]   [/span]
          [span class=”ql-left-eqno”]   [/span]
          [img src=”/wp-content/ql-cache/quicklatex.com-f692595a2418a7e88bc053d99430b0d4_l3.svg” height=”41″ width=”1273″ class=”ql-img-displayed-equation quicklatex-auto-format” scale=”0″/]

          These two spans generate white spaces to the left and to the right of the equations, I don’t know why but if the equation is long the left space is keeped while the right space is not. By not writing the two spans, the equation will start from the left margin of the page.
          I don’t know how to modify the plugin further, wait the answer of developer Pavel.

          Anyway, may I ask why you use Firebug instead of the default Inspector tool?

          • Eva Lee
            Posted November 22, 2019 at 3:51 am | #

            Thanks for the information again. Besides adding the two spans, I also add the auto width to the following CSS

            width: auto !important; /* added for auto sizing */

            and I modify the overflow from hidden to auto

            .ql-center-displayed-equation {
            text-align:center !important;
            white-space: nowrap !important;
            overflow: auto !important; /* was hidden */

            Now it works more flexible in my case. The formula will be sized based on the width of the outer container first, and the scroll will only show up when overflow happens.

            By the way, I don’t know if others ever have the following issue: when I put a single line formula in a text, even I use $ instead of $$, it always adds line return before and after the formula. I don’t know if any better way to fix it, I try the following css and it works

            display: inline; /* for inline formula */

            For the question on firebug, no special reason, I just use whatever handy 🙂

        • giannit
          Posted November 22, 2019 at 7:30 am | #

          I tried with

          .ql-img-displayed-equation {
          width: auto !important; /* added for auto sizing */

          but it seems it works up to some extend, moreover it seems to reduce the sizes of the short equations too as you can see from this image https://i.imgur.com/NmhKPIn.gif.

          About inline-formulas, I never had that problem, it seems like your inline-formulas are put inside a p tag or a div tag, hence they force line breaks, is this the case? Or maybe in your style.css file there is something like

          img {
          display: block;

  292. Marc
    Posted December 16, 2019 at 11:04 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    First of all, thanks for this great plugin, it works perfectly well.

    Though I have a question: Where are all the images stored?

    I mean, are all the equations generated by the plugin stored in my website or are they stored in quicklatex database?



    • Posted December 17, 2019 at 10:21 am | #

      Thank you, Marc. All images are stored on your website.
      Even if QuickLaTeX server is down – your website will work normally.

      • Marc
        Posted February 22, 2020 at 3:01 am | #

        Great, thanks.

        And where exactly are they stored?

  293. Posted January 17, 2020 at 6:43 am | #

    Hi there, I got the plugin installed for my wordpress. It works great but the font size for the math generated by quicklatex is so tiny. I tracked the threads in history and it was mentioned that using latex command (\HUGE) will enlarge the formula; however, I don’t see it is effective. I put two equations one with \HUGE applied and one does not for comparison, the size won’t change.

        \[x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \  + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots\]

        \[\HUGE{ x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \  + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots}\]

    I thought there is a CSS issue but I don’t see how it affects the size.

    /* Style for the tag of displayed equation */
    background:none !important;
    border:none !important;
    padding:0px !important;
    margin:0px !important;
    vertical-align:middle !important;
    display:inline-block !important;

    /* Style for tag of displayed equation - align: center */
    .ql-center-displayed-equation {
    text-align:center !important;
    white-space: nowrap !important;
    overflow: hidden !important;

    • Posted January 17, 2020 at 11:03 am | #

      The commands \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, and \Huge are for text mode; they are NOT to be used in math mode in LaTeX. In math mode you have \dispalystyle, textstyle, \scriptstyle and \scriptscriptstyle.

      QuickLaTeX provides several ways to tune the font size on its own, e.g. \quicklatex{size=N}, where N is font size in pixels.

      Your formula with different font sizes:

      x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \ + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots

      x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \ + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots

      x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \ + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots

      will be rendered as:

          \[ x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \ + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots\]

          \[ x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \ + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots\]

          \[ x_1 \ + \ x_2 \ + \ x_3 \ + \ \cdots \ + \ x_i \ + \ \cdots\]

      Please read QuickLaTeX documentation for more information (e.g. on settings page of the plugin in your WordPress).

  294. Posted February 29, 2020 at 2:29 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Here is what looks like a strange bug to me.

    Here is the source code :

    la famille \left(y_{1},\cdots,y_{n+1}\right) est liée.

    And here is the result :


    Strangely enough, if ‘n’ is replaced by ‘m’, then things look normally … Any suggestion ?

    And here is a link to the web page : https://math-os.com/exercices-recurrence-02/
    It is in the last line of “Exercice 8”.


    • Posted February 29, 2020 at 9:55 am | #

      I have no idea why this happens – this image is produced by TexLive itself.
      As you see, it is rendered normal here. Please try change the formula size or something.

  295. Paolo
    Posted March 23, 2020 at 8:14 am | #

    Hi. I was wondering, would it be possible to make QuickLaTeX work in a *chat room*?
    Either on a WordPress-based chatroom (since the WP plugin works so well!), or if not possible, anywhere else, maybe with a bot.
    (How does work, is there a public API?)
    In general, anyone has an experience using this in chats?

    That would actually be extremely useful.


    • Posted March 23, 2020 at 11:38 am | #

      Hello Paolo,

      QuickLaTeX provides public API. That is how WP plugin actually works. Check its source code if you want to use it.

  296. Arindam Mukherjee
    Posted March 23, 2020 at 12:23 pm | #

    Can you please enable Quicklatex for ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) text area for wordpress?

    • Posted March 23, 2020 at 12:41 pm | #

      Plugin is open source. If you like, you can propose the changes to the code to support this.

  297. pi
    Posted March 26, 2020 at 6:53 pm | #

    please help me, this error appear:
    ** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QuickLaTeX server: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to http://www.quicklatex.com port 443: Connection refused
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources (“allow_url_fopen”, etc.)
    These links might help in finding solution:

    • Posted March 27, 2020 at 5:20 pm | #

      Error message provides all the details, why this happened and how to fix this.

  298. R. Gustav Rinaldi
    Posted March 27, 2020 at 12:22 am | #

    Hello, I am just starting a new wordpress blog on mathematics, and I was looking for an extension that would allow the use of latex. Your extension seems to have a great variety of options, from adjusting the font size to defining new environments, using tikz…etc. However on wordpress version 5.3.2, I am running into a problem.

    When I add the comment on top of the page and use 5 in my text, after publishing 5 is being split from the text and displayed by itself on a new line. I was wondering if there would be an easy fix to this issue.

    I am not an expert on these things, so I can’t even point to the origin of the problem.
    Can Ozan

    • Posted March 27, 2020 at 5:25 pm | #

      This is problem of your WordPress theme – it thinks all images as photos and puts special new line after each image.
      You need to contact the theme author or edit its CSS styles.

  299. Tom Mullen
    Posted April 23, 2020 at 6:17 am | #

    I’m trying to use the longdivision package and am getting the following error.




    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:


    *** Error message:
    File `longdivision.sty’ not found.
    Emergency stop.
    leading text: ^^M

    I’ve seen that a missing .sty error is usually a result of a package not being part of the TeXLive distribution. This package is however.

    Is there something that can be updated so this package can be supported?

  300. Vincent
    Posted May 20, 2020 at 5:56 pm | #

    Hi, first thanks for your contribution to the community!! I tried to use your plugin but something very strange happened. The formula displayed correctly for maybe less than one second after every time I refreshed the page, but it instantly turned into a small broken image following by the raw command. Do you have any idea how to fix that? Is it because of the theme I am using?

    • Posted May 20, 2020 at 6:02 pm | #

      Please be sure to disable the “Photon” feature in Jetpack. It adds garbage to every URL pointing to image.

      • Vincent
        Posted May 20, 2020 at 6:53 pm | #

        Thanks a lot!!

  301. Rick Sanford
    Posted May 28, 2020 at 3:59 am | #

    I’m trying to get this plugin to work on my company’s WP site, using Beaver Builder to create posts. The plug in is activated, and I’ve added the shortcode to post, however it stays there (visible). Plus the $ and the /[ stay visible as well. And needless to say, the formulas do not appear in Tex.

    Any ideas of steps I might be missing?

    Thanks in advance.

  302. Posted May 29, 2020 at 1:26 pm | #

    Hi, I am setting up a new blog (been four years since starting, got distracted by college). Back now. However, I exclusively use LuaLaTeX (or XeLaTex) because Unicode support is essential. I use the STIX2 mathematical font, and usually the logix package as well. These will be essential for some of my posts.

    How can I do this with QuickLaTeX? My understanding is that Latex 3 will be upward compatible (probably not with the Lua interface) with both LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX for Unicode support. Using 8-bit fonts is too limiting (and not even possible when only 15 fonts are allowed by TeX) and has been yesterday’s technology for more than a decade.

    If this is not possible, do you know of a viable solution?

  303. Sabrina
    Posted June 9, 2020 at 10:32 pm | #

    Hi! Does the plugin work with WordPress 5.4.1? Or, better to say, this is my WordPress version and it doesn’t work for me. In does not render the pictures correctly, I only get a dummy picture with the link to the plugin, but there is no equation. It seems to recognize the equation, since the $ are gone and there is an empty picture at the correct position. Am I doing something wrong or does it just not work with my WordPress version?

    • Posted June 10, 2020 at 11:24 am | #

      This has nothing to do with QuickLaTeX. Please turn off the Photon feature in JetPack plugin.

  304. Posted June 28, 2020 at 8:51 pm | #


    I am using QuickLateX on my website since 2017 and I must say that I feel really enthusiastic about it !

    Here is a small problem for which I don’t see any workaround.
    When I enclose a single letter inside , the resulting image looks truncated like this :


    Is there some parameter that I can adjust in order to solve that problem ?

    Thanks for helping.

    • Posted July 21, 2020 at 7:25 am | #

      I also noticed this problem with vector renders. Can be solved by switching to raster renders (change SVG to PNG in settings).

  305. Posted July 16, 2020 at 8:09 am | #


    Do you have plans to support WordPress’s new Blocks editor? I understand the traditional editor will no longer be supported after the end of 2021 and my blog makes heavy use of Quick LaTeX. Thank you for such an incredibly useful plugin!

  306. John Gluckman
    Posted July 22, 2020 at 10:46 pm | #

    Hello! I really enjoy this great plugin, which I’ve been using for about two months on Pressbooks. However, as of yesterday, I’m getting a timeout error when I attempt to compile my latex code. It turns out I actually get the same error when trying to compile here. (Package linguex is loaded in preamble.)

      \ex. SOME WORDS

    The error message suggests there’s some plugin I’m missing, though I haven’t changed anything in the last two days, so I’m not sure why it was functional before but not now. Perhaps there was an update? Could it be that package I’m using is no longer supported? I get the same error with tikz, so this seems unlikely to me.

    Thanks for your help!

    • John Gluckman
      Posted July 22, 2020 at 10:57 pm | #

      Sorry here’s the latex formula

       \ex. SOME WORDS 
    • Posted July 23, 2020 at 10:55 am | #

      For the last few days QuickLaTeX server has been under heavy load from websites with disabled formula cache (so that each formula are served from QuickLaTeX server). By default plugin stores generated formulas in the cache on user’s web-servers. This reduces load on QuickLaTeX server and increases loading speed of the user pages in a browser.

      But some (irresponsible) users disable the cache and use QuickLaTeX server as their free CDN. This leads to 100% server load and time-outs for proper requests. Surprisingly some famous universities are the worst abusers of our service :(. We are working on automatic detection and blocking of such users.

      Please try it now, we have freed server resources manually for now.

  307. Posted November 22, 2020 at 3:34 am | #

    Can I draw lines and circles using tikzpicture and draw commands? Is it included in your library?

  308. Posted November 26, 2020 at 8:06 pm | #

    Why your latex doesn’t work in quizzes and answers section. I want to create questions using tekzpicture.

  309. Posted February 20, 2021 at 5:57 am | #

    Is it possible, with the \quicklatex command to use more than one color ?

    For example, I would like to have a fraction with its numerator in blue and its denominator in red …

    And if not with \quicklatex, how to do so ?

    I tried to use \textcolor but it failed.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Posted February 20, 2021 at 6:06 am | #

      I reply to myself … No problem with text color, after all …

  310. Posted February 20, 2021 at 6:07 am | #

    I reply to myself … No problem with \textcolor, after all …

  311. Posted March 10, 2021 at 7:12 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    I’d like to ask for permission to permit embedding QuickLatex images on the forums at chess site https://www.redhotpawn.com?

    A user has requested LaTeX support to aid math and science conversations, and your solutions works perfectly for this purpose.

    I would expect only light usage, but will wait for approval before adding a tag to permit images from QuickLatex to be embedded in the forums.

    Thank you,

    RHP Admin.

    • Posted March 10, 2021 at 9:49 pm | #

      Hi Russ,

      Feel free to use the plugin, but make sure images are cached and served from your server.

      • Posted March 18, 2021 at 2:50 am | #

        Thank you Pavel. I will hold fire until I have a caching solution in place, as you requested.

  312. Posted March 30, 2021 at 9:44 pm | #


    I would like to add mathematical quizzes to my blog https://math-os.com

    I have tested Quiz and Survey Master, which supports LaTeX but there are some issues and I am afraid that this solution is not production-stable at the moment (IMHO).

    Does anyone know of a quiz plugin that would support QuickLatex ? I have been using QuickLateX for three years now, and I appreciate very much his power and stability. It would be cool to have a quiz plugin built on top of it.

    Thank you

    R. Adad

  313. Posted April 1, 2021 at 7:06 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    My english isn’t very well.
    I have been using your plugin for a long time. It is amazing.
    I writing because I found something strange. If I use the string
    then the plugin doesn’t work. Even if it is in the comment, for an example
    % \loop
    It’s the same with the string

    However I found a workaround. After this string I have to put a % sign like this
    Then the plugin works properly
    This applies to both the wordpress plugin and the one on this page https://quicklatex.com/

    best regards

  314. Posted May 29, 2021 at 7:08 pm | #

    Please, I am not able to render the “degree” with the \ degree command. Can you help me with that? The Chrome Browser plug-in also doesn’t display the Degree symbol with \ Degree. What can it be?

  315. Posted June 7, 2021 at 5:59 am | #


    I have installed WP QuickLatex plugin to the updated WordPress. It works except tikz graphics. There are created .svg and .png pictures contain only text like ‘{code} {imgsrc=”https://mysite.com/wp-content/ql-cache/quicklatex.com-a248fd31cbc86a8237b393d108dd8423l3.png” height=”282″ width=”344″ class=”ql-img-picturequicklatex-auto-format” alt=”RenderedbyQuickLaTeX.com” title=”RenderedbyQuickLaTeX.com”/} {/code}’ instead of desired graph (here braces must be changed with angle parentsesis because editor constraints). None tikzpicture works fine. For example here it works:

    Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

    In my site it does not work. Error log is empty. Where is my error?

    • Posted June 7, 2021 at 12:20 pm | #

      I have no idea why this is happening. Do you use WordPress Editor in HTML mode?
      Most likely WordPress Editor or other plugin changes the code automatically.

      • Posted June 7, 2021 at 6:21 pm | #

        I have disable all other plugins without success. In HTML mode the text looks like:
        {pre class=”wp-block-preformatted”}\ [
        \ begin{tikzpicture}
        \ usepackage{pgfplots}
        \ pgfplotsset{compat=newest}
        \ draw (2,3) circle (2);
        \ end{tikzpicture}
        \ ]{/pre}
        (here braces must be changed with angle parentsesis and spaces after ‘\’ must be deleted too)

        And I see even here the same result (!):

        Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com

        If I remove ‘\ [‘ and ‘\ ]’ it works. Hmm… Is it right indeed?
        Thank you!

        • Posted June 7, 2021 at 6:30 pm | #

          Yes, you don’t need to put \[ ... \] around the \begin{tikzpicture}...\end{tikzpicture}.

  316. Posted July 5, 2021 at 3:26 am | #

    I have been using QuickLaTeX plugin for quite a while now and everything was working fine, but today I discovered that all my formulas are not showing as they should. All through the website, the Latex code are showing as they are written, no formula is properly displayed as they are used to. Please help me, what is the problem?

    • Posted July 5, 2021 at 9:44 am | #

      You need to disable the “Photon” feature in Jetpack. It adds garbage to every URL pointing to image.

      • Posted July 5, 2021 at 9:00 pm | #

        Thank you. My site is back on track!

  317. Posted August 7, 2021 at 4:50 am | #

    Hello, and thanks for this amazing plugin.
    I have a WordPress site with a bunch of images. In each image’s caption, I put some latex code. This worked for small formulas, but for one large formula, the equation clipped off the right side of the screen when viewed from a mobile device. There was clearly enough space on the left hand side for the formula to be moved however. I tried aligning the formula to the left side, but all the solutions I found online failed. Hopefully this image will show you what I mean: https://henrytechblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/image_2021-08-06_203742.png
    Do you know of any way of fixing this?

    Many thanks, Henry

  318. Martha
    Posted September 24, 2021 at 2:46 am | #

    I have a question about licensing.

    May Quick Latex be used free on commercial website that include the link? That option does not seem to be included in the alternatives.

    Thanks for the great work providing this plugin!!

  319. Posted September 30, 2021 at 11:56 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,

    In Pressbooks I’m getting the error that QuickLatex cannot create dvi file. I see that this error has cropped up previously, and I have the same symptoms: previous formulas on my site are working fine, and all formulas compile correctly outside of Pressbooks. Is this maybe a server issue?

    Really appreciate this plugin! Thanks!

  320. Posted October 4, 2021 at 5:21 pm | #

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you very much for providing Quick Latex, which is very useful. Please look at my website with so many mathematical expressions generated by Quick Latex.

    However, in 1st Oct., 2021, I had a trouble described by

    *** Error message:
    Cannot connect to QucikLatex server: cURL error 60:SSL certificate problem: cirtificate has expired
    Please make sure your server/PHP settings allow HTTP requests to external resources (“allow_url_fopen”,ets.)

    My WordPress version is 5.8.1, and PHP version is 7.4.23 (CGI).
    I am not familiar with the “cURL error 60” problem.
    What should I do?
    I would like to appreciate if you gave any information to solve it.

  321. Posted October 12, 2021 at 3:10 pm | #

    Please anyone tell me how to escape latex $ sign. in normal post when I use dollar mark for currency quick latex render that elements too.

  322. Posted October 19, 2021 at 12:22 am | #

    Loving QuickLaTeX! One issue arising:
    Have u guys any experience in font size on mobile view of a homepage? The formulas are hardly readable from a smartphone POV.
    Cheers from Germany!

  323. Michael Cooper
    Posted October 23, 2021 at 12:15 am | #

    I’m trying to use multiline equations, but QuickLaTeX seems to be ignoring the “\\”. With the following text:

        \[ w_b = \frac{m_b}{m_b+m_f} = \frac{R^3}{(R+r)^3}, \\ w_f = 1 - w_b = \frac{(R+r)^3 - R^3}{(R+r)^3} \]

    the two equations are rendered on the same line in a single image. Do I need to do something special to use the multiline environment?

    • Posted October 23, 2021 at 2:02 pm | #

      You need to use some multi-line environment, e.g. align:

      w_b &= \frac{m_b}{m_b+m_f} = \frac{R^3}{(R+r)^3}, \\
      w_f &= 1 - w_b = \frac{(R+r)^3 - R^3}{(R+r)^3}

      will generate:

          \begin{align*} w_b &= \frac{m_b}{m_b+m_f} = \frac{R^3}{(R+r)^3},  \\ w_f &= 1 - w_b = \frac{(R+r)^3 - R^3}{(R+r)^3} \end{align*}

  324. Posted November 9, 2021 at 12:26 pm | #

    I am unable to use quicklatex for my site hosted by BlueHost. When I preview my page, the formulas briefly appear before being replaced by text and the broken image link. Not sure if it’s because BlueHose is blocking content from another server. Any solutions?

    • Posted November 9, 2021 at 12:48 pm | #

      You need to disable the “Photon” feature in Jetpack plugin. It adds garbage to every URL pointing to image.

      • Posted November 10, 2021 at 7:31 am | #

        Thank you Paveel. That worked. I am using Elementor as an editor for all my wordpress posts. I am able to use in the default wordpress editor block but not in the Elementor blocks. This is true even if I select the WordPress editor block but in Elementor. I have written to Elementor to see if they have a fix, but I doubt it. I wonder if you might have any ideas. Thanks again.

        • Omar
          Posted January 18, 2023 at 5:15 am | #

          Hello Pavel,
          I’m in front of the exact problem Arvind had. Do you have any suggestion about this issue?

        • Omar
          Posted January 18, 2023 at 5:17 am | #

          Hello Pavel,
          Thank you for this amazing tool! It is very useful!
          I’m having the same exact problem with Elementor that Arvind had. Do you have any suggestion to solve this issue please?

  325. Posted November 17, 2021 at 12:09 pm | #

    Hallo Paul,
    I discovered that using the mathdesign package with garamond font will hang the latex interpreter.

    Try this in the preamble, it will give timeouts:

  326. Daniele Bjørn Malesa
    Posted January 11, 2022 at 1:48 am | #

    Hello. First, many, many congratulations for developing and maintaining this fantastic plugin!

    So, I seem to have trouble making QuickLatex recognize dvips color names when used in pgfplots graphics. The best example I can find is… from your own page:


    The beautiful sequence of nested rotated triangles appears in grey scales, while the color should be MidnightBlue (the other example looks fine, but does not use dvipsnames). If I check the original link (https://texample.net/tikz/examples/rotated-triangle/), the figure does appear in blue shades.

    The same problem occurs in my web site: all dvips color names are rendered in black/grey. I have tried to put the [dvipsnames] option in the general preamble of the site:


    or to pass the global option to the class:


    and finally to use


    I also tried the [dvipsnames] option in the local preamble (as opposed as in the general preamble). Nothing seems to work for me, and since the issue appears also in your page, maybe it’s a more general issue, so I thought about asking here.

    I have tried looking the effect on several devices and different browsers – the issue is always there. Thank you in advance for any insight you might have.


    • Posted January 12, 2022 at 9:12 pm | #

      Hello Daniele. thank you very much for the warm and supportive feedback.
      We are aware of the issue, but unfortunately we cannot fix it (on our own).
      It is caused by the dvisvgm program we use to generate SVG image file from dvi.
      This program is part of the LaTeX distribution and at the moment it doesn’t fully support colors.

      As a workaround, please try using PNG image format (QuickLaTeX->System->Image format).

      SVG is preferred image format for web since it allows image scaling without blurring. But PNG supports the most LaTeX features (like colors, etc.)

      • Daniele Malesani
        Posted January 15, 2022 at 7:23 pm | #

        Thank you so much for your reply and for your workaround suggestion. I understand now. Let’s hope future version of dvisvgm will handle this better. Once more, congratulations for maintaining the plugin!

  327. Andi
    Posted January 12, 2022 at 1:29 pm | #

    Hi, I want to donate this plugin via wordpress, but it comes to this page.
    It seems you change the link, since I had did it before.

    • Posted January 12, 2022 at 1:39 pm | #

      Hi Andi! I have just checked the donation code – looks correct and working fine.
      In any case, you can try sending your donation directly to my email address using PayPal: pavel.holoborodko@gmail.com

      Thank you for your support!

  328. Daniela
    Posted August 4, 2022 at 8:06 am | #

    Hi! I wanted to thank you for this plugin, it is very helpful. I am working on a physics textbook using press books and the plugin has been helpful with the formulas. The book is divided into different sections (A-F) and each section has different subsections (1-4). For the numbering of the formulas, we would like to have them numbered as A1.1, A1.2, and so on. I know it is possible to do this manually by changing the tag section, nevertheless, I was wondering if there is a way that the autonumbering will work using this format, or if there is some way I can program it to do so.
    Thank you for your help!

  329. Posted August 11, 2022 at 6:45 am | #

    Hi Pavel,

    Here is what looks like a strange behaviour, and I don’t understand if it imputable to QuickLatex or not …

    I choosed to check the “Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide” button in the advanced parameters and everything works fine, excepts for the comments at the end of a post. They are not visible in vertical mode and – strangely – become visible in vertical mode.

    You can check at the end of https://math-os.com/histoire-lemme-cesaro

    There is no such issue on a computer screen.

    Any clue ? Thank you very much for this amazing plugin !


  330. Posted January 15, 2023 at 10:26 am | #

    First, thanks for this tool, it is a great addition to my blog.

    On my self-hosted WordPress site, I use QuickLatex, and any use of math means that I place a tag at the top of my article.

    I am using WordPress 6.1.1, and QuickLatex 3.8.6. The “Lazy Image Loading” is switched off in Jetpack.

    It appears as though what used to render well in Latex now doesn’t. And some math still does. Math that is in-line with paragraphs like \frac{\pi}{2} still render OK, but any display math or aligned math seems to crap out.

    Here is an article I posted a year ago.

    The malfunctioning code is on the second half of the article, so you will need to scroll down.

    You should see things like:

        \[ \left(1 - x^2\right)^n = {n \choose 0}-{n \choose 1}x^2+{n \choose 2}x^4 - ... \pm {n \choose k}x^{2k} \pm ... \pm {n \choose n}x^{2n} \]

    and like:

        \begin{align*} \pi &= 12 \left(\int_0^{\frac{1}{2}} (1-x^2)^{1/2} dx - \frac{\sqrt{3}}{8}\right) \\ &= 12\int_0^{\frac{1}{2}} (1-x^2)^{1/2} dx - \frac{12\sqrt{3}}{8} \\ &=12\left( x-\frac{x^3}{6}-\frac{x^5}{40}-\frac{x^7}{112}-\frac{5x^9}{1152}\right)\Big|_0^{\frac{1}{2}} - \frac{12\sqrt{3}}{8} \\ &= 12\left(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{48}-\frac{1}{1280}-\frac{1}{14336}-\frac{5}{589284}\right)-\frac{12\sqrt{3}}{8} \\ &= 3.14161 \end{align*}

    This is stuff that no longer renders (but used to). Oddly, the inline math still renders.

    Is there anything you can suggest in troubleshooting this problem?


    • Posted January 15, 2023 at 9:20 pm | #

      I suspect some extra characters were added by WordPress editor to formulas (it adds a lot of characters automatically in in Block mode).
      Switch to HTML mode to see what it added. Most probably it escaped the “\” in some way. That is why QuickLaTeX cannot recognize the formulas.

      • Posted January 16, 2023 at 11:24 am | #

        I use the “Disable Gutenberg” plugin, so block mode is always disabled. I have checked some of the code. I have deliberately used a forward slash instead of a backslash here because your editor will try to render it otherwise. I just want to show some code.

        A = \pi r^2

        The example here would show up in the plain text (non-wysiwyg) editor as literally what I had typed. It does not appear that the editor is adding characters or modifying the code. Still, WordPress makes no attempt at interpreting this code.

        But when I try to use /begin{align*}, the plain text editor shows this:

        /pi & amp;= 4/int_0^1 /left( 1-/frac{x^2}{2}+/frac{x^4}{8}-/frac{x^6}{16}+/frac{15x^8}{384}-... /right) dx //
        & amp;= 4/left( x-/frac{x^3}{6}-/frac{x^5}{40}-/frac{x^7}{112}-/frac{5x^9}{1152}-/frac{7x^{11}}{2816}-/frac{7x^{13}}{1024}-... /right) /Big|_0^1 //
        & amp;= 4/left[1-/frac{1}{6}-/frac{1}{40}-/frac{1}{112}-/frac{5}{1152}-/frac{7}{2816}-/frac{7}{1024}-.../right] //
        & amp;= 3.14297

        This time, all of my &= turned into & amp;=. WordPress also attempted to interpret the * character and attempt to italicize everything. But no latex code was interpreted. (I placed a space deliberately between & and amp; so you can see the code).


        • Posted January 16, 2023 at 11:54 am | #

          Apparently some other plugin or WordPress editor (or both) messes up the latex source code of the formula. For example, when I check HTML code of the page, there are no slashes before [ … ] in displayed math formulas. Something is removing it before QuickLaTeX has a chance to find and process the formula.

          The situation with “& amp” and italicized latex code only proves the text was changed/processed by something else. It was enough for the post to be opened in wysiwyg mode only once – editor changes the text automatically and write changes to database.

          Try fixing some of the equations in HTML mode and see if this helps.

  331. Posted March 5, 2023 at 8:52 pm | #

    Hi! I’m running the math forum ” globalmathforum.com”. bbPress is the plugin that enables users to ask questions. Since it’s a math forum, it had been nice if the users were able to write math expressions in the “create new topic” box / “Ask a question” box. This plugin, QuickLatex doesn’t seem to work with bbPress. Is there anything to do about it? I want the users on my website to be able to write math expressions when writing their math-questions.

    All the best
    Carl Viggo

  332. Posted March 21, 2023 at 7:52 am | #

    Hi! After a plugin updates, my LaTeX rendering is NOT working properly. Any reason for that?

    After deactivating the QuickLateX plugin, my MathJaX plugins save “some formulae” but I do prefer your plugin yet.

    Can you have a look a tell me what is happening? URL: http://www.thespectrumofriemannium.com

    Thank you in advance!

    • Posted March 21, 2023 at 9:22 am | #

      This has nothing to do with QuickLaTeX. Please turn off the Photon feature in JetPack plugin.

      • Posted March 24, 2023 at 7:43 am | #

        Hi, again. Let me know that in my version of Jetpack, 11.9.1, there is no Photon plugin anymore named in that way. I searched a little bit and disabled
        Image CDN
        and it seems it works OK now (excepting some unalligned formulae, strange)
        I am not sure if the Photon plugin has that name anymore.
        Do your plugin supports MathJax or is it independent?

        I am plannig to “evolve” my site but I don’t know what to do with respect to the LaTeX support. Even with MathJax I have no certain properties your plugin makes easy. Another option would be write myself the whole LaTeX code in article style or alike, and upload a pdf.
        But I am not sure if it is useful for many my blog anymore since it seems everyone switched to videos and/or multimedia stuff. Despite I learned OBS studio editing recently (basic stuff at the moment), the emerging IA is a menace for those like me who loves writing, yet! By the way, insertind LaTeX into videos is not easy as far as I know at current time (likely it is, but I don’t know about it).

  333. Posted April 11, 2023 at 2:03 am | #

    Hi Pavel, I am following the above 2011 example of a table on a WP site with the quicklatex default color set to white (dark background) but no matter where I insert the standard \color or your \quicklatex{color=} command can I get the table or its contents to change color, it is defaulting to black despite the setting. Thanks in advance!

  334. Posted September 1, 2023 at 4:19 pm | #

    Hi there

    First, I have had QuickLaTeX installed on logicmatters.net for years and it works brilliantly, so many thanks for that.

    I just thought I would mention that Wordfence keeps returning the warning “The Plugin “WP QuickLaTeX” appears to be abandoned (updated November 2, 2020, tested to WP 5.3.15). Type: Plugin Abandoned”.

    I assume it *isn’t* abandoned and as far as I can tell it still works perfectly on the current version of WP. Maybe you would like to do whatever it takes to make WordPress believe the plugin is still very much alive and well!

    Cheers, and thanks again for the plugin!

    • Posted September 10, 2023 at 9:14 am | #

      Hi Peter,

      Thank you very much for using the plugin and for your supportive words!
      We use simple and compatible techniques in the plugin code. That is why it doesn’t need a lot of attention even for the newest versions of WordPress.
      But, of course, it is not abandoned, we run the back-end server which does all the rendering, provide support, etc. etc.
      We have just updated the plugin code to indicate the compatibility with 6.3.1.

      Thank you!

  335. Bryan Lowder
    Posted October 24, 2023 at 5:51 pm | #

    I was trying to render the following:

        \begin{align*} W &= \int_{\phi=0}^\theta \frac{V^2(\phi)}{R}\,d\phi W &=  \frac{1}{R} \int_{\phi=0}^\theta V^2(\phi)\,d\phi V(\phi)&= \sin(\phi) RW &= \int_{phi=0}^\theta \sin(\phi)^2\,d\phi RW &= \left.\right|_\phi=0^\theta \frac{x}{2}+\frac{\sin(2x)}{4} \end{align*}

    However, the line

    W &=  \frac{1}{R} \int_{\phi=0}^\theta V^2(\phi)\,d\phi
    renders with the integral sign in the denominator of the fraction.
    This also happens in Overleaf. However, MathJAX renders properly with the fraction one over R just before the integral sign.

    This appears to be a bug. Thank you for developing QuickLaTEX.


  336. Ed Daw
    Posted January 11, 2024 at 12:08 am | #

    Thanks for a useful plug-in. For my course I frequently want to include code listings pretty-printed for various languages – PYTHON, VHDL, C++, etc. In the previous incantations of my notes I have used the latex package minted for this. When I add \usepackage{minted} to the preamble, it breaks the build and I end up with this inline error message:

    *** QuickLaTeX cannot compile formula:
    \rm 2.0\,V

    *** Error message:
    Package minted Error: You must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag.
    leading text: \pagestyle
    Emergency stop.
    leading text: \begin{document}

    It would seem like a good idea to invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag. However, I can’t figure out how to add this flag, so perhaps it is just impossible to do so. Advice appreciated – this could also take the form of how easily to do nice looking code listings without using minted.

    • Posted January 11, 2024 at 12:22 am | #

      Package minted uses pygments/python for coloring. We cannot allow to run arbitrary scripts on the server (I suppose this is the meaning of -shell-escape flag).
      Try using some WordPress syntax highlighting plugin for code coloring. I use WP-Syntax plugin for these needs.

  337. Posted May 3, 2024 at 7:11 am | #

    There is support for WP 6.5.2? I need to update the blog and wanted to know

    • Posted May 3, 2024 at 1:05 pm | #

      QuickLaTeX architecture and code were developed a long time ago. Therefore it uses bare minimum features of WordPress.
      As long as WordPress keeps compatibility and don’t break its core features – QuickLaTeX will work on it.

  338. Posted July 25, 2024 at 3:22 am | #

    Hi Pavel,
    I’m using the QuickLaTeX plugin in conjunction with WordPress 6.6.1 hosted by SiteGround.com. I’m having trouble getting flalign* to be left justified. Here are two examples that are left justified the way I want, when I just produce a PDF using texi2pdf, but are centered when I use WordPress and QuickLaTeX. For purposes of the post, I left off the initial backslash in front of “begin” so you could see the latex code I’m using. The difference in the two lines is where I put the ampersands. Both lines are successfully left justified in my pdf.
    \begin{flalign*}&\frac{3}{6}=\frac{2}{4}& \end{flalign*}
    \begin{flalign*}\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{4}&& \end{flalign*}

        \begin{flalign*}&\frac{3}{6}=\frac{2}{4}& \end{flalign*}

        \begin{flalign*}\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{4}&& \end{flalign*}

    Can you help? Is there something I can do to get them left justified? Thanks, – John

    • Posted July 25, 2024 at 1:22 pm | #

      Hi John,

      Plugin doesn’t parse the LaTeX syntax so deeply. But you can align equations manually by using the align=left|center|right attribute with [latex]...[/latex] tag, e.g.:

      [latex align=left]
      \begin{flalign*}&\frac{3}{6}=\frac{2}{4}& \end{flalign*}
      \begin{flalign*}\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{4}&& \end{flalign*}

      generates left-aligned result:

           \begin{flalign*}&\frac{3}{6}=\frac{2}{4}& \end{flalign*} \begin{flalign*}\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{4}&& \end{flalign*}

      • Posted July 25, 2024 at 2:40 pm | #

        Yay! Thanks! It works. I didn’t know about short code. Thanks again! – John

  339. Posted July 26, 2024 at 1:13 pm | #

    Hi Pavel,
    I just tried posting another question, but it didn’t show up, so I’m trying again. I’m trying to get a dollar sign to appear next to a number in a formula. I can almost do it if I put a backslash in front of a dollar sign, then a space, and then the formula. But I can’t put the dollar sign inside the formula. Here’s the closest I can get:
    $ 18.79 is the cost. Is there a way to put a dollar sign inside an equation, and have it show up as a dollar sign? Thanks, – John

    • Posted July 26, 2024 at 3:13 pm | #

      Please use \mathdollar, e.g.: $\mathdollar 18.79$ generates \mathdollar 18.79

      • Posted July 26, 2024 at 4:08 pm | #

        Hi Pavel, Thanks again! That works great! – John

28 Trackbacks

  1. By Pineo.net, now with Latex! on July 19, 2009 at 9:05 am

    […] (which happens to be a good approximation of the response function of simple cells in the primary visual cortex of the brain)  Well, the fact that WordPress plugins are a major reason I chose to use WordPress to create this site.  In particular, I chose the QuickLaTeX plugin availible here. […]

  2. […] mendapatkan plugin WP-QuickLatex ini, silakan kunjungi situs si pembuatnya di http://www.holoborodko.com atau melalui plugin search yang ada di dashboard WordPress […]

  3. […] mendapatkan plugin WP-QuickLatex ini, silakan kunjungi situs si pembuatnya di http://www.holoborodko.com atau melalui plugin search yang ada di dashboard WordPress […]

  4. […] WP QuickLaTeX lets me write math that doesn’t look like garbage. […]

  5. By Math formulas with LaTeX | Single Point of Failure on December 2, 2009 at 10:26 pm

    […] some strange topics on this blog, specially now that blog this supports Latex formulas using the WP-QuickLaTeX […]

  6. By LaTeX Plugin : Code Obscurata on June 6, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    […] Powered by QuickLaTeX.com” and QuickLaTeX as a WordPress plugin. […]

  7. By Nth Root of N : Code Obscurata on June 8, 2010 at 5:10 am

    […] Powered by QuickLaTeX.com” and QuickLaTeX as a WordPress plugin. […]

  8. By The cubic formula : Code Obscurata on November 9, 2010 at 2:18 am

    […] Powered by QuickLaTeX.com” and QuickLaTeX as a WordPress plugin. […]

  9. […] Самый лучший плагин в этой области http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/quicklatex/ […]

  10. By Pressbooks 5.9.0 | Pressbooks on July 11, 2019 at 1:05 am

    […] to install and host the pb-mathjax microservice, you may wish to install and network activate the WP QuickLaTeX […]

  11. […] use WP QuickLaTeX by Pavel Holoborodko in some of my articles to include mathematical formulas. Now it can be an […]

  12. By Setting Up My First Blog – Philip's blog on October 6, 2019 at 2:43 pm

    […] “fancy” LaTeX packages I ended up needing (e.g. algorithmicx). But then I found the QuickLaTeX plugin and was blown away. I can use not only cross references and equation numbers but also use fancy […]

  13. […] It has a cool history, but to write my study notes, I just needed to figure out how to use it in these blog posts. A WordPress blog hosted at wordpress.com already has support for LaTeX available. For a self-hosted site like this, I searched for a plugin. There are quite a few; I settled on QuickLaTeX. […]

  14. By Impressum – Das theoretische Minimum on July 21, 2020 at 5:44 pm

    […] Die mathematischen Formeln auf diesen Seiten wurde gerendert mit QuickLaTeX. […]

  15. […] Image Credit: Max T. Dylla Powered by QuickLaTeX […]

  16. […] Photo Credit: Sergio Souza Powered by QuickLaTeX […]

  17. By Succumbing to LaTeX – Sean Carroll on October 13, 2020 at 1:28 am

    […] I’m using the QuickLaTeX plugin; more details here. […]

  18. […] how I managed to include all those pretty pretty math formulas in this post – I am using the QuickLaTeX WordPress plug-in and I must say I really like the result. In previous posts I used a LaTeX web […]

  19. By Equations and stuff – All about everything on January 7, 2021 at 1:45 am

    […] posting images equations I am using WP QuickLaTeX plugin by Pavel […]

  20. […] WP-QuickLaTeX plugin  Mình chọn plugin này cho Blog học vật lý được tạo từ wordpress. […]

  21. By latex rendering server | a nostalgic nomad on June 19, 2021 at 4:16 pm

    […] to using QuickLatex WordPress plugin to render LaTeX […]

  22. By math expression on www | a nostalgic nomad on June 19, 2021 at 4:18 pm

    […] to using QuickLatex WordPress plugin to render LaTeX […]

  23. By Recommendations for a LaTeX Plugin? on August 3, 2022 at 2:25 pm

    […] developer of WP-QuickLaTeX plugin. It is developed for mathematicians driven by feeling that math doesn’t deserve to be […]

  24. By Math on the web | Techademia on September 14, 2022 at 12:29 am

    […] at Vassar, we have just installed the QuickLaTeX plug-in and are very happy with its performance— if what you want to do is typing or copy/pasting […]

  25. […] developer of WP-QuickLaTeX plugin. It is developed for mathematicians driven by feeling that math doesn’t deserve to be […]

  26. By WP Latex Math | Revista Matemática on March 14, 2023 at 12:53 pm

    […] Para más información, puede visitar http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/quicklatex/ […]

  27. […] discovered WP QuickLaTeX, a wordpress plugin, and it’s associated QuickLaTeX service. Together, they appear to permit extremely low-faff use of LaTeX via wordpress. Rendered content […]

  28. […] WP-QuickLaTeX allows you to insert formulas and graphics in the posts and comments using native LaTeX shorthands directly in the text. […]

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